

Lavon 和 Paul 兩人下課後一起去吃晚餐,等餐同時看到了澳洲野火的報導。

Lavon: Those bushfires have been ripping through Australia for five months already.
Lavon: 野火已經肆虐澳洲五個月了。

Paul: Yeah, I’ve heard they have devastated many animals’ habitats.
Paul: 對啊,據說野火毀了許多動物的家園。

Lavon: Is there anything we can do to help?
Lavon: 我們幫得上什麼忙嗎?

Paul: I know of a nonprofit organization that is raising funds to provide drinking stations for koalas.
Paul: 我知道有個非營利組織在募款要買飲水站給無尾熊。

Lavon: Look! The report says there’s a koala adoption program
Lavon: 你看!還有認養無尾熊的計畫欸。

Paul: Oh no, those poor burnt koalas! How do we sign up to adopt one?
Paul: 噢…看這些被燒傷的無尾熊!要怎麼才能認養牠們?

Lavon:  It says to go to the organization’s website and choose the koala you want to adopt.
Lavon: 上面說只要去它的網站,然後選你想領養的無尾熊就可以了。

Paul: Oh, but they are all so adorable! How could I possibly choose just one?
Paul: 喔,但牠們都好可愛!我怎麼可能只選一隻?


bushfire (n.) 野火

bush 是「灌木;草叢」,所以 bushfire 就是「野火」,也可以說 wildfire。

The bushfires have swept through southern Australia.

rip through (phr.) 肆虐

動詞 rip 有「撕裂;撕除」之意,動詞片語 rip through 則是指災害快速、猛烈地「肆虐;橫掃」某地,動詞也可以改為 sweep (橫掃),sweep through

More than 1,000 tornadoes rip through the U.S. annually.

nonprofit organization (n.) 非營利組織

profit 是「盈利;利益」,因此 nonprofit organization 就是指「非營利組織」,常縮寫為 NPO。charity (慈善組織) 就是 NPO 的一種。

The nonprofit organization endeavors to address public health issues.

raise (v.) 募款

raise 當動詞時除了有「抬起;舉起;養育」的意思之外,還可以表達「募款」,後面可以加上 money、capital (資本)、funds (資金) 等金錢相關名詞。

The students raised money for underprivileged children.

adoption (n.) 領養

adoption 是「領養;採納」,其動詞形是 adopt,須注意容易與 adapt (適應) 混淆。

You will receive a certificate of adoption after adopting a koala.


News anchor: A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey yesterday. As of now, the death toll has climbed to 20…
新聞主播:昨日土耳其發生規模 6.8 的強震,截至目前為止,死亡人數已攀升到 20 人…

Lavon: It seems that natural disasters have become commonplace.
Lavon: 天然災害似乎越來越常見了。

Paul: My dad told me that Turkey was the first country to send a rescue team to Taiwan during the 921 earthquake.
Paul: 我爸說 921 大地震的時候,土耳其是第一個派搜救隊來台灣的國家。

Lavon: We should donate some money to help them get through this rough period.

Paul: But I’m almost broke…
Paul: 但我的錢幾乎都花完了…

Lavon: How come?
Lavon: 怎麼會這樣?

Paul: Because I adopted three koalas last week!
Paul:  因為我上禮拜領養了三隻無尾熊!

Lavon: Maybe you can donate some relief supplies instead.
Lavon: 那或許你可以捐一些救援物資。

Paul: Or maybe we could hold a fundraising event!
Paul: 或者或許我可以辦一個募款活動!

Lavon: Even better!
Lavon: 那更好!


magnitude (n.) 地震規模

magnitude 是指「地震規模」,每個地震只會有一個規模值,但不同地方則會感受到不同的「震度」,也就是 intensity。補充:「震央」是 epicenter,「餘震」則是 aftershock。

The tsunami hit Japan following an 8.4 magnitude earthquake.
在規模 8.4 的地震之後,海嘯隨之侵襲日本。

death toll (n.) 死亡人數

toll 在此為不可數名詞,表示「傷亡;破壞」,因此 death toll 則是「死亡人數」,補充:casualty 則是事故、戰爭中的「傷亡人員」。

Italy’s official COVID-19 death toll has exceeded China’s, rising to 5,400.
義大利的新冠肺炎死亡人數已經超過中國,達到 5,400 例。

rescue team (n.) 搜救隊 

動詞 rescue 意為「營救;救援」,所以 rescue team 就是「搜救隊」,也可以說 search and rescue team。

The rescue team finally found the climbers who had gotten trapped during the blizzard.

donate (v.) 捐贈;捐助

donate 意思是「捐贈;捐助」,後面直接加上要捐的東西,比方說:donate money (捐錢)、donate blood (捐血)。其名詞是 donation (捐贈;捐贈物)。

The charity donated masks to frontline healthcare workers.

relief supplies (n.) 救援物資

relief 可以指「寬慰;解脫」,也有「救濟;救援」的意思,supplies 在此為名詞,恆用複數形,意思是「日常用品,物資」,所以 relief supplies 就是「救援物資」。

The relief supplies were delivered to the disaster shelters.

2020 還過不到一半,世界各地就傳來許多災情,像是 COVID-19 疫情肆虐,大家還可以主動登記捐口罩,由政府幫你捐給需要全世界的醫療人員喔!


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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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