

今天就跟著 Lauren 跟 Kathy 用英文聊聊自己所遇到的渣男吧!

Lauren 跟 Bathy 是大學好閨蜜,他們從大學一起上課到出社會一起找工作,兩人的感情堅不可摧,而最近 Lauren 在公司遇見了一個非常喜歡她的男同事…

Kathy: Hey Lauren, how’s your job?
Kathy: 嗨 Lauren,你最近工作如何?

Lauren: It’s okay, I’m still getting used to it and have a lot to learn. Listen Kathy, can I talk to you about something personal?
Lauren: 還可以,我還在習慣也還有很多東西要學。Kathy…可以跟你聊聊私人的事情嗎?

Kathy: What is it?
Kathy: 什麼事?

Lauren: I met someone in the office… We went on a couple of dates, and everything seemed to be going fine. But then suddenly he went off the radar. Every time I try arrange a time to see him outside of work I’m never able to pin him down.
Lauren: 我在辦公室認識一個男生,我們出去約會過幾次,一切進展很順利,但是突然間他就音訊全無,每次我要約他下班出去都會被拒絕。

Kathy: Sounds like you have a story to tell…
Kathy: 聽起來你有很多故事可以說…

Lauren: He’s always saying that I’m special to him and I’m exactly the girl he’s looking for. But whenever I ask him to introduce me to his friends and family he starts making excuses.
Lauren: 他總是告訴我我對他來說很特別,而我就是他在找的那個人。但是每次我請他介紹他的親朋好友給我他都會開始找藉口。

Kathy: That’s weird.
Kathy: 好奇怪。

Lauren: Also he hides his phone whenever he gets a message. I’m beginning to think that maybe he is two-timing me with some other girl.
Lauren: 還有,每次他手機跳出訊息,他都會把手機藏起來,我開始懷疑他是不是腳踏兩條船。

(To be continued)

go off the radar (phr.) 音訊全無

相信大家對 radar 這個單字並不陌生,它就是名詞,「雷達」的意思,而前面的 off 表「離開、偏離」之意,那「偏離雷達」是什麼意思呢?其實就是「音訊全無」的意思。

That crazy chick from work is searching high and low for me, so I’m going to go off the radar for a while. If anyone asks, tell them I’ve moved to Mexico.

pin sb. down (phr.) 使某人定下來

pin 在此是動詞,有「固定」之意,而 pin sb.  down 這個片語就是「把某人定下來」的意思。而在社群媒體中,pin 這個功能就是把某訊息或 po 文「置頂」的意思。

I find it hard to pin him down because he’s such a player.

two-time (v.) 腳踏兩條船

two-time = 兩次?其實 two-time 這個動詞是「腳踏兩條船」的意思,而腳踏兩條船的人則叫做 two-timer。

Don’t be a two-timer. It is not fair to the person you are two-timing.

接著 Lauren 繼續跟好閨蜜 Kathy 敘說她跟同事相處的過程,結果意外發現…

Kathy: This story gets fishier and fishier.
Kathy: 這故事越來越詭異了。

Lauren: We slept together again last night, but in the morning he told me he had to leave right away and now he’s stopped answering my messages.
Lauren: 昨天晚上我們共度良宵,但一早他就跟我說他得馬上離開,然後現在都沒有回我訊息了。

Kathy: What? Oh Lauren, this guy is clearly just a womanizer!
Kathy: 什麼?喔 Lauren,感覺這男的完全就是個渣男啊!

Lauren: But he told me that I was the one! That he wanted to be with me forever!
Lauren: 但他說他一直把我當成唯一在對待啊!還有他說他想跟我永遠在一起!

Kathy: That’s what womanizers do! They make girls feel special, and once they get what they want they move on to their next target.
Kathy: 那就是渣男會做的事情啊!他們讓女生覺得自己很特別,一旦得到他們想要的,他們就會離開去找下一個目標。

Lauren: I still can’t believe it! I trusted him! Wait! Is that him? Why is he holding another woman’s hand? He has kids?!?!
Lauren: 我還是不相信!我那麼相信他!等一下!那是他嗎?為何他牽著其他女人的手?那是他的小孩?

Kathy: Oh my God! Lauren, face the truth and stop seeing him! He’s a total player. Don’t be a sidechick.
Kathy: 我的天啊!Lauren,面對事實離開他吧!他就是一個玩咖,不要當小三。

Lauren: I won’t! He won’t be hearing from me anymore. Women are not men’s toys. I won’t let him objectify women like that!
Lauren: 我不會!我不會再跟他來往,女人不是男人的玩具,我不會讓他這樣物化女性!


womanizer (n.) 渣男

你知道「渣男」的英文怎麼說嗎?其中一個說法就是 womanizer,woman 是名詞,意思是「女人」,後面加上 -izer 就是專門玩弄女性的「渣男」。

Jack is a womanizer. He knows how to make girls feel as if they are special, but he’s really just using them for sex.
Jack 是個渣男,他很懂如何讓女生覺得自己很特別,但其實他只是想要性而已。

sidechick (n.) 小三

side (旁邊) + chick (小雞),「旁邊的小雞」是什麼意思呢?其實它是「小三」的意思喔!除了可以用 sidechick 表示,也可以用 the other woman 或是 mistress (情婦) 表示喔。

Mary is not Jack’s girlfriend; she’s just his sidechick.
Mary 不是 Jack 的女朋友,她是他的小三。

objectify (v.) 物化

object (物體),字尾加上 -ify 變動詞,就成了「物化」的意思。用法如下:

Judy is a feminist, and she gets really angry whenever anyone objectifies women.
Judy 是女權主義者,她不能接受任何物化女性的言論。



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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