
加上近日又發生 《國安法》的問題,

今天要帶大家來看的是 TAIPEI TIMES 的這篇英文報導:Number of Hong Kongers seeking residency spikes


The number of people from Hong Kong applying for residency in Taiwan last year rose 41 percent from a year earlier to 5,858, National Immigration Agency statistics showed.
(根據移民署的統計資料來看,去年申請來台居留之港人人數高達 5,858 人,比前年多出 41%。)
The statistics also showed that 600 applications were filed by Hong Kong residents in the first quarter of this year—three times the number filed in the same period last year—with applicants apparently not deterred by the COVID-19 pandemic.
(統計資料顯示,今年第一季就有 600 位申請者為香港居民,比去年同期還要多出三倍,顯然申請者並未因新冠肺炎而打消移民念頭。)

the number of

常常把 the number of 和 a number of 互相混淆嗎? the number of 用來指「某樣東西的數量」,用法為 the number of + 複數名詞 + 單數動詞。a number of 則是指「一些的,很多的」,用法為 a number of + 複數名詞 + 複數動詞。

The number of left-handed students in our class has doubled this year to  four.

A number of people gathered on the street to stage a protest against racial injustice.


deter 為動詞,意思是「阻止,使 (某人) 不敢 (去做某事)」,通常會搭配介系詞 from 使用,句型為 deter sb. from doing sth.。

This rule aims to deter people from driving after drinking alcohol.

其實,香港移民潮並非第一次出現。早在 1997 年香港主權移交以及 2014 年雨傘革命運動期間,都曾引發移民浪潮。  

?知識小學堂:雨傘革命發生於 2014/9/26~12/15,香港人民為了爭取真普選,自發性走上街頭,進行抗爭。之所以被命名為「雨傘革命」是因為民眾為了防禦警察的胡椒噴霧,紛紛拿起雨傘阻擋。

There was a wave of immigration to Taiwan in 1997 when Hong Kong was handed over to China, followed by a second wave during the 2014 “Umbrella movement,” the Taiwanese consultant said, adding that a third wave occurred last year, around the time of the protests against a proposed extradition bill.
(台灣移民顧問表示:1997 年香港主權移交給中國時也曾爆發香港移民至台灣的浪潮,第二次移民潮發生在 2014 年的「雨傘革命」,而去年爆發的反送中事件也引發了第三次的移民浪潮。)

解密香港示威者如何秘密逃往台灣 (Inside the Secret Network Helping Protesters Flee Hong Kong | The Dispatch)

hand over

hand over 為動詞片語,意思是「移交 (控制權、責任等)」。補充一個相關片語:hand over fist,指「迅速大量地 (賺錢或賠錢)」。

Our company lost money hand over fist due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The bomber was handed over to the FBI.


Sixteen possible ways of applying for residency are stipulated in the Regulations Governing Residency or Permanent Residency for People of the Hong Kong Area and the Macau Area (港澳居民進入台灣地區及居留定居許可辦法). These include applying as a blood relative or spouse of a Taiwanese, as a skilled person holding a Hong Kong Government-issued certificate in a specialized field, as a person of extraordinary accomplishment in a specific field, or as a businessperson investing NT$6 million (US$199,940) or more in Taiwan.
(《港澳居民進入台灣地區及居留定居許可辦法》中規定 16 種申請居留台灣的辦法。其中包括,第一,有台灣直系親屬者或另一半為台灣人。第二,於特定領域具有專業技術能力且取得香港政府核發之執照者。第三,在台灣投資超過六百萬台幣。)


 stipulate 為動詞,指「規定,約定」,其名詞形為 stipulation。常用句型:stipulate + (that) S (should) + 原形動詞。要特別注意的是,後面需接原形動詞是因為前面省略了一個 should。 這個句型常用於表示「建議、要求、命令、規定 (某人) 應該如何做」,例如:suggest、require、demand、order。

The new law stipulated that children under three must use a car seat.


certificate 為可數名詞,指「證書,證照」。中文意思一樣是「證照」的單字還有 license,兩者雖然中文意思相近,但使用時機上還是有些不同。certificate 是官方給予的證明文件,用來證明一件事實,例如:a birth certificate (出生證明)。而 license 也是官方核發的文件,但不同於 certificate 只是單純證明事實,license 賦予你權利去做一件事,例如:driver’s licence (駕照)。

If you want to apply for this job, you need to provide a certificate showing that you are qualified to drive forklifts.

The minimum age to get a driver’s license in Taiwan is 18.

【人權教育】香港逾百萬人反送中遊行:他們為什麼要反對逃犯條例? (Why a million Hong Kongers protested against extradition law)

香港中文大學最近針對移民做了項調查,結果顯示出最受香港人喜愛的移民目的地前三名分別是:加拿大 (17.5%)、澳洲 (13.8%) 和台灣 (12.1%)。接著,就帶你看看是哪項特點使得台灣成為香港的移民熱選之地!

People from other countries immigrating to Taiwan through investment must invest a minimum of NT$30 million, but those from Hong Kong can immigrate with a significantly lower investment, making Taiwan an appealing option, the Taiwanese consultant said.


immigrate 為動詞,意思是「移民 (移入)」,其名詞形為 immigration。那麼,若要表示「移出 (至某國)」要怎麼說呢?沒錯,就是用 emigrate 這個字。國高中時我們都學過「移入」和「移出」的概念,忘記沒關係,快看看以下例句,保證馬上讓你重拾記憶!

Many Hong Kong citizens plan to immigrate to Canada due to the political unrest.

More and more Hong Kong residents desire to emigrate following the National People’s Congress’ approval of the new national security law for Hong Kong.


option 為名詞,意思是「選擇,選項」。補充常見用法:have no option (but to do sth.),用來表示「別無選擇 (只能…)」。

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we had no option but to cancel our trip.

以上就是小 V 今天想要分享的英文報導。身為地球村的一份子,一定要時時關注國際時事、了解世界動向。同時,也別忘了要好好記住今天所學的英文單字片語喔!


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文/ Annie Chien
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pixabay

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