
今天就讓我們用英文跟著 Martin 跟 Jessica 一起去逛展覽吧!

Jessica 是一個非常喜歡逛展覽的人,而最近台北有一個當代藝術的展覽,於是她決定約好友 Martin 一起去看展。

Jessica: Hey Martin, I know you’re also a fan of contemporary art. There’s an exhibition on in Taipei this weekend. I’m wondering if you want to go with me.
Jessica: 嗨 Martin,我知道你也很喜歡當代藝術,這週末台北有一個正在展演的展覽,你想要跟我一起去嗎?

Martin: You bet, Jessica. I would love to!
Martin: 當然,Jessica,我很樂意!

Jessica: Great!
Jessica: 太棒了!

(On weekend)

Martin: Wow, there’s so many people here. I didn’t know there were so many art lovers in Taipei!
Martin: 哇,這裡有好多人喔,我不知道現在也有這麼多人喜歡展覽。

Jessica: I think they should give the credit to whoever is doing online marketing for the gallery—I think that’s where most people heard about the exhibition.
Jessica: 我覺得這應該歸功於網路行銷,讓更多人知道展覽資訊。

Martin: That’s true. Also, with the cultural and creative industries becoming more and more developed, art is increasingly present in our daily lives.
Martin: 對,而且隨著文創產業越來越發達,藝術的元素已經融入我們的日常生活了。

Jessica: You’re right. We’d better hurry up and get in line, or we might not get in!
Jessica: 你說得對。我們現在應該要來排隊了,要不然我們看不了展覽。

contemporary art (n.) 當代藝術

contemporary 是形容詞,「當代的」的意思,加上 art 就是「當代藝術」之意。當代藝術是接續在現代藝術之後的一種藝術形態。

Contemporary art is different from modern art.

exhibition (n.) 展覽

exhibition 是名詞「展覽」,而「看展覽」的動詞可以用 visit, attend 或是 see。

I’m going to attend a sculpture exhibition this Friday.

on (adj.) 展演中

on 在此不是介系詞,而是形容詞,表示「展演中」,也可以用 on display 表示。

The exhibition is still on; let’s go visit!

cultural and creative industries (n.) 文創產業

cultural 是形容詞,表示「文化的」,creative 是形容詞,意思是「有創意的;和創意相關的」,而 industry 則是「產業」的意思,三個字合在一起就是「文創產業」。

My sister has decided to devote herself to the cultural and creative industries.

在排隊的時候,有個街頭藝人在旁邊表演,充實了 Jessica 和 Martin 在等待的時間…

Jessica: Listen to that busker! What a great voice!
Jessica: 你聽那個街頭藝人!聲音超棒的!

Martin: Remember his face, he might be famous one day! Okay, let’s get going to the exhibition!
Martin: 記住他的長相,他有天可能會成名。好吧,我們可以進去看展覽了!

(At the museum)

Jessica: Wow, this art collection is so amazing!
Jessica: 哇,這些藝術作品好厲害!

Martin: Though I don’t get some of the pieces, overall I’m still really impressed.
Martin: 雖然我不太懂其中幾個作品的美,但還是讓我印象很深刻。

Jessica: Hey Martin, have you seen installation art before?
Jessica: 嘿 Martin,你之前有看過裝置藝術嗎?

Marin: Nope, what is that?
Marin: 沒有欸,那是什麼?

Jessica: Unlike the way we “see” art with our eyes, installation art let you “experience” art in an interactive way.
Jessica: 不同於我們用眼睛「看」藝術,裝置藝術讓你用互動的方式「體驗」藝術。

Martin: Wow, sounds cool. Maybe we can visit an installation art exhibition some other day.
Martin: 哇,聽起來很酷,或許之後我們可以一起去體驗裝置藝術。

Jessica: Of course.
Jessica: 好呀。

busker (n.) 街頭藝人

busk 是動詞「街頭賣藝」的意思,而字尾 -er 有「…的人」的意思,所以 busker 就是街頭賣藝的人,也就是「街頭藝人」。

David is currently a busker. He makes a living performing his own music on the street.
David 目前是一個街頭藝人,在街上表演他自己的音樂養活自己。

installation art (n.) 裝置藝術

電腦下載完成後電腦畫面常常會出現 install 這個字,也就是「安裝」的意思,而 installation 是其名詞,後面加上 art 是什麼意思呢?裝置藝術是需要組裝才能完成的藝術,installation art 因此得名。

It is always interesting to go to an installation art exhibit because we are allowed to feel the art itself.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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