

“Excuse me. How do I get to the railway station, please?” (想請問如何到火車站?)
“Excuse me. Where’s the nearest hospital, please?” (想請問最近的醫院在哪裡?)
“Excuse me. I’m looking for the Number 8 bus stop.” (想請問八號車站牌在哪裡?)

這時候,如果換作為小編,往往驚慌失措,英文能力頓時被拋到腦外,用最原始的英文單字,支支吾吾、比手畫腳地說,Hmm, this way and then that way…”或是說個”Sorry, I don’t know….”

一、指認方向用語 The easiest / quickest way is….(最快到達的路是…)

  • 用於指認方向時:Go + Direction (ex. Right, left,down , up, through…)

舉例:Go down the slope. (走下斜坡)
舉例:Go through a tunnel. (穿越隧道)
舉例:Go up the hill. (走上斜坡)

  • 用於描述哪一條道路的時候:Take + Road Name

舉例:You can take the Road 1.

  • 用於回答開車者:Turn Right / Left (When someone is driving!)
  • 持續向哪一條道路前行:Stay on + Road Name + Distance (km/miles) / Time

舉例:You need to take a left, and then stay on the road for half an hour. (相似詞:Go along)

  • 說明目標物在對面時:(Diagonally) opposite (如果加上Diagonally,表示未必在正對面)

舉例:It’s diagonally opposite the bank

  • 其他形容距離的用句

“It’s about five minutes from here.”
“It’s about a ten-minute walk.”

  • 要用Google Map查詢時,可以說:

“It’s easier if I can show you on the map…”


  Directions                                            Phrases
    Left  go left
turn left
it’s on the left
take a left
take the second (turning) on the left
   Right  go right
turn right
it’s on the right
take a right
take the second (turning) on the right
   Ahead  go ahead
go straight ahead
go straight on


After that…在…之後
When you get to…當你到了…
Finally 最後


You Turn left. After that, you take road number 1.Then, you turn Right! Next, you will see a church.
When you get to the church, you go down the slope. Finally, that’s your destination!


taxi rank 出租車停靠站
traffic lights 紅綠燈
level crossing 平交道
underpass 地下道
roundabout 環狀交叉路口
overpass / flyover 天橋
zebra crossing 斑馬線
pedestrian crossing 行人穿越道
tunnel 隧道
crossroads 十字路口
junction 交叉路口
fork in the road 岔路口
turning 轉角
main road 主要道路
lane 小路、小巷

Go straight on at the lights (traffic lights) when you come to the crossroads.
Go across the roundabout.
“Take the first turning / road / street on your left / right.”

“Excuse me. I’m looking for the post office.”
“OK. Go straight on, then turn left at the crossroads. It’s about 100 metres on your left. You can’t miss it!”
“You’re welcome.”


加映場:如何問路?Asking for directions!

作者:Sylvia Chu

Learn English with Let’s Talk – Free English Lessons
BBC Learning English
Photo Source:
Brian Talbot , CC Licensed


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