

一早在前往學校的路上,Gina 看到了 Rita 的新包包,便跟她搭話。

Gina: Good morning, Rita. Your new backpack is nice! 
Gina: 早啊 Rita,妳的新包包很好看耶,我喜歡!

Rita: Thanks! It’s an eco-friendly bag made from recycled bottles!
Rita: 謝啦!它是環保產品,是用回收的寶特瓶做的唷!

Gina: Wow! How do they do that?
Gina: 寶特瓶要怎麼變成背包?

Rita: They shred the bottles and then weave the fibers into a fabric. You can read about the manufacturing process on their website.
Rita: 他們把寶特瓶切成碎片然後把纖維織起來。你可以在他們網站上閱讀他們的製造過程。

Gina: (looking at the website) Oh, cool—it says here that the cutting-edge technology used to make the bags uses 30 percent less water and energy than normal.
Gina: (看著網站) 喔好酷,它說他們最新的科技可以省下超過 30% 的水和能源。

Rita: Yeah, so it reduces carbon emissions as well. And guess what? I bought it during a promotion, so I also got a reusable lunch bag!
Rita: 沒錯,所以它也減少了碳排放量。而且妳知道嗎,我是在促銷時候買的,所以它還送環保食物袋!

Gina: That’s a good deal!
Gina: 太賺了吧!


eco-friendly (adj.) 環保的

eco 是 ecology (生態學:生態) 的字首,eco-friendly 就是對環境友善的,也就是「環保的」,eco-friendly product 便是指「環保產品」。

These eco-friendly trash bags are made from corn starch.

carbon emissions (n.) 碳排放量

carbon 是「碳」,造成全球暖化的二氧化碳則是 carbon dioxide。動詞 emit 是指光、氣體「排放;散發」,其名詞形為 emission,所以 carbon emissions 就是「碳排放量」,常會以複數形出現。

The environmentalists called for the reduction of carbon emissions.

reusable lunch bag (n.) 食物環保

形容詞 reusable 意為「可以重複使用的」,這個字由 re- + use + -able 組合而成。

To promote plastic-free living, our reusable lunch bags are on sale!

下課後,Gina 急急忙忙就走出教室。

Gina: The government offers a lot of subsidies to help reduce carbon emissions.
Gina: 政府提供了很多節能減碳的補助。

Rita: What kind of subsidies?
Rita: 什麼樣的補助?

Gina: I bought an air-conditioner last week. It’s an energy-efficient appliance, so I can apply for a subsidy that covers 20 percent of the cost.
Gina: 我上週買了一台冷氣,因為它是節能家電,所以我可以申請百分之二十的補助。

Rita: That sounds awesome! Not only can people save on their electricity bills but they can also can cut greenhouse gas emissions at the same time.
Rita: 聽起來很讚耶!那大家不只可以拯救電費單,還可以減少溫室氣體排放。

Gina: Exactly!
Gina: 沒錯!

Rita: I think I need a dehumidifier, my room is too humid… but how do I know if the appliance is energy-efficient or not?
Rita: 我想我需要一台除濕機,我房間太潮濕了…但我要如何判斷它是不是節能家電?

Gina: Just look for an official government energy label. If you see this label on it, it’s certified by the government as energy-efficient.
Gina: 找節能標章就對了,如果你看它上面有標章,那就是政府認證的節能家電。


subsidy (n.) 補助金;津貼

subsidy /ˈsʌbsədi/ 是為了鼓勵、幫助大家做某事的「補助金;津貼」,通常由政府提供,其動詞形是 subsidize。

The local government provided housing subsidies for low-income families.

energy-efficient (adj.) 節能的;省電的

形容詞 efficient 意指「有效率的;效率高的」,energy-efficient 就是指用少一點的電達成一樣的效果,因此就是「節能的;省電的」。

This energy-efficient heater can reduce energy consumption by up to 25 percent.
這台節能暖氣機可以省下  25% 的能源。

greenhouse gas (n.) 溫室氣體

greenhouse 是「溫室」,而 greenhouse gas 就是大家熟知的「溫室氣體」,常見包括二氧化碳 (carbon dioxide)、甲烷 (methane)、臭氧 (ozone)。

Greenhouse gases trap heat and reflect it back at Earth, causing the temperature to rise.

energy label (n.) 節能標章

購買家電產品時常見的「節能標章」就稱做 energy label。

Taiwan’s government has introduced an official energy label for products that meet certain energy efficiency standards.



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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
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