
今天就讓我們跟著房東 Willie 跟房客 Andrea 一起用英文租屋吧!

Andrea 是初上台北工作的社會新鮮人,在正式搬到台北上班之前,首先最重要的就是找到屬於自己的落腳處,她在看過數個租房廣告後對其中一間很有興趣,於是決定打電話過去問…

Andrea: Hi, my name is Andrea. I saw the room for rent advertised online. Is it still available?
Andrea: 嗨,我的名字是 Andrea,我在網路上看到你的租屋廣告,我想請問這間房間還空著嗎?

Willie: Yes, it’s still available.
Willie: 對,它還空著。

Andrea: Great! What time is convenient for a viewing?
Andrea: 太好了!請問我什麼時候可以去看房?

Willie: Is Saturday at 2 p.m. okay for you?
Willie: 你這星期六下午兩點方便嗎?

Andrea: That suits, see you then!
Andrea: 有,那就約那時候吧。

(On Saturday afternoon)

Willie: Hi, nice to meet you. Let me show you around the apartment/flat. Here is the open area, which includes the living room and the kitchen.
Willie: 很開心見到你,讓我帶你看看房子,這邊是公共區域,這裡有客廳跟廚房。

Andrea: How many people share the open area?
Andrea: 有多少人一起共用這個空間呢?

Willie: There are four tenants in total here.
Willie: 這裡總共有四個房客。


What time is convenient for a viewing? 請問我何時可以去看房?

在外租屋除了在廣告上看照片之外,更重要的就是實際走訪一遍,如果你想跟房東預約看房你就可以用這一句:What time is convenient for viewing?,What time is conveninet for…? 這個句型很方便,可以運用在很多地方。

I’m interested in the room for rent. What time is convenient for a viewing?

apartment/flat (n.) 租屋處

在美國,出租處稱之為 apartment,在英國則稱之為 flat。

My new flat is really cheap. The rent is only 300 GBP  a month with utilities.

My friend said it is difficult to find affordable apartments in San Francisco.

open area (n.) 公共區域

open 除了當動詞,表示「開」之外,也可以當形容詞,意思為「開放的」,而 area 是名詞,表示「區域」,兩者合一就是大家都可以使用的「公共區域」啦!

This kitchen is in the open area, so we are all responsible for keeping it clean.

How many people share…? 有多少人一起共用…?

如果你的租屋處有公共區域,那你可能會問有多少人一起共用,這個時候「共用」的英文就可以用 share 這個單字,它除了當「分享」,也可以當「共用」的意思。

How many people share the living room?

在看完公共空間後,Willie 帶 Andrea 去看房間內的擺設…

Willie: Here is the room. It comes furnished and has everything you need, including a bed, air conditioner, TV, desk and a chair.
Willie: 這裡就是房間,它有家具,該有的都有,包含一張床、空調、電視、書桌跟一張椅子。

Andrea: Good! How much is the rent?
Andrea: 很好,那一個月的房租多少?

Willie: 8,000 NTD.
Willie: 台幣 8,000。

Andrea: Does that include utilities?
Andrea: 請問包含水電嗎?

Willie: Yes.
Willie: 是的。

Andrea: Great! How long is the lease?
Andrea: 太好了,那麼租約多長呢?

Willie: Two years. The security deposit is two months rent.
Willie: 租約是兩年,押金是兩個月的房租。

Andrea: I see. Okay, I’ll let you know if I’ll take it or not in a few days.
Andrea: 了解,好,我會在這幾天告訴你我的決定。

Does that [the rent] include utilities? 請問 (房租) 有包含水電嗎?

房租不一定都有包含水電費,那如果在國外應該怎麼問房東呢?水電費的英文可以用 utilities,這個字是「水電煤氣」的意思,而「包含」,則可用 include 這個動詞。

My rent in Taipei includes utilities.

rental lease (n.) 租約

rental 是 rent 的形容詞形,而 lease 在此為名詞,「合約,契約」,兩者合一就是「租約」意思,而「簽」約的動詞,就可以用 sign 這個字。

I’m going to sign a three-year lease tomorrow on a new apartment.

security deposit (n.) 押金

租房除了房租需要注意之外,更要注意是否需要付押金,security 是名詞,在此表示「保障」,而 deposit 是除了當「儲蓄」的意思之外也有「押金」的意思喔!

You need to pay a security deposit if you want to rent the house.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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