

今天我們就一起跟著 Chris 跟 Megan 一起用英文聊聊東西方婚禮的差異吧!

今天是 Chris 表姐 Julia 的大喜之日,一早 Chris 就盛裝打扮前往婚禮現場,他在那邊認識一個表姐的美國朋友 Megan…

Chris: Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Chris, Julia’s cousin.
Chris: 嗨,很高興認識你,我是 Chris,Julia 的表弟。

Megan: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Julia’s friend Megan.
Megan: 我也很開心可以認識你,我是 Megan,Julia 的朋友。

Chris: Is this your first time at a Taiwanese wedding?
Chris: 這是你第一次參加台灣婚禮嗎?

Megan: Yeah. I’ve been to a lot of weddings in the U.S. before, but this is quite different. There are a lot of customs we don’t have— like the tea ceremony.
Megan: 對,我在美國參加過許多婚禮,但這次很不一樣,你們有好多我們沒有的傳統,像是奉茶。

Chris: That’s true. In our culture, the tea ceremony symbolizes the couple’s respect for their families.
Chris: 對,在我們的文化裡,奉茶象徵著新婚夫婦對家人的尊敬。

Megan: That’s cool. Giving red envelopes instead of gifts is another difference. Also the fact that you won’t gift an amount containing the number four.
Megan: 那很酷,台灣還有一個婚禮文化讓我很驚訝,就是包紅包,而且金額不能有 4 這個數字。

Chris: Yes, because number four sounds like the word for “death” and so it is believed to bring bad luck.
Chris: 對,因為數字 4 在聽起來像「死」,所以我們相信會帶來壞運。

Megan: I see. In America, instead of giving money we will give gifts. Nowadays, couples normally have an online bridal registry so that guests don’t get the couple two of the same thing.
Megan: 了解,在美國,我們不送錢而是送禮物。現在,新婚夫婦會在網路上開結婚禮物登記這樣賓客才不會送到同樣的禮物。

tea ceremony (n.) 奉茶

台灣婚禮習俗中,奉茶是不可或缺的,它象徵著對家人的感謝與尊重,是個重要的儀式,因此英文說法就是 tea ceremony,ceremony 是名詞,表示「儀式;典禮」,而「奉茶」的動詞可以用 perform (執行) 這個字。

Performing the tea ceremony is an important part of any Taiwanese wedding.

wedding registry / bridal registry (n.) 婚禮禮物登記

西方文化中,他們婚禮傾向送禮不送錢,而要什麼禮物也不用頭大,因為新人會自己去店裡或網路上做一個禮品清單,這樣賓客就可以從中挑選送給新婚夫婦喔!而這個「禮物清單登記」的英文就是 bridal registry 或是 wedding registry,bridal 為形容詞,意思是「新娘的;婚禮的」,而 registry 為名詞,表示「登記處」。

With the increasing popularity of the Internet, more and more couples are opting for online wedding registries.


Megan: Wow, here comes the best man and maid of honor. They look so nice!
Megan: 哇,伴郎與伴娘來了,他們看起來好正好帥!

Chris: Yeah, you know in Taiwanese culture, women can’t be a maid of honor on more than three occasions, otherwise they’ll be doomed to a life of singledom.
Chris: 對,你知道在台灣文化中,女生不可以當伴娘超過三次,否則她會嫁不出去。

Megan: What!? That’s news to me.
Megan: 什麼!?我第一次聽到。

Chris: Look! Here comes the ring bearer and the flower girl. They are so adorable.
Chris: 看!花童們登場,他們超可愛。

Megan: Yes. Will the couple read their wedding vows now?
Megan: 對,等一下會有念結婚誓詞的部分嗎?

Chris: No, we don’t usually do that at weddings. Do you?
Chris: 沒有,我們通常不會在婚禮做這件事,你們會嗎?

Megan: Yes, that’s an important part of our culture because it sets out lifelong promises made to each other. We also have an afterparty after the wedding Do you guys do that?
Megan: 會,那是我們文化中很重要的一部份,因為它展開了對彼此的承諾。而且在婚禮之後,我們也會有「續攤」,你們會有嗎?

Chris: No, but that sounds really cool. Maybe we could have our own impromptu afterparty? Let’s round everyone up and go to this cool bar downtown after the ceremony.
Chris: 沒有,但聽起來很棒,或是我們也可以自己臨時續攤一下?我們結束後揪大家一起去市中心那間很棒的酒吧。

Megan: Sounds good!
Megan: 好啊!

best man (n.) 伴郎 maid of honor (n.) 伴娘

婚禮中除了新郎與新娘,伴郎跟伴娘也是不可或缺的角色,其英文分別是 best man 跟 maid of honor,另外一種說法是 groomsman 與 bridesmaid。

My best friend is getting married and she asked me to be her maid of honor.

ring bearer (n.) 男花童 flower girl (n.) 女花童

為何男花童和女花童的英文說法不同呢?因為在婚禮文化中,男花童的主要任務是傳遞婚戒,所以其英文是 ring bearer,bearer 這個字是由 bear (攜帶;運送)+ -er 組合而成;而女花童則是拿著花束走紅毯,所以英文是 flower girl。

My nephew is going to be my ring bearer.

wedding vow (n.) 結婚誓詞

在西方文化中,新郎與新娘會各自寫一段結婚誓詞在婚禮上唸給對方,以表對彼此的承諾,而「結婚誓詞」的英文為 wedding vow,其中 vow 表示「發誓」。

Mary spent a whole week writing her wedding vows.
Mary 花了一個禮拜的時間想她的結婚誓詞。

afterparty (n.) 續攤

一生一次的結婚,很多很久不見的親朋好友難得都會出現,所以通常在婚禮之後還會有一個 afterparty 繼續「續攤」啦!

The afterparty was so much fun. I got a chance to catch up with so many old friends.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
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