
今天就讓小 V 教你如何用英文聊彩券吧!

Johnny 跟 Susan 是公司同事,有天 Johnny 因為工作事情不太開心,於是找 Susan 聊聊…

Johnny: I can’t stand my boss anymore. He’s just so stubborn and he never listens to anyone else’s opinion.
Johnny: 我再也受不了我的老闆了,他固執到都不接受別人的意見。

Susan: Calm down, Johnny. This isn’t exactly news. You’ve known what he’s like for a long time.
Susan: 冷靜一點,這也不是你第一天認識他啦。

Johnny: I know, but it’s getting to be too much. I seriously thought about quitting today.
Johnny: 我知道,但越來越誇張了,我今天甚至有離職的想法。

Susan: Don’t be so impulsive. It’ll probably be fine in the end.
Susan: 不要那麼衝動,我相信最後一切都會變好的。

Johnny: Why is working so hard! Life would be perfect if we didn’t need to work for money.
Johnny: 為何工作可以如此的難呢!如果我們不用為錢工作該有多好。

Susan: I suppose that’s possible… if you win the lottery!
Susan: 如果你中樂透就可以啊。

Johnny: Great idea! Let’s find a lottery retailer and buy a ticket.
Johnny: 好主意!要不要今天下班去彩券行買一張樂透?

Susan: Sure. Wish me luck!
Susan: 好啊,希望我們好運!

win the lottery (phr.) 中樂透

win 這個動詞相信大家不陌生,就是「贏」的意思,而 lottery 是名詞,表示「樂透」,合再一起就是「中樂透」的意思喔!

If I win the lottery, the first thing I will do is quit my job and go traveling around the world.

lottery retailer (n.) 彩券行

我們通常都要去彩券行買樂透,那大家知道「彩券行」的英文是什麼嗎?就是 lottery retailer 。剛剛提過 lottery 是「樂透」的意思,而 retailer 是名詞,「零售商」的意思,兩者合一就是「彩券行」囉。

There are more and more lottery retailers in Taiwan.

於是下班後,Johnny 跟 Susan 一起去了彩券行,為了他們的致富夢買一個希望。

Johnny: Hi, I would like to buy a lottery ticket, please.
Johnny: 你好,我想要買一張樂透。

Lottery dealer: Okay, do you want a quick pick or do you have a set of lucky numbers you would like to use?
彩券行店員: 好,你想要自動選號還是你要自己挑號碼?

Johnny: Quick pick, please.
Johnny: 自動選號,謝謝。

Lottery dealer: Okay, here you are. The lottery draw is at 9:00 p.m. tonight. Good luck! How about you, Miss.?
彩券行店員: 好的,給你,樂透開獎時間是今天晚上九點,祝你好運。那妳呢小姐?

Susan: I would like to buy a scratchcard.
Susan: 我想要買一張刮刮樂。

Lottery dealer: Here you are. I hope you win the jackpot!
彩券行店員: 來,給你,祝妳中頭獎。

Johnny: If you win, let’s split the winnings 50-50—since we’re good friends.
Johnny: 如果你中了的話,我們五五分,因為我們是好朋友啊。

Susan: In your dreams!
Susan: 想得美。

quick pick (phr.) 自動選號

買過樂透的你一定知道樂透可以用電腦選號或是自己選,而「電腦選號」的英文就是 quick pick,quick 是形容詞,意思是「快速的」,pick 動名詞同形,表示「挑選」,「快速的挑選」就是「自動選號」的意思。

According to studies, most winning lottery tickets use quick pick to select the numbers.

lottery draw (n.) 開獎

萬眾矚目的「開獎」英文該怎麼說呢?draw 除了當動詞表示「畫畫」,也有「抽 (獎;號碼)」的意思,所以 lottery draw 就是「開獎」。

I’m waiting for the lottery draw tonight.

scratchcard (n.) 刮刮樂

除了樂透以外,另一種很受歡迎的彩券就是刮刮樂,因為刮刮樂的特性是刮開對獎,「刮刮樂」的英文為 scratchcard,scratch 為動詞,表示「刮」。

Mike spent thousands of dollars on scratchcards and now he is broke.
Mike 花了數千元買刮刮樂然後他現在沒錢了。

jackpot (n.) 頭獎

不管是哪一種彩券,獎項會分成頭獎、二獎、三獎等等,其中頭獎的英文為 jackpot,搭配的動詞可以用 win 或是 hit。

Don’t get your hopes up about winning the jackpot. Your chances are more than a million to one!

winnings (n.) 贏得的錢

winnings 這邊恆用複數形,表示「贏來的錢」。類似用法如 earnings (薪水,工資)。

What are you going to do with your winnings from the lottery?



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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