flat 在英國是什麼意思?英式美式用語大不同!

lift 不是「提起來」的意思、flat 也不是「平坦的」!?
一起跟著到英國求學的 Rafal,

Rafal 抵達英國後,陸續開始看宿舍。今天下午他跟一位英國老爺爺約看房…

Landlord: Good afternoon, you must be Rafael. Come on in lad, I’ll show you the flat.
房東: 午安啊,你一定就是 Rafal 了吧。進來吧小夥子,我來帶你看公寓。

Rafael: Flat what now?
Rafael: 不好意思,你說什麼平平的?

Landlord: Oh, in British English, flat means “apartment”.
房東: 噢,在英式英語裡面,flat 就是「公寓」。

Rafael: Thanks! The … flat is on the first floor, right?
Rafael: 謝謝您!我的公寓在一樓對吧?

Landlord: Yeah, so we’ll take the lift up.
房東: 對,所以電梯在這邊。

Rafael: Lift … up? 
Rafal: 提…什麼東西?

Landlord: Haha, here we call an elevator a lift. Or we can take stairs if you like.
房東: 哈哈,lift 就是「電梯」的意思,不然你也可以爬樓梯。

Rafael: But you said it was on the first floor?
Rafael: 但您說我的公寓在一樓不是嗎?

Landlord: Oh, I see why you’re confused. What you would call the second floor is actually our first floor, and the first floor is called the ground floor.
房東: 喔,我懂為什麼你這麼困惑了。你們說的二樓其實是我們的一樓,然後我們的一樓叫做 ground floor。

看來 Rafael 還要好一陣子才能適應英國的生活呢,先來複習單字吧!

flat (n.) 公寓

flat 在美式英語中當形容詞,指「平坦的;扁平的」,在英式英語中是指一層「公寓」,也就是 apartment,如果是一整棟公寓則稱作 a block of flats。

He rented a flat in central London.

lift (n.) 電梯

lift 在美式英語中當動詞,指「抬起;舉起;提起」,在英式英語是當名詞,指「電梯」,也就是 elevator。

My auntie always takes the lift instead of the stairs because she’s claustrophobic.

ground floor (n.) 一樓

在美國,一樓就是 first floor,但在英國及歐洲許多國家,一樓會稱作 ground floor,所以 first floor 反而是他們的二樓唷。

The lost property office is on the ground floor.

補充:lost property office 是英式英文的「失物招領處」,美式英文叫 lost-and-found office。

心很累的 Rafael 跟老爺爺看完房子後,肚子不斷咕嚕咕嚕地叫。

Landlord: If you have any questions about the flat or if you decide to rent it, just give me a bell!
房東: 如果有任何問題或想租我的公寓,隨時都可以打給我!

Rafael: You mean give you a call?
Rafael: 我想你的意思是叫我「打給你」對嗎?

Landlord: Exactly! And if you’re hungry, there’s a fish-and-chip shop across the road.
房東: 沒錯,然後如果你肚子餓的話,對面有一家賣炸魚薯條的餐廳。

Rafael: Wow, there’s a really long queue! But does fish go well with chips?
Rafael: 也太大排長龍了吧!但魚跟洋芋片吃起來搭嗎?

Landlord: French fries here are called chips, and what Americans call “chips” are called “crisps.” And to answer your question, yes, they really are a perfect match!
房東: Chips 在英國是薯條的意思,美國人說的洋芋片在這裡叫 crisps,然後回答你的問題,炸魚跟薯條根本是絕配!

Rafael: I must give it a try then. But not today, though, I’m having a picnic with my friends later.
Rafael: 我會去吃吃看的,但今天沒辦法,我等等要跟朋友們去野餐。

Landlord: I’m afraid that your picnic party might go pear-shaped…it’s set to bucket it down later.
房東: 我想你們的野餐派對恐怕泡湯囉…快要下大雨了。

Rafael: Oh no!
Rafael: 噢不!


give sb. a bell (phr.) 打電話給某人

bell 是「門鈴;鐘」的意思,英式片語 give sb. a bell/ring 意指「打電話給某人」。

I wanted to give you a bell but I didn’t have your phone number!

queue (n.) 隊伍

queue 是指排隊的「隊伍;行列」,發音跟 cue 一樣,美式英語則是 line。「排隊」會說 wait in a queue,「插隊」叫 jump the queue。

He scolded the man for jumping the queue.

go pear-shaped (phr.) 泡湯;搞砸了

pear 是「梨子」,但 go pear-shaped 跟水果一點關係都沒有,這個片語是英式用法,用來形容事情、計畫「泡湯;搞砸了」,美式英語會用形容詞 screwed-up 這個形容詞表示。

His plan to drive across the U.S. went pear-shaped after two of his wheels fell off his car.

bucket (it) down (phr.) 傾盆大雨

bucket 是「水桶」,bucket (it) down 就像是一桶水到下來,為動詞片語,指「傾盆大雨」。美式英語會說 It’s pouring. 或 It’s raining hard.。

As we arrived in the beach, it started bucketing it down.



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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
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