Mask up! 全民防疫不鬆懈!帶你讀英文報導了解美國口罩爭議

疫情之下衍生的英文片語 mask up 是什麼意思呢?
接下來就帶你閱讀英文文章了解美國口罩爭議與 mask up 的用法吧!

mask up 這個片語,你聽過嗎?被新冠病毒籠罩的 2020 年,產生了 mask up 這個新片語,以下就讓小編帶你了解這個片語的來源和意思吧!

mask up 是由動詞 mask 和 副詞 up 所組成的動詞片語。mask 動名詞同形,作名詞時意思為「口罩,面罩」,例如「戴口罩」的英文為 wear a mask,「脫下口罩」為 take off the mask。mask 作動詞時意思則為「偽裝,掩蓋」,相似詞為 hide。而含有副詞 up 的片語,大多有「準備做…」的意思,因此,mask up 原意為「偽裝身份」,而今年因為疫情而引申為「戴上口罩」的意思,特別是指出入公共場合時,為了自己及他人著想,戴上口罩阻絕病毒傳播的行為。以下小編為你造幾個句子,讓你更了解 mask up 這個動詞片語。

You should mask up to stop the spread of the virus for yourself and other people.

Practicing social distancing and masking up when you are in public are not only for yourself but also others.

下方要帶大家閱讀的是 USA Today 發表的這篇英文報導:Petrow: Why Americans wearing face masks to fight COVID-19 shows hope for our future


One anti-masker, Ashley Smith, a co-founder of ReOpen NC, took to Facebook last month in a video rant against mandatory face coverings. She invoked her right to “personal liberty and the constitution and personal freedom,” declaring, “I’m standing up and I’m saying, I will not comply.”
(「重新開放紐約」活動的共同創辦人 Ashley Smith 反對強制戴口罩的政策,上個月她在臉書上傳一部影片,怒罵強制戴口罩的政策。她搬出 「個人自主、憲法和個人自由」等權利,並宣稱:「我要站出來說,我是不會服從的。」)


mandatory 為形容詞,意思是「強制的,義務的」,相似詞為 compulsory。

It’s mandatory for men in Taiwan to do military service.

The Taiwanese government made it mandatory for people riding scooters to wear helmets.


comply 為動詞,意思是「服從,遵守」,相似詞為 obey,常用片語為 comply with sth.。

All the members in this organization need to comply with these regulations.

Sally thought her manager’s request was unreasonable so she refused to comply.
Sally 認為主管的要求不合理,所以拒絕服從。

過期的食物還是可以吃?這些標示根本沒意義!(It’s not you. Date labels on food make no sense.)

反口罩運動越演越烈,發起者 Ashley Smith 更直接帶領了「燒口罩」的行動,激烈的不服從運動蔓延至美國各州,包括猶他州和舊金山等地。而一直堅持不戴口罩的美國總統川普,在民調下滑後態度大轉變,並首度戴口罩公開亮相。儘管反口罩者十分激進以求關注,還是有許多支持戴口罩的觀點值得我們深思。美國是個重視個人利益的國家,但在病毒肆虐的非常時期,是否應該拋棄自私的想法,以全體作為出發點,為大眾著想呢?畢竟戴口罩可不是僅僅為了自己呢!以下就來看看有哪些反駁拒戴口罩者的說法吧!

Increasingly, as the pandemic surges again in many parts of the U.S. (and globally), the message — that our collective fate depends on all of us — is catching fire. Megan O’Rourke, an essayist for The Atlantic captured this perfectly when she wrote, “No person is an island; the nation that believes in individuals more than it values community risks its own survival.”
(隨著新冠疫情在美國(全球)許多地區再次日益劇增之際,我們集體的命運取決於我們自己——這項說法開始受大家關注,而身為《大西洋雜誌》作家的 Megan O’Rourke,完美地刻畫出這項說法,她寫道:「人無法獨自存活,因此,一個比起重視集體,更相信個人的國家,是在冒著存亡的風險。 」 )


surge 動名詞同形,意思是「急遽增加,激增」,此外也有「奔湧向前」的意思。

The oil price has surged since the outbreak of war in the Middle East.

The unemployment rate in this country has surged this year.


collective 源自動詞 collect,為形容詞,意思是「集體的,共同的」,例如:collective decision (共同決定)、collective responsibility (集體責任)。意思相近的字詞為 communal、common。

The president called all citizens to make a collective effort to fight the virus.

All the decisions governments make should give priority to collective happiness and collective interests.

人生課題:為什麼有時單身是比較好的選擇? (Reasons to Remain Single)


A survey conducted by Morning Consult in June concluded that about three-quarters of respondents (74 percent) said they wore masks “to protect themselves and others.” (Another 6% claimed to wear masks because it’s required.) In total, that’s an astounding 80 percent of those surveyed who said they were wearing masks, largely to benefit the common good.
(Morning Consult 六月所做的調查指出,3/4 的受訪者回答他們戴口罩的原因是:「保護自己和他人。」另外有 6% 的人聲稱是依規定才戴的。令人震驚的是,總計有 80% 的受訪者說他們戴口罩絕大部分是為了造福大眾利益。)

common good

common good 為名詞,意思是「共同利益,大眾利益」。

We should work for the common good instead of only for ourselves.

Taking actions to prevent global warming is for the global common good.

搭手扶梯到底應該站在哪一邊?(The Unseen Inefficiency of Escalator Etiquette – Cheddar Explains)


Despite the protests and lack of presidential leadership, Americans clearly understand the importance of “we — not me” in fighting this pandemic. Maybe we can even apply it to other challenges, starting with climate change.


apply 為動詞,在此意思是「使應用於」,常用片語為 apply A to B (將 A 應用於 B)、apply to sb. (適用於某人)。

Once you have learned this method, you can apply it to different tasks.

This new rule doesn’t apply to students who entered the school before this year.

看完這篇文章有沒有對美國的口罩風波更加了解了呢?不管如何,在疫情仍在變動的時刻,還是要 Mask up! 把口罩戴起來!防疫從你我做起,大家齊心一起對抗病毒吧!


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文/ Annie Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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