
Telephone, television, refrigerator….?
好可惜的英文只會用 What a pity? What a shame?…..





1. Television (電視)

→ TV

2. Telephone (電話)

→ phone, mobile, cell

3. Refrigerator (冰箱)

→ fridge

4. automobile/auto (車子)

→ car

5. What a pity. / What a shame. (真是遺憾阿!/真是丟臉阿!)

→ That’s too bad.

6. Pardon me. (抱歉)

→ Excuse me.


1. enter (進入):”I entered the building.”

→ I went into the building.

2. exit (離開):”I exited at 5 p.m. yesterday.”

→ I left at 5 p.m. yesterday.

3. depart (離開):”He is departing.”

→ He is leaving.

4. receive (收到):”I received an email.”

→ I got an email.

5. locate (找到…的位置):”I located my marker.”

→ I found my marker.

6. disco (舞廳):”Would you like to go to the disco tonight?”

→ Would you like to go to the nightclub tonight?

7. occupation (職業):”What’s your occupation?”

→  What do you do (for a living)?



1. 邀請他人出外用餐
學校怎麼教:What do you want to eat? (小編自己也會這樣說嗚嗚)
老外怎麼說:What do you feel like?

2. 表示有空
學校怎麼教:I’m free every day.
老外怎麼說:Anytime is good with me.

3. 接受邀請
學校怎麼教:Yes, I do.
老外怎麼說:Sounds good.


4. 婉拒店員協助
學校怎麼教:No, thank you.
老外怎麼說:I’m just browsing.  (我只是隨便看看,中文也很常這樣講對吧!英文也這麼說吧!)

5. 這件有黑色的嗎?
學校怎麼教:Do you have black one?
老外怎麼說:Does this come in black?  (用come in)


6. 搭車去飯店
老外怎麼說:We’re staying at the Sheraton. (記得要用stay!台灣人很常用成live,live有長住的意思)

7. 給小費
學校怎麼教:Here’s a tip for you.
老外怎麼說:This is for you. Keep the change.  (不用找了!)


8. 請對方自我介紹
學校怎麼教:Could you introduce yourself?  (用introduce感覺好像太正式了齁~)
老外怎麼說:Could you tell me about yourself?

9. 談談自己生活狀況
老外怎麼說:I have my own place.(不要說成I live outside.囉)

10. 問語言能力
學校怎麼教:Can you speak Chinese?
老外怎麼說:Do you speak Chinese?

註:Do you speak Chinese? = 你會說中文嗎   Can you speak Chinese = 你會/能說中文嗎/你可以說中文嗎?

11. 稱讚外國人語言能力
學校怎麼教:You speak Chinese very well.
老外怎麼說:I like the way you speak Chinese. (用另一種方式表達,更有fu!)


12. 談論天氣
學校怎麼教:I am afraid of cold.
老外怎麼說:I can’t stand the cold. (stand是指忍受的意思)

13. 談論雨天
學校怎麼教:It’s raining cats and dogs. (學校常這樣教,拜託別這樣用)
老外怎麼說:It’s really raining.


14. 談論約會對象
學校怎麼教:Do you mind if your boyfriend is a short man? (哈哈小編不禁笑了出來,根本直接中翻英)
老外怎麼說:Would you ever date a short man?

15. 交往期間
學校怎麼教:How long have you and your boyfriend been together?
老外怎麼說:How long have you been going out with your boyfriend?


16. 不客氣
學校怎麼教:You’re welcome.
老外怎麼說:No problem. (實用阿!!)

17. 幫忙轉接電話
學校怎麼教:I’ll transfer the call for you.
老外怎麼說:I’ll transfer you.

18. 詢問時間
學校怎麼教:What time is it now?
老外怎麼說:Do you have the time?



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作者:Sunny Hsu
photo source: google google
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