今天要帶大家閱讀的是 Taiwan Today 發表的這篇英文報導:Stimulus vouchers available for pre-order July 1
身為台灣人的各位都知道 7/1 開始就可以預購首波三倍券了吧!政府發放三倍券的用意就是為了振興經濟,而「振興經濟」的英文該怎麼說?讓我們看看以下的報導吧。
Stimulus vouchers aimed at spurring consumption in Taiwan are available for pre-order from July 1, highlighting government efforts to boost economic activity in the post-pandemic new life.
(為了刺激台灣消費而發行的振興券從 7/1 起就可以開始預購,振興券突顯了台灣政府在大流感間期為了促進經濟活動所做的努力。)
Table of Contents
stimulus voucher
stimulus 為名詞,意思是「刺激,促進」,voucher 為名詞,意思是「票券」,因此 stimulus voucher 意思就是「振興券」,而我們所說的「三倍券」,英文為 triple stimulus voucher。
The Taiwanese government has issued stimulus vouchers to boost the economy following the recession caused by the virus.
boost 為動詞,意思是「促進,推動」,例如:boost economy (促進經濟,振興經濟)。
Governments in different countries have devised various plans to boost domestic economic growth.
各國政府發想不同的計畫來刺激國內經濟成長。The new policy aims to boost tourism in Taiwan.
【CNN10】封城意外收穫、遊客成島主、冰壅 (Shutdown Is Clearing The Air | April 23, 2020)
All Taiwan nationals and foreign spouses of Taiwan citizens with residency are eligible to receive the benefits by making an out-of-pocket payment of NT$1,000 (US$34) in return for NT$3000 in vouchers.
(所有的台灣公民及有居留權的外籍配偶都有資格獲得這項補助,只要你先自付 1,000 元新台幣,就會得到 3,000 元的振興券。)
eligible 為形容詞,意思是「有資格的,符合資格的」,常用片語為 be eligible for sth. / to do sth.。
Sally’s high grades make her eligible for this scholarship.
Sally 的分數夠高,所以她有資格獲得獎學金。Because he is poor, he is eligible for a government subsidy.
out-of-pocket 為形容詞,意思是「自付的,墊付的」,例如:out-of-pocket expenses (墊付費用),多於商業時使用,指的是自己先支出而日後公司會核銷的費用。
She incurred some out-of-pocket expenses during her business trip to the U.S.
她去美國出差時產生了一些墊付費用。There will be no out-of-pocket costs if you have a national health card.
三倍券可以在線上或是便利商店預購,並在指定的店家和超商領取,而 7/15 開始,也可以直接去郵局現場購買領取。如果你有跟上首波預購熱潮的話,在 7/15-31 這段期間就可以拿到熱騰騰的三倍券了!而領取三倍券時該攜帶哪些證件?可別太過興奮而兩手空空就出門,這樣可得空手而歸囉!
Printed vouchers can be pre-ordered online or at major convenience stores countrywide July 1-7 and collected July 15-31 at designated locations including drugstores and supermarkets. Individuals are required to present their national health cards, national ID cards or Alien Resident Certificates when picking them up.
(7/1-7/7 期間,紙本三倍券可以在網路或是全省四大超商預購,7/15-7/31 期間,可以在指定的地方領取,如藥局和超市。領取三倍券時要出示身分證、健保卡,或是僑胞居留證。)
national 為形容詞,意思是「國民的,國家的」,national 當名詞,意思是「國民,公民」。如果在字首加上 inter- (在…之間),international 意思為「在國家之間」,也就是「國際的」。
There will be national elections in Morocco next year.
明年摩洛哥將會有全國性的大選。Taiwanese nationals can preorder stimulus vouchers at any convenience store.
首波預購沒跟到?不要擔心,第二波預購緊接而來,8/1-8/7 第二波三倍券預購開跑,屆時 8/15-8/31 就可以領券了。振興三倍券除了紙本還有數位的形式,三倍券可以綁定哪些數位工具呢?
Vouchers can also be obtained digitally by registering credit cards, stored value cards or mobile payment apps on the program website beginning July 1, the minister said, adding that individuals will receive NT$2,000 worth of credit after spending NT$3,000 between July 15 and Dec. 31.
(數位政委唐鳳表示,7/1 起藉由在網站上註冊信用卡、儲值卡或是行動支付 app,也可以以數位的方式獲取三倍券,在 7/15 至 12/31 期間花費 3,000 新台幣後,會獲得 2,000 元的信用回饋。)
stored value card
store 在此作動詞,意思是「儲值」,value 在此作名詞,意思是「價格」,因此 stored value card 的意思為「儲值卡」,哪些卡是儲值卡呢?一卡通、悠遊卡或是 icash,都屬於儲值卡,就是我們需要儲值現金才可以使用的卡。
You can get your digital stimulus vouchers on a stored value card and get extra money in return.
According to Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-Hua, most types of expenditure qualify under the project, including online ticket sales of arts, sports and tourism events, though utility payments and purchases of stocks or tobacco products are exempt.
expenditure 為名詞,意思是「花費,支出」,相似詞為 costs,常用的字詞如:public expenditure (公共支出)。
The government is trying to think of a plan to reduce expenditures this year.
政府試著想出一個可以減少今年支出的計畫。Many parents hope the government will increase expenditure on education.
exempt 作形容詞,意思是「被豁免的,被免除的」,常用片語為 be exempt from (從…中免除)。
He was exempt from jury duty because he knew the accused.
因為他認識被告,所以免除擔任陪審員的義務。My brother was exempt from military service because he had bad eyesight.
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文/ Annie Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pixabay
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