「防疫」的英文是?帶你看 CNN 談論台灣防疫措施如何成為世界之最

現在就一起來看看 CNN 對台灣防疫措施的評價,同時學學防疫的英文吧!

今天要帶大家閱讀的是 CNN 報導的這篇文章:Taiwan’s coronavirus response is among the best globally

文章首先提到,2003 年爆發的 SARS 使得台灣等地遭受重創。

During the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak of 2003, Taiwan was among the worst-hit territories, along with Hong Kong and southern China. More than 150,000 people were quarantined on the island–180 kilometers (110 miles) off China’s southeastern coast–and 181 people died.
(2003 年爆發了 SARS 大流行,台灣、香港、及中國南部地區的疫情都相當嚴重。位於中國東南方海岸外 180 公里的台灣,當時約有十五萬人受到隔離,一百八十一人因而病逝)

severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

這個世代的台灣人一定對 SARS 這個詞不陌生,SARS 的全名為 severe acute respiratory syndrome。severe、acute、 respiratory 都是形容詞,意思分別為「嚴重的」、「急性的」、「呼吸的」,而 syndrome 則為名詞,指「症候群」,合起來便是「嚴重急性呼吸道症候群」。

Due to the experience of battling against SARS, Taiwanese people know wearing face masks is a practical way to protect themselves.
因為經歷過 SARS 事件,台灣人知道戴口罩是保護自己的實際方法。

SARS 事件是所有台灣人都不願回想的慘痛回憶,不過文章指出,針對這次武漢肺炎,台灣防疫成功的關鍵因素之一就在於「記取當年 SARS 的教訓」,讓台灣得以快速做出合適的因應措施。

Taiwan’s government learned from its 2003 SARS experience, and established a public health response mechanism for enabling rapid actions for the next crisis. Well-trained and experienced teams of officials were quick to recognize the crisis and activated emergency management structures to address the emerging outbreak.
(台灣政府記取 2003 年 SARS 事件得到的經驗,建立公共衛生機制得以在下次危機來臨時快速應變處理。受過良好訓練且經驗豐富的官員團隊能夠迅速辨認危機,並啟動緊急管理架構來應對新爆發的疫情。)


outbreak 為名詞,指「爆發,突然發生」,通常用於疾病、危險或不愉快的事,例如:an outbreak of war (戰爭的爆發)。要特別注意的是,許多人容易把它和 breakout 混淆。雖然拼法類似,但兩者在意思上大不相同。breakout 一樣是名詞,指的是「(集體) 越獄」。

The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak has been disastrous in every aspect.

The man organized a prison-wide breakout.

【CNN10】散播錯誤資訊亂象、美國抗疫今昔相比 (Fighting Misinformation | March 20, 2020)


1. Ban travel from many parts of China (禁止中國人至台灣旅遊)
2. Stop cruise ships docking at the island’s ports (禁止國際郵輪停靠台灣各港口)
3. Introduce strict punishments for anyone found breaching home quarantine orders. (制定違反居家隔離檢疫規定的嚴格懲罰)
4. Ramp up domestic face-mask production (逐步提生口罩的產量)
5.Announce new punishments for spreading disinformation about the virus (針對散佈疾病假訊息者處以重罰)


ban 動名詞同形,意思是「(尤指官方) 禁止」,常見的使用方式為 ban sb. from doing sth.,意即「禁止某人做某事」。因為 from 是介系詞,後面須接 N/V-ing。

Edward was caught driving drunk and was banned from driving for three years.
= Edward was caught driving drunk and received a three-year driving ban.
Edward 酒駕被抓到因此有三年都被禁止開車上路。


quarantine 動名詞同形,意思是「隔離檢疫」。這個字源自於十四世紀的義大利,當時黑死病肆虐於全歐洲,義大利政府便要求任何從疫區回來的船隻都要停靠在港口邊四十天進行隔離。quarantine 這個字正是由義大利文 quaranta giorni (四十天) 演變而來。

Those who skip quarantine to go out or to take public transport will be fined heavily.

【新冠肺炎】新冠病毒疫情究竟有多嚴重?為什麼全球如此恐慌? (Coronavirus: how far will it spread? | FT)

ramp up

台灣口罩的日產量從原先的每日 188 萬片到現在單日產量竟可超過一千萬片!有口罩國家隊的努力,口罩產量才能持續提升,以滿足市場需求。ramp up 為動詞片語,常出現在商業活動中,指「(逐步地) 擴大,增加」。

Our boss decided to ramp up production to meet increasing customer demand.


disinformation 為不可數名詞,可以拆成 dis- 和 information 來看。字首 dis- 帶有 「否定」意味,information 指的是「資訊」,兩者合併起來便有「假資訊」的意思。值得注意的是,misinformation 同樣也有 「假資訊」之意,只不過它是用來指「無意之間把假資訊傳播出去的誤傳」,而 disinformation 則用在「故意製造假資訊來達到某種目的的謠傳」。

Do not spread disinformation; it only fosters panic.

Nowadays, everyone needs to develop some  media literacy to analyze whether or not what they’re seeing is misinformation.

文章中也引用了美國醫學會期刊 (JAMA) 近期一份研究中的話:

Given the continual spread of Covid-19 around the world, understanding the action items that were implemented quickly in Taiwan, and the effectiveness of these actions in preventing a large-scale epidemic, may be instructive for other countries.


這幾天打開電視、上網瀏覽新聞,最常出現的詞彙之一就是「防疫」。那麼,該如何用英文來表達「防疫」這個動作呢?其實很簡單,你可以說 prevent spread of viruses 或是如文章所說的 prevent an epidemic。prevent 為動詞,意思是「阻止,預防」,除了可以用來說明「阻止某人做某事」之外,亦可用於「預防疾病或病毒」。其名詞形為 prevention,因此「防疫」的英文你可以用 epidemic prevention,而「防疫措施」的英文則為 epidemic prevention measures。

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 and also no specific medicine to treat it.

Taiwan was the first country to activate epidemic prevention measures against COVID-19.

看完 CNN 針對台灣防疫的報導後,想要再更進一步了解如何實際用英文聊疫情嗎?那你絕對不能錯過 Ride the Vibes 這集節目→To Panic, or Not to Panic (COVID-19)

感謝第一線防疫及醫療人員的努力,讓身處在台灣的大家不必在恐慌中度日,同時也讓國際看見了台灣。你有什麼話想對辛苦的第一線人員說嗎?小 V 祝大家身體健康,記得勤洗手!

多國名人都對台灣的防疫措施讚譽有加,來看看他們是怎麼說的吧!Taiwan can help!
Ricky Martin 推文 https://bit.ly/3dXnyk9
Barbra Streisand 推文 https://bit.ly/34cxiTa
Bill Gates 福斯新聞受訪 https://bit.ly/3aMJ3lV
Late Night with Seth Meyers https://youtu.be/TmVqrJHrO-8
Brian Cragun https://bit.ly/2x3YJT2
Xiaofei小飛 https://bit.ly/3bV6EkC
Nathan https://bit.ly/2X7HECu
Nieuwsuur https://bit.ly/2wUs7LH
Not Just Bikes https://bit.ly/2x5OMoi
Elizabeth https://bit.ly/2ULSexk
Jonas https://bit.ly/2x95nr8
Martin Ferm方馬丁 https://bit.ly/3c5N0T9
Louis https://bit.ly/2UKWcGv
Iku老師/Ikulaoshi https://bit.ly/34eTPz1
chokarella https://bit.ly/39Mbhfp
Daniel Flash 捷晧 https://bit.ly/2V2LURa


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文/ Annie Chien
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pixabay

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