
4/20 中華職棒利用機器假人當觀眾如期開打

 今天要帶大家閱讀的是 The Diplomat 發表的這篇文章:Taiwan’s Baseball, Basketball Leagues Back in Action as the World Watches


Taiwan’s pro baseball league played the first game of its 2020 season on April 12, becoming one of the few leagues to resume its schedule as the world battles the coronavirus pandemic and drawing interest from global fans eager to watch live sports.
(台灣的中華職棒大聯盟在 4/12 開打 2020 年的首場比賽,當全球正在與新冠肺炎抗戰時,台灣成為世界上少數棒球聯盟中恢復賽程的國家,也吸引海內外球迷想要觀看線上直播的球賽。)


作動詞發音為 /rɪˈzum/,意思是「恢復,重新繼續」,其後可直接接受詞,如果要加動詞,要用動名詞的形式,resume + V-ing 表示「恢復做某事」。

Sally resumed her career after her child turned one.
Sally 在孩子滿一歲後重新開始工作。 

He resumed working the moment he recovered from the operation.

為何當其他國家都將運動賽事停擺,例如美國的 NBA、美國職棒大聯盟、歐洲的足球,而此時,台灣的職棒卻能如期開打呢?當然是因為台灣的防疫工作超前部署啦!在前兩週連續三天零確診後,我們的疫情指揮官阿中說了以下的話:

“Compared with the rest of the world, Taiwan as of right now is doing pretty well when it comes to containing the disease,” Health Minister Chen Shih-chung told reporters at a Thursday briefing.


為動詞,意思是「控制,遏制」,相近詞為 prevent,例如:contain the disease (控制疾病)、contain the rebellion/violence (遏制叛亂/暴力)。

Taiwan’s government has taken a lot of effective measures to contain the disease.

The police are struggling to contain the rebellion.

如何將中華職棒行銷海外,讓世界各地的棒球迷緩解想看球賽的心?不用擔心,中華職棒樂天桃猿隊與直播平台 Eleven Sports 合作,在 Twitter 上推出雙語轉播服務,讓海外球迷也能跟著台灣一起瘋棒球!其中一場桃猿對戰統一獅的賽事,就有高達 65 萬人在線觀看呢!

The Eleven Sports Taiwan network is streaming the home games of one team, the reigning champion Rakuten Monkeys, live and with English commentary on Twitter.
(Eleven Sports 在 Twitter 以英文轉播上一屆衛冕冠軍樂天桃猿隊的主場賽事。)

“The game showed the whole world what was made possible as a result of the country’s efforts against COVID-19,” Simone Kang, Eleven Sports managing director for Taiwan, said Thursday.
(Eleven Sports 台灣區總經理康小玲在星期四表示:「藉著中華職棒的賽事,台灣向全世界顯示了,對抗新冠病毒所做的努力是會得到回報的。」)


為名詞,意思為「評論,實況解說」,commentary 後面長加介系詞 on,commentary on 表示「對…發表評論」。

Even foreigners can enjoy Taiwanese baseball games, as the platform provides English commentary.

You can listen to the live commentary of the football match on the radio.


The Rakuten Monkeys gained worldwide attention when they announced their plan to put “robot mannequins” in the stands, holding signs and wearing jerseys, hats, and face masks. “Since we are not allowed to have any fans in attendance, we might as well have some fun with it,” said the team’s general manager, Justin Liu, per the website CPBL Stats.


mannequin /ˈmænɪkɪn/ 指的就是我們常會在玻璃櫥窗內看到的「假人,人體模型」,像是前陣子風行的「假人挑戰」,英文就是 mannequin challenge。

Mannequins are used for displaying clothes in shop windows.

The idea of having mannequins in the stands as fans is creative and novel.

在台灣如火如荼進行的可不只有棒球賽,SBL 超級籃球聯賽也採用線上直播的方式開啟序幕。雖然台灣開始各項運動賽事,但是防疫措施可不能馬虎!例如選手在進入場館內進行比賽前,都要先量測體溫、噴酒精消毒,而坐在場外的候補球員也要戴上口罩,防止病毒傳播。

Taiwan’s SBL, which began its playoffs this week, is holding games in a solitary training center after the Taiwanese government on March 19 ordered all government-controlled arenas to close and suspended indoor events with over 100 people.
(在台灣政府於 3/19 命令關閉所有政府管控的場地,並暫停室內超過 100 人以上的活動後,在本週開打季後賽的台灣 SBL 超級籃球聯賽,也將在獨立的訓練中心進行。)


為名詞,在句子裡指的是「季後賽」,因為季後賽不只一場,所以多會使用複數的形式寫作成 playoffs,季後賽通常是在「例行賽」結束後開啟的賽事,「例行賽」的英文為 regular season。

The NBA playoffs are postponed because of the outbreak of COVID-19.
NBA 的季後賽因為新冠肺炎疫情爆發而延期。

The team did a great job in the playoffs and made it to the finals.

【CNN10】武漢解封、運動經濟何時復甦 (Will Virus Force Baseball To Use Robot Umpires? | April 9, 2020)


Taiwanese sports are filling a void for fans, but its leagues are also giving hope to postponed leagues around the world eager to restart operations without endangering public safety.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Tuesday he sees a path to the return of live sports. As the nation’s top leagues consider resuming their seasons, they may be able to learn from Taiwan.
(美國國家過敏和傳染病研究所的主任 Dr. Anthony Fauci 在星期二表示,他看到了回歸到即時運動賽事的一種方式。既然美國的頂級聯盟想要重啟賽季,那麼他們可以效仿台灣。)


作名詞,意思為「失落感,空虛感」,常用片語為 fill the void (填補空虛)。

The start of the baseball season filled a void in the single man’s life.

Tom failed to fill the void in his life after his wife passed away.
Tom 未能在太太過世後填補生活的空虛感。


為動詞,意思為「危害,危急」,endanger 的形容詞形為 endangered,意思為「瀕臨絕種的」,例如:endangered animal/species (瀕臨絕種的動物/物種)。

Smoking will endanger your health.

The government should think of measures to prevent air pollution or people’s health will be endangered.

This type of dolphin is endangered and is rarely seen in the wild.

如何用英文介紹台灣特色 (Study in Taiwan — Learning plus adventure) 

看完文章後你一定跟小編一樣對台灣感到更加驕傲了吧!別的國家做不到的事,台灣卻做到了,不僅在防疫方面令各國稱羨,在運動賽事的部分也成功地讓國際看見台灣!在疫情如此嚴峻的時刻,看看台灣的各項運動比賽紓壓一下放鬆心情吧!當然也別忘記天天在 VoiceTube 學習英文喔!


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文/ Annie Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pixabay
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