
2019 年,台灣成為亞洲第一個同婚合法的國家,
小 V 身邊也有越來越多人勇敢「出櫃」。

Melissa 有天跑去找她的「好 gay 蜜」—— Kurt,跟他感情諮商一下。

Melissa: I’ve decided I’m going to confess my love to Patrick. He’s my Mr. Right!
Melissa: 我決定要跟 Patrick 告白,他就是我的真命天子!

Kurt: What? Why him?
Kurt: 蛤?為什麼是他?

Melissa: He’s very handsome and thoughtful. A real gentleman—and such a good dresser as well!
Melissa: 因為他又帥又貼心啊,就跟個紳士一樣,而且他的穿著品味也很好。

Kurt: I hate to burst your bubble, but there’s no chance of romance between you two.
Kurt: 等一下,我不想要潑妳冷水,但妳的戀情不會有結果的。

Melissa: Why?
Melissa: 為什麼?

Kurt: Because he’s gay.
Kurt: 因為他是同性戀。

Melissa: Are you sure? He told you?
Melissa: 你確定嗎?他自己跟你說的?

Kurt: Well… no, but I have gaydar. And I’ve spoken to some people who have gone on dates with him and let’s just say… none of them were women. I’m certain he’s gay. He probably just doesn’t want to come out the closet at this time.
Kurt: 我有同志雷達啊,而且我有跟他以前的約會對象聊過天,我就直說吧,這之中沒一個女生,所以我很確定他是同性戀,他大概只是還不想出櫃而已。

看來 Melissa 的幻想破滅了…不過沒關係,先來學學單字吧!

burst sb.’s bubble (phr.) 潑冷水

burst 有「(使) 爆炸;(使) 破掉」的意思,而 buble 則是名詞,表示「泡泡」,因此 burst sb.’s bubble 就是指「潑某人冷水;戳破某人的美好幻想」。

I hate to burst your bubble, but you can’t win her heart anyway. She’s already in love with someone else.

gaydar (n.) 同志雷達

gaydar 由 gay (同志) 跟 radar (雷達) 兩個字組成,是一種能夠判斷對方是同性戀、異性戀,抑或是雙性戀的直覺。

My gaydar tells me that Mike is not gay. He just doesn’t like you in that way.
我的同志雷達告訴我 Mike 不是同性戀,他只是對妳沒興趣而已。

come out the closet (phr.) 出櫃 

這個片語是源於 a skeleton in the closet,意為「不可告人的秘密」,所以 come out of the closet 就是公開自己的秘密,也就是「出櫃」。

He came out the closet to his parents last night, and luckily, they totally support him.

雖然 Melissa 的戀情還沒開始就結束了,但他跟 Kurt 還是繼續聊了下去。

Melissa: But why doesn’t he come out the closet? It’s 2020 already!
Melissa: 但他為什麼不出櫃啊?都已經 2020 年了耶!

Kurt: Coming out takes a lot more courage than you think, and I’m speaking from experience. 
Kurt: 出櫃需要的勇氣比你想的來得大,而且這是我的親身經驗。

Melissa: Oh yeah, some people are still really homophobic.
Melissa: 也是啦,有些人是很恐同的。

Kurt: Those people often don’t understand the LGBTQ community.
Kurt: 這些人很常對 LGBT 族群有所誤解。

Melissa: I’m curious, when did you realize your sexual orientation?
Melissa: 我很好奇你是什麼時候知道自己的性傾向的?

Kurt: At about 15 years old. But at that time I was very afraid of being frozen out by my group of friends, so I chose to stay in the closet.
Kurt: 大概 15 歲的時候吧,當時我很怕被排擠,所以也選擇隱瞞性向。

Melissa: But to me… love is love! Everyone has the right to love and to be loved.
Melissa: 但對我來說愛就是愛啊!每個人都應該有愛人和被愛的權利。

Kurt: I agree. It’s so great to see more and more countries legalize same-sex marriage.
Kurt: 我同意,所以我很慶幸有越來越多國家都將同性婚姻合法化了。

homophobic (adj.) 恐同的

字首 homo- 意為「相同」,字尾 -phobia 則是「厭惡;恐懼症」,所以名詞 homophobia 就是「同性戀恐懼症」,homophobic 是形容詞,意指「恐同的」。字首 heter-、hetero- 則是「異;不等」,所以 heterophobia 就是「異性戀恐懼症」。

Many homophobic people believe same-sex couples shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children.

LGBTQ (n.)

LGBT 分別是 lesbian (女同性戀)、gay (男同性戀)、bisexual (雙性戀)、transgender (跨性別者) 的第一個字母。有時還會加上 Q、I、A,Q 是對自己性向還不清楚的 queer (酷兒),I 是同時擁有男女性徵的 intersex (雙性人),A 則是不會有情慾、性欲的 asexual (無性戀者)。

The protesters took to the streets to fight for LGBTQ rights.
抗議人士走上街頭爭取 LGBTQ 族群的權利。

sexual orientation (n.) 性傾向

sexual 是「性的;性別的」,orientation 則是人的「喜好;價值取向;信仰觀念」,因此 sexual orientation 就是指人的「性傾向」,其中又大致分為 homosexual (同性戀者)、heterosexual (異性戀者),以及上述提到的 bisexual (雙性戀者)。

Most experts say that sexual orientation is not a choice.

be frozen out (phr.) 被排擠

freeze sb. out 的意思是「排擠某人」,就像把對方冷凍一樣不理會一個人,因此用 freeze (使冷凍) 這個動詞。

I felt I was being frozen out of the discussion because no one was listening to me.

same-sex marriage (n.) 同性婚姻

same-sex 是「同性的」,所以 same-sex marriage 就是「同性婚姻」,「同性伴侶」則可以說 same-sex couple。

Taiwan was the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

小 V 身邊也有許多人會被同性戀吸引,雖然她們的戀情注定只能凋零,但生在人人都能勇敢去愛的台灣,真的是很讓人驕傲呢!


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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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