

Reeve 是住在美國的新手爸爸,他打算幫寶寶辦抓周派對,便邀請朋友 Myron 一同參加。

Reeve: Hey Myron, do you have time this Saturday? We’re going to hold a party.
Reeve: 嘿 Myron,你這個星期六有空嗎?我們要辦派對。

Myron: Cool, what for?
Myron: 讚欸,是為了什麼辦的派對?

Reeve: It’s the one-year-old catch of my son.
Reeve: 是我兒子的抓周派對。

Myron: The what catch?
Myron: 抓什麼東西?

Reeve: It’s a Chinese tradition—more like a superstition. On a baby’s first birthday, parents will lay out a lot of items on the floor for the child to pick from. It’s said that whatever they pick is an indicator of the child’s future career.
Reeve: 這是一個中國傳統,或也可以說比較像是一種迷信。在寶寶的一歲生日,父母會把許多東西擺放在地上給寶寶選。據說他們抓的東西可能是與他們未來的職業有關。

Myron: Oh really. What did you pick in your one-year-old catch?
Myron: 是喔,那你抓周時抓了什麼?

Reeve: My mom told me that I picked a toy piano.
Reeve: 我媽跟我說我選了玩具鋼琴。

Myron: Haha, I guess it really is just a superstition then. You’re tone-deaf!
Myron: 哈哈哈,我想這就是個迷信囉,因為你根本是個音癡!

one-year-old catch (n.) 抓周

住在東亞國家的人對「抓周」這個習俗應該都不陌生,英文採用直譯,就是 one-year-old catch。

When the baby picked the stethoscope in the one-year-old catch, the parents grinned from ear to ear, hoping that she would grow up to be a successful doctor. 

superstition (n.) 迷信

superstition 意指「迷信」,可為可數或不可數名詞,視情況而定。其形容詞形是 superstitious,表示「迷信的」。

According to superstition, if you point at the moon with your index finger, you will lose an ear.

lay out (phr.) 鋪開;攤開來放

lay 為動詞,意思是「放置;放置;安放」,另外也有「產卵;下蛋」的意思,注意其動詞三態為 lay-laid-laid,而動詞片語 lay out 則是強調把東西「攤開來;鋪開」。補充:lay 也可為 lie (躺) 的過去式。

The magician laid out a deck of cards on the table for the guest to choose from.

派對過了幾週之後,Reeve 意外出車禍摔斷腿,Myron 特地來接他出院。

Reeve: Phew! Thanks for pick me up, buddy. I’m finally glad to be out of the hospital!
Reeve: 呼!老兄,謝謝你來接我,我終於能出院了!

Myron: Don’t mention it. How are you feeling? I’ve never had an injury as yours—knock on wood.
Myron: 沒什麼好謝的啦,你現在覺得還好嗎?我從來沒把骨頭摔成這樣,老天保佑。

Reeve: Knock on wood?
Reeve: 敲木頭?

Myron: Oh, it’s a Western saying. According to legend, fairies and spirits lived inside trees. If you wanted to bring good luck on yourself or ward off evil spirits, you knocked on wood.
Myron: 噢,這是一個西方的迷信啦。根據傳說,精靈跟神靈都住在樹裡面,所以如果你想祈求好運或是避開厄運都可以敲木頭。

Reeve: I see… uh… why are you covering my eyes?
Reeve: 原來如此…呃…你幹嘛摀住我的眼睛?

Myron: There was black cat. I tell you this, black cats are demons in disguise. They bring bad luck.
Myron: 有一隻黑貓啦,我跟你說,黑貓是惡魔的化身,牠們會招致厄運。

Reeve: Really?
Reeve: 真假?

Myron: Yeah, but don’t worry, I have a spell to fight against cats that bring bad luck… (takes a deep breath)… Meow meow meow meow meow meow!
Myron: 沒錯,但不用擔心,我有咒語可以對抗厄運 。(深呼吸…) 喵喵喵喵喵喵!

knock on wood (phr.) 老天保佑;好險

如對話中所說,歐洲人的祖先相信樹裡住著守護神、精靈,所以可以透過 knock on wood 來祈求祂們的保護。當你不小心把話說得太滿,像是「我今年都沒生病」這類的話時,就可以加一句 knock on wood,一方面避免一語成讖,另一方面也祈求這樣的好運可以持續下去。

A: How’s the project going?
B: Looks like we’re going to finish on time and on budget—knock on wood.

A: 你的專案進行得如何?
B: 應該一切都會準時完成且在預算內,老天保佑。

ward sth. off  (phr.) 避開…

ward 當名詞通常指「病房」,當動詞意為「保衛;擋」,動詞片語 ward off 則是指「避開;阻擋 (不好的事物)」,例如:ward off evil spirits (避邪)。

My friend gave me an amulet to ward off evil spirits.

in disguise (phr.) 偽裝;化身

disguise 動名詞同形,意為「喬裝;偽裝」,片語 in disguise 意指「偽裝;化身;變裝」,通常放在名詞後做修飾。補充「因禍得福」的英文為 a blessing in disguise。

The so-called policy reforms are nothing more than a tax increase in disguise.



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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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