「種族歧視」的英文是?帶你看 BBC 談論譚德塞指控台灣種族歧視

4 月 8 日,世衛總幹事譚德塞 (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) 於例行記者會上
讓我們來一起來看看 BBC 如何用英文描述此次事件吧!

今天要帶大家閱讀的是 BBC 報導的這篇文章:Coronavirus: WHO chief and Taiwan in row over ‘racist’ comments


A row has erupted after the chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) accused Taiwan’s leaders of spearheading personal attacks on him. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he had been subjected to racist comments and death threats for months. But President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan opposed any form of discrimination, and invited Dr Tedros to visit the island.



discrimination 為名詞,就是「歧視,差別對待」的意思,或者也可以是「區別,分辨」,而 discrimination 的動詞形為 discriminate。常見的性別歧視、種族歧視即為 sexual/gender discrimination 及 racial discrimination 喔!

Even now, discrimination against women in certain workplaces is still a problem.

【新冠肺炎】一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信 (An Open Letter to Dr Tedros)

再來,此段大致提及台灣在國際上處處碰壁的處境及原因,以及來自美國總統川普對 WHO 的批評。

Taiwan said it had been denied access to vital information as the coronavirus spread. The WHO rejects this. Taiwan is excluded from the WHO, the United Nations health agency, because of China’s objections to its membership. The Chinese Communist Party regards Taiwan as a breakaway province and claims the right to take it by force if necessary. The WHO has also been criticised by US President Donald Trump, who has threatened to withdraw US funding to the agency.

(台灣表示,自此次疫情爆發以來,台灣在有關疫情重要資訊接受方面都被拒於門外。WHO 否認台灣的發言。台灣因中國反對其加入WHO (隸屬於聯合國的公共衛生組織) 而被排除在外。中國共產黨認為台灣是中國分裂出去的一個省,並聲稱若有必要,有權力以武力收復台灣。WHO 也同時被美國總統川普 (Donald Trump) 批評,並被威脅要停止美國金援此組織。)


exclude 為動詞,為「排除,不包括,被阻止…的進入」,常搭配介系詞 from 使用。其反義詞為 include。exclusive 為其形容詞形,意思是「獨家的;專有的」,也可以當名詞表示「獨家報導」。

Identity serves to restrict our very being, and exclude those who don’t fit into the binary definitions of men and women, such as transgender people.

外國人都搞不懂!世界上到底有幾個中國? (Two Chinas – The Mansion News Lab)


What is being said?

Dr Tedros said he had been at the receiving end of racist comments for the past two to three months. “Giving me names, black or negro,” he said. “I’m proud of being black, or proud of being negro.” He then said he had received death threats, adding: “I don’t give a damn.” The WHO chief said the abuse had originated from Taiwan, “and the foreign ministry didn’t disassociate” itself from it.



racist 形容詞、名詞同形,在句子中作為形容詞用,為「種族主義的」的意思。而作為名詞時,為「種族主義者」。字根 race 本身除了是常見的「比賽」的意思之外,也是「人種,種族,民族」的意思,例如:the human race (人類)。相關字詞:racial 為形容詞,為「種族的,人種的」,而 racism 則為「種族主義,種族迫害」的意思喔!

The Atlantic slave trade contributed to the development of racist ideologies.

The members of this family are known to be a bunch of racists. They won’t accept people who are different from them as their neighbors.


negro 即指「黑人」。在網路上也很常看到 nigger、nigga 甚至是用中文講的「尼哥」,這些都是指「黑人」的意思,但是請注意:這些是非常非常不恰當帶有歧視意味的用法,或許黑人會用這些字自稱,但用這些字稱呼黑人朋友是極度不禮貌的,千萬不要覺得有趣就誤用!小 V 非常不贊同任何種族歧視的言論與行為!

黑人?白人?不,我們都是,人 (I Am NOT Black, You Are NOT White)


But Ms Tsai said Taiwan was opposed to discrimination. “For years, we have been excluded from international organisations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated,” Reuters news agency quoted her as saying. “If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight Covid-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment.”



isolate 為動詞,有「孤立,隔離」的意思。isolation 為其名詞形。

We need to isolate the patient so the disease doesn’t spread.

瘋狂被斷交!六十秒看台灣外交困境! (How China is isolating Taiwan | IN 60 SECONDS)

對此,台灣外交部長做出了以下回應,以及 WHO 與台灣的近況。

Taiwan foreign ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou said the comments were “irresponsible” and the accusations “imaginary”. The ministry said it was seeking an apology for “slander“, AFP news agency reported. Correspondents say Taiwan has been proud of its measures to contain the virus, with just 380 cases and five deaths so far. Last month, the WHO said it was monitoring the progress of the virus in Taiwan and learning lessons from its efforts.

(台灣外交部發言人歐江安表示,這些指控是「不負責任」且「虛構的」。台灣外交部正為此「誹謗」要求譚德賽道歉,法國新聞社報導。 其記者表示,台灣對於疫情的掌控相當驕傲,截至目前為止只有 380 例確診案例以及 5 位患者死亡。上個月,WHO 表示正在審視疫情在台灣發展的近況並學習台灣的防疫措施。)


accusation 為名詞,有「指控,譴責」的意思。accuse 為其動詞形。

Making wild accusations in a fit of pique is very irresponsible.


slander 為動名詞同形,為「 (言語上的) 誹謗,詆毀」的意思,而相近詞 libel 則為「(文字上的) 誹謗,中傷」。

The politician said his opponent had slandered him by accusing him of corruption.

台灣人有種族歧視嗎?在台灣的外國黑人如何看待譚德塞的發言?(Dr. Tedros, racism & the W.H.O.: How are black people treated in Taiwan?)

接下來提到為何美國總統川普對於 WHO 會如此不滿,並威脅要停止金援 WHO。

What about the row with the US?

The UN agency has come under continued fire from Mr Trump, who accuses the WHO of being “very China-centric” and has threatened to end funding. Speaking on Wednesday, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus defended the WHO’s work and called for an end to the politicisation of Covid-19. The disease first emerged last December in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has just ended an 11-week lockdown. An advisor to the WHO chief earlier said their close work with China had been “absolutely essential” in understanding the disease in its early stages.

WHO 在疫情期間不斷地受到美國總統川普的砲轟,指控 WHO 在防疫上「以中國為中心」並威脅要停止金援該組織。於週三記者會上,譚德賽總幹事為 WHO 辯解並呼籲在新冠肺炎防疫上應「去政治化」。此次疫情在去年 12 月時爆發於中國城市武漢,而該城市也剛解除了長達 11 週的封城。總幹事譚德賽的顧問表示,他們與中國的密切合作在對於疫情早期發展的了解上是「絕對必要的」。)


China-centric 為組合字 China + -centric,即「以中國為中心的」。其字尾 -centric 為「以…為中心的」的意思。例如:customer-centric (以顧客為中心的)、service-centric (以服務為中心的)。

美中貿易戰背後的權力角逐戲!世界霸權是否已轉移? (How The U.S. And China Are Fighting For Global Power)

此段闡述了川普在怎樣的情境下砲轟 WHO,並點出可能造成現在美國為確診人數最高國家的因素。

Mr Trump’s attacks on the WHO come in the context of criticism of his own administration’s handling of the pandemic, especially early problems with US testing. The WHO approved a coronavirus test in January – but the US decided against using it, developing its own test instead. However, in February, when the testing kits were despatched, some of them did not work properly, and led to inconclusive results. Public health experts say the delay enabled the virus to spread further within the US.

(美國總統川普在其政府團隊的防疫工作被各方放大檢視,將迂論砲口轉向了 WHO,尤其提到了疫情初期美國採檢病患的問題。WHO 在 1 月通過了一種對於新冠病毒的檢驗方式,但美國政府決定不採用此檢體,並自行研發了一種檢體。但是到了 2 月所有檢體被發放,有些卻無法正常運作,導致檢驗結果的不確定性。公共衛生專家表示,這來來回回所浪費的時間使得病毒在美國更進一步的擴散。)


pandemic 為名詞,為「全球大流行疾病」的意思,而將易混淆的字 epidemic 與 pandemic 做比較, epidemic 則為「某一地區、某一人口群體的疾病疫情」。

On March 11, the W.H.O. upgraded the status of the COVID-19 outbreak from epidemic to pandemic.
在 3 月 11 日,世界衛生組織將新冠肺炎疫情狀態,由「流行疾病」升為「全球大流行」。

【CNN10】散播錯誤資訊亂象、美國抗疫今昔相比 (Fighting Misinformation | March 20, 2020)


United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres had earlier added his voice to the defence of the WHO. He described the outbreak as “unprecedented” and said any assessment of how it was handled should be an issue for the future. Dr Tedros has also received support from the African Union, with current chairman and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa calling for “solidarity, unity of purpose and better coordination to ensure that we are able to overcome this common enemy”. “We should avoid the temptation to apportion blame,” he added.

(聯合國秘書長古特雷斯 (António Guterres) 前些日子為 WHO 辯護。他說此次疫情的爆發乃「史無前例」,任何針對疫情處理方式的質疑,都應留待未來解決。 譚德賽也收到非洲國家領袖的聲援,目前擔任非洲聯盟主席的南非總統拉瑪佛沙 (Cyril Ramaphosa) 表示:「我們應團結、目標一致並更好的合作,來確保我們能夠戰勝這個共同的敵人 (COVID19)。」他更表示:「我們應該避免找人問責。」)

apportion blame

apportion blame 為「找人問責,推卸責任」。apportion 為動詞,有「(尤指對過失、錢等) 分擔,分配」的意思,而 blame 為動名詞同形,為「責怪,咎責」的意思。

While it contributes nothing positive to apportion blame at this time, few people involved have been without fault.

【新冠肺炎】世界各地的人如何團結一致抵抗新冠病毒? (How people are connecting in the coronavirus crisis)

看完文章之後,有沒有更了解這個意外讓台灣「國際能見度提高」的事件以及美國政府對 WHO 的態度了呢?小 V 期許自己及大家,行得正、坐得端,就能免於一切能被捕風捉影的把柄了喔!大家還是不能鬆懈,要勤洗手、多喝水、戴口罩、少出入人群聚集的地方,保持健康,一起開心學英文!


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文/ Seraya Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Artist Vaska / Shutterstock.com
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