

Jeff 是一位平凡的上班族,今天是禮拜一,鬧鐘響了但 Jeff 睡得正香甜……
Jeff 起來啊!Jeff 上班了!
Jeff 會不會上班遲到呢!?先來和小 V 一起學習以下三個單字!

be late for… (phr.) 遲到

late 在此為形容詞,意思是「遲到的」,常搭配介系詞 for 再接遲到的場合。

Henry was fired because he was always late for work.
Henry 上班總是遲到,所以被炒魷魚了。

late 亦可指「延遲的;延誤的」。

I was late for school because the bus was late.

punctual (adj.) 守時的

punctual 是形容詞,意思是「準時的;守時的」。這個字源自於拉丁文 punctualis,原來意思是「尖端;尖頂;點」,想想「準時」和「準點」之間是不是也有關係呢?

Being punctual is one of Brenda’s many good traits.
守時是 Brenda 的眾多優點之一。

dock (v.) 扣薪

dock 當名詞時意思是「碼頭」,但在這裡它作為動詞,意思是「扣薪」,其主詞常為 pay/wages (薪資),另外 dock 也有「(使) 靠岸,(使) 停泊,(使) 進港」的意思。

Jeff’s boss decided to dock his pay because of how often he came into work late.
Jeff 的老闆決定給他扣薪水,因為他太常遲到了。

回到 Jeff 的臥室,他的手機響了。

Jeff: (picking up the phone) Hello … ?
Jeff:(接起手機) 喂…?

Brenda: JEFF!


Jeff: Who is this …?


Brenda: It’s Brenda. It’s 8 o’clock and we’re about to start the meeting! Where are you!?

Brenda:我 Brenda 啦。已經八點了,會議要開始了!你人在哪!?

Jeff: (jumping out of bed) I missed my alarm!

Jeff:(跳下床) 我錯過鬧鐘了!

Brenda: Again!? Come on, you’re going to
be late for the meeting!

Jeff: Alright, alright, I’m on my way.


Brenda: (sigh) When will you start being
Brenda:(嘆氣) 你什麼時候才會守時。

Jeff: Damn, I hope my pay won’t be docked.

Jeff 趕得及開會嗎?記好以下三個單字,我們再繼續 Jeff 的故事!

in time (phr.) 及時

in time 為時間副詞片語,意思是「及時」,易混淆片語 on time 意思則是「準時」(意思同上一節講到的 punctual)。

Henry arrived at the wedding ceremony in time to find out he forgot to bring the ring.
Henry 及時趕上婚禮,卻發現忘了帶戒指。

The wedding ceremony began on time.

flexible working hours (n.) 彈性工時

flexible 是形容詞,表示「彈性的」,working hours 的意思是「上班時間」(注意不要寫成 work hours,且要用複數 hours),也就是「工時」。補充:fixed working hours (固定工時),fixed 在此意思是「固定的」。

My working hours are quite flexible. My boss doesn’t care when I arrive at the office, so long as I get my work done.

clock out (phr.) 打卡下班

clock out 意思為「打卡下班」,反義詞 clock in 則是「打卡上班」。同義片語還有 punch in 和 punch out,其中 punch 的意思為「打洞」。

Tammy usually clocks in at ten in the morning and clocks out at seven in the evening.
Tammy 通常早上 10 點打卡上班、傍晚 7 點打卡下班。


Brenda: Will you be late tomorrow, Jeff?
Brenda:你明天會遲到嗎 Jeff?

Jeff: Thank you for waking me up this morning, but enough with the sarcasm!


Brenda: Haha, fine. I still don’t know how you managed to get to the meeting
in time.

Jeff: That’s because I live very close.


Brenda: Then how come you’re late so often!?


Jeff: Dunno, it’s a mystery. (walking out of the office) Hey, don’t you think it would be better if we have
flexible working hours? In that case, we could… (walking into the elevator)
Jeff:不知,是個謎。(走出辦公室) 嘿,你不覺得如果有彈性工時會更好嗎?那樣的話,我們就… (走進電梯)

Brenda: Jeff, wait! You forgot to
clock out!

不是啊 Jeff!上班遲到,下班也忘了打卡,這樣不行呀!你也有像 Jeff 一樣迷糊的同事嗎?


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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語