
COVID-19 疫情肆虐全球,臺灣卻能有效防疫!
全球有目共睹,唯獨 WHO 看不見!
一起來看看阿中部長如何呼籲 WHO 納入臺灣,

在 COVID-19 (新冠肺炎) 疫情肆虐於全球各處的同時,臺灣透過及早實施多項防疫措施,成功地控制國內疫情擴散,也積極援助世界各國對抗病毒。然而,世界衛生組織 WHO 卻長期因政治因素將臺灣排除在外,阻礙我國得知相關資訊、與他國分享知識經驗。衛福部長陳時中日前投書多家外媒,呼籲 WHO 了解「病毒不分國界」,將台灣納入 WHO。

今天就讓小 V 帶著大家一起來讀一讀阿中部長的投書吧!
Global Health Security: A Call for Taiwan’s Inclusion (全球衛生安全 ── 臺灣必須參與)

部長首先提出傳染疾病對全球衛生、經貿、觀光個面向都會帶來重大的衝擊,並且舉出 西班牙流感、SARS、H1N1、MERS、伊波拉、茲卡病毒等歷史上重大傳染疾病為例,說明疫病肆虐實在無人得以倖免。

The threat of emerging infectious diseases to global health and the economy, trade, and tourism has never abated.

Intermittently, serious regional epidemics, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012, Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and the Zika virus in Central and South America in 2016, have also reared their heads.
(諸如 2012 年的中東呼吸症候群 (MERS)、2014 年西非的伊波拉以及 2016 年中南美洲的茲卡病毒等重大區域性傳染疾病,也間歇性地爆發於國際間。)


動詞 abate 的意思是「減弱;減輕;減退」,通常用於形容負面事物的緩和。

We stayed in the cabin waiting for the blizzard to abate.

The epidemic shows no sign of abating.

rear its (ugly) head

動詞 rear 有「豎起;抬高」的意思,慣用語 rear its (ugly) head 字面上意思是「抬起醜陋的頭顱」,其實是表示「壞事或麻煩的冒頭、出現、發生」。

The feud between the two countries has made the prospect of war rear its ugly head again.

而 2019 年末爆發於中國武漢的 COVID-19 (新冠肺炎),再度造成傳染病全球大流行,重創各國。截至 4 月 9 號,世衛組織的數據顯示,全球已有 135 萬人確診、79,235 人死亡,遍及 211 個國家及地區。鄰近發源地的臺灣雖也無法倖免,但是 17 年前 SARS 的教訓讓我們對新興傳染疾病持續做出因應準備,也因此早在 2019 年 12 月 31 日確知武漢爆發新型肺炎同時實施該地區直飛航班登機檢疫,並在 2020 年 1 月 2 日成立中央流行疫情指揮中心整合資源並頒布各類防疫措施,有效控制疫情。

As of April 9, Taiwan had tested a total of 42,315 persons showing 380 confirmed cases, of which 54 have been indigenous, 326 imported and five deaths; 80 people had been released from hospital after testing negative.
(直到 4 月9 日,臺灣總共對 42,315 人進行採檢,其中 380 人確診,分別為 54 例本土病例及 326 例境外移入,5 人死亡,80 人採檢呈陰性後已解除住院隔離。)

Despite its proximity to China, Taiwan ranked 123rd among 183 countries in terms of confirmed cases per million people.
(儘管鄰近中國,臺灣每百萬人口的染疫率在 183 個國家中仍只排名第 123 名。)

confirmed case / indigenous case / imported case

動詞 confirm 是「確定;證實」,用過去分詞 confirmed 形容 case (案例) 就表示「確診案例」,而「零確診」英文就可以說 zero new confirmed cases (零新增確診病例),若不幸出現確診病例,則舉一反三將 zero 改成其他數字即可。若要詳述確診病例是本土病例或是境外移入病例則可分別用 indigenous case 和 imported case 表示,其中形容詞 indigenous 意思是「當地的;本土的」,因此 indigenous case 就是指在國內染病的「本土案例」,而動詞 import 有「進口;從外地引入」的意思,因此 imported case 意即在國外感染後歸國的「境外移入案例」。

There have been zero new confirmed cases over the past three days.

Most of our confirmed cases of the disease are imported rather than indigenous.


proximity 為名詞,意指時間或空間上的「接近,鄰近,臨近」。其形容詞形態為 proximal,意思是「靠近的,接近的」。

The two countries have developed a very close trade relationship due their proximity to one another.

The stab wound was proximal to the man’s artery, but luckily missed it.

Disease knows no borders. 疾病不分國界。為了對抗病毒威脅,臺灣實施了嚴格的邊境管制政策,並建立入境檢疫電子系統、連結社區關懷照護管理系統、與電信業者合作 GPS 定位追蹤,落實控管居家檢疫隔離者,且持續追蹤其旅遊史及接觸史,預防社區及群聚感染。另外,針對防疫必需品口罩,臺灣也進行統一管制及配發且提高產能,有效利用有限資源,滿足國內醫療、防疫、家庭及及各類產業的口罩需求。

Moreover, Taiwan has banned the export of surgical masks since January 24, requisitioned masks, and expanded domestic mask production to more effectively allocate masks.
(此外,臺灣從 1 月 24 日便禁止醫療口罩出口,並徵用口罩且擴大國內口罩產能,以更有效地配發口罩。)

On February 6, Taiwan launched a name-based rationing system for mask purchases at NHI-contracted pharmacies and local public health agencies.
( 2 月 6 日起,臺灣於健保特約藥局及地方衛生所採實名制口罩販售。)


requisition 動名詞同形,意思是「徵用」,表示政府因公取用特定資源或財產。

This old building was requisitioned by the city council, who plan to turn it into a museum.

The army made a requisition for steel.


動詞 allocate 的意思是「分配;分派;配發」,將特定數量的事物因特定目的發放給特定的人。

The authorities are allocating emergency kits to those who have been affected by the earthquake.

name-based rationing system

動詞 ration 的意思是「定量供應;實行配給」,name-based rationing system 只的是口罩的實名限制配發系統,也就是「實名制」。

Taiwan’s name-based rationing system ensures that everyone has access to surgical masks.

A crisis anywhere readily becomes a problem everywhere. 由於全球化的影響,世界上任何一處的危機能迅速轉為每一處的問題。全球衛生安全需要所有國家一起努力,全球流行疫病需要所有人同心對抗。臺灣作為世界公民,盡責地向世衛組織通報,也和多國溝通合作,分享確診病例相關訊息及邊境管制措施,並將 COVID-19 基因序列上傳至全球共享流感數據倡議組織,一同與世界並肩作戰。

Taiwan has worked with global partners to respond to the threat of COVID-19 to ensure that global health is not imperiled by a lack of communication and transparency.

We urge WHO and related parties to acknowledge Taiwan’s longstanding contributions to the international community in the areas of public health, disease prevention, and the human right to health, and to include Taiwan in WHO and its meetings, mechanisms, and activities.


名詞 peril 的意思是「危難,險境」,而 imperil 是動詞,表示「使…陷入危難」,也就是「危及,危害」。

The violence used by the authorities in the crackdown imperiled the lives of the protesters.


acknowledge 是動詞,意思是「承認;認可」某物的存在或真實性,常用來表示公開認可或表揚。

The police acknowledged the mistake they had made.

The principal acknowledged the outstanding achievements of our school’s debate team.

文末,陳部長表示,若是世衛組織的使命在於確保每一個人都能達到最高標準的健康,世衛組織和臺灣必定互相需要。臺灣會繼續和世界上其他國家合作,確保每一個人都如同 WHO 組織章程所明述地,享有健康衛生的基本人權。此外,和聯合國 2030 年永續發展目標相呼應的是,No one should be left behind. 沒有人應被排出在外。


希望 WHO 可以早日認清疾病無國界,需要所有國家共同努力,不應把臺灣排除在外。
Taiwan can help, and Taiwan is helping!


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文/ Estelle Wang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pixabay, 衛生福利部 Facebook
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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