

職場新鮮人 Irene 工作才不到一週,就發現同事 Jacob 不理她,為什麼呢…

Irene: What’s wrong with Jacob? He just ignored me when I greeted him this morning.
Irene: Jacob 怎麼了?我今天早上跟他打招呼的時候,他直接無視我。

Chloe: I told you he’s a snowflake.
Chloe: 我早跟你說過他很玻璃心。

Irene: Did I do or say something to offend him?
Irene: 我做了或是說了什麼話惹到他嗎?

Chloe: No. But do you remember when you answered the manager’s question for him yesterday? He probably thought you did it deliberately to make him look bad. 
Chloe: 沒有,但你記得你昨天幫他回答了經理的問題嗎?他可能會覺得妳在故意讓他難堪。

Irene: What? I knew he was self-centered, but I never realized he was such a narcissist. 
Irene: 蛤?我的確知道他很自我中心,但我從來不知道他這麼自戀。

Chloe: Yeah, and he’s very cocky. He always holds the opinions and ideas of others in contempt. 
Chloe: 沒錯,而且他還很自大,他總是對他人的點子不屑一顧,覺得自己最厲害。

Irene: Well… no wonder all of you told me to keep my distance. 
Irene: 唉…難怪你們都叫我要離他遠點。

Irene 的一片好心似乎被誤會了,職場關係真的很困難啊!

snowflake (n.) 玻璃心

snowflake 原本的意思是「雪花」,「玻璃心」是形容人過度敏感、脆弱,英文裡就用 snowflake 來形容。

She’s such a snowflake! When the boss gently pointed out her mistakes, she threw a massive tantrum. 

self-centered (adj.) 自我中心的

self-centered 直譯就是「自我中心的」,指凡事都用自己的角度思考、揣測的人,這類人通常也很自私 (selfish),凡事只考慮自己利益、需求。

We hate traveling with John. He’s so self-centered that he never takes others’ opinions into consideration.
我們很討厭跟 John 一起旅行,他太自我中心了,完全不會考量別人的意見。

cocky (adj.) 自大的;自負的

cock 是「公雞」,給人昂首挺立的印象,形容詞 cocky 就好像是形容那些昂首向前,但過分自信、趾高氣昂的人,可以翻成「自大的;自負的」。

He is very cocky and always thinks that he is superior to others.

中午吃飯時間,Jacob 便跟同事 Hanson 抱怨起 Irene。

Jacob: Do you know the newbie, Irene? She really bugs me!
Jacob: 你知道那個菜鳥 Irene 嗎?她真的很討厭!

Hanson: What happened?
Hanson: 怎麼了?

Jacob: Yesterday when the manager was asking me some questions, she rushed to answer. I knew the answer, I was just taking my time. 
Jacob: 昨天當經理在問我一些問題的時候,她就急著跳出來回答。我知道答案好嗎,我只是還在思考。

Hanson: Who does she think she is? What a know-it-all.
Hanson: 哇嗚,她以為她誰,還真是萬事通呢。

Jacob: And Chloe, she is nothing more than a brown-noser. A total kiss-ass. A suck-up of the highest order.
Jacob: 還有那個 Chloe,她根本就是個馬屁精。最愛拍馬屁上面的馬屁。

Hanson: True. Whenever I see her, she’s either flattering the supervisor or slacking off.
Hanson: 沒錯,我每次看到她,她要不是在阿諛奉承主管,就是在摸魚耍廢。

Jacob: Moreover, she’s such a copycat! I know she’s imitating the way I talk just because she wants to be the leader of the team.
Jacob: 除此之外,她還是個學人精!我知道她因為想當團隊的領導者,所以在模仿我的說話方式。


know-it-all (n.) 萬事通

know-it-all 字面上的意思是「知道所有事」,但這個字通常帶有貶意,指那些自以為知道所有事情的「萬事通」。

She is a know-it-all and argues with her classmates over trivial matters all the time.

brown-noser (n.) 馬屁精

brown-noser 直譯是「咖啡色的鼻子」,brown 就像便便的顏色,「馬屁精」為了奉承,甚至願意親別人的屁股,最後鼻子就變成咖啡色的了。

The newbie is such a brown-noser! He kept complimenting the director on his lame proposal.

slack off (phr.) 摸魚;偷懶

slack 當動詞時意思是「偷懶」,因此動詞片語 slack off 就是指「摸魚打混」。

If the boss catches you are slacking off, you will be toast!

copycat (n.) 學人精

copycat 跟貓沒關係,這個字是用來指「愛模仿人的討厭鬼;學人精」。此外它還可以當形容詞,形容「模仿的;仿效的」,像許多人說,報導犯罪新聞會導致「模仿犯罪」,英文就是 copycat crime。

Don’t be a copycat! You should live your own life.



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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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