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【CNN10】東奧受武漢肺炎之影響、長壽的秘訣、蘋果軟體更新影響手機壽命 (Is Attitude Really Everything? | March 4, 2020)
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subside (v.) 平息;下沉
subside 這個動詞可以指某件事、某個狀況「趨於平緩,平息」,另外也可以指建築物、地面、水面等「下沉,下降」。
As the epidemic subsides, government officials are now focused on mitigating the economic effects.
隨著疫情平息,政府官員們現在專注於減輕各產業的經濟損失。My stomach pain has subsided. I think I’ll be okay to take myself home.
inhabited (v.) 居住於;棲息於
habitat 為名詞,意思是指動物的「棲息地」或植物的「產地」。inhabit 則是動詞,意思是「居住於;棲息於;佔據」,常以地方當主詞用被動語態。
Australia was inhabited long before its so-called “discovery” by Europeans.
澳洲在歐洲人「發現新大陸」之前就已經有人居住了。This tropical rainforest is inhabited by many kinds of animals.
transmit (v.) 傳播,傳染
這個動詞的意思為「傳播,傳染 (疾病)」,如:sexually transmitted disease (性傳播疾病)。transmit 還有其它意思如「傳送;傳 (光、熱、聲);遺傳;發射 (訊號)」。transmit 與 transport (運輸;運送) 最大的差別在於,transmit 通常用來指傳送無形的資料等,而 transport 則是指以交通工具運送人或貨物等有形物體。
Some insects like mosquitoes transmit diseases to humans.
一些像是蚊子的昆蟲會傳播疾病給人類。The kidnapper used a radio to transmit the message to the police.
postpone (v.) 使延期
這個字的意思為「使延期,延遲,延緩」,近義詞為 delay,兩字都有「延期,延誤」的意思,但 postpone 為主動性的延期,而 delay 則是指因突發性原因而導致延誤或延期。
Sarah Lynn’s concert was postponed, again, to next Saturday. I hope this is the last time.
Sarah Lynn 的演唱會又延期了,延到下週六,希望這是最後一次。Todd bought a gift for Bojack, but delivery was delayed because of the typhoon.
Todd 買了禮物要送 Bojack,但包裹因為颱風而延誤了。
in full swing (phr.) 如火如荼
swing 這個字當作名詞使用時有「搖擺」的意思,而 in full swing 字面上便是「搖擺至最高點」,由此引申出「正在全力進行中,如火如荼」之意。
Efforts to find a cure are already in full swing, with researchers hoping to create a vaccine by the end of this week.
這項科學工程正如火如荼進行著,希望能在這週製造出疫苗。My husband’s campaign for mayor is in full swing. I think he can definitely win the election.
athlete (n.) 運動員
My dream is to become a world-class athlete.
我的夢想是成為獲獎運動員。Previously, athletes in the Olympics games had to be amatuer and were not permitted to earn money from sport.
unabated (adj.) 未減弱的
abate 為動詞,意思是「減少,減弱」,加上否定字首 -un 與分詞尾 -ed,形成形容詞 unabated,意思是「不衰的,未減弱的」。
His success as a writer has continued unabated since his first novel was released.
從他第一本小說發行以來,他便一直是個成功的作家。The gunfight between the police and the gangsters continued unabated throughout the night.
kickoff (n.) 開始
kickoff 這個字指「開始」,由動詞片語 kick off 衍伸而來,通常指活動的開始,另外這個字也很常用來指稱足球的「開球」。
The kickoff of the senator’s campaign was marked with a rally in his home state.
這名參議員的造勢活動從自己的家鄉開始。The home team attacked from the kickoff.
主場隊於開球進攻。I hope the pandemic is under control before the Olympics kick off.
go out (phr.) 熄滅
動詞片語 go out 有許多意思,如「熄滅;外出;過時;過完」 。在這則新聞裡是用來指 The Olympics flame never goes out (奧運聖火永不熄滅),另外近義詞 extinguish 也有「撲滅,熄滅」火焰的意思。
When I woke up in the middle of the night, the bonfire had gone out.
當我在半夜醒來時,營火已經熄滅了。Rachel’s gone out for a walk with her dogs.
Rachel 帶著狗出門散步了。
PDA (n.) 掌上型電腦
PDA 為簡寫,全寫為 personal digital assistant,意思是就是「個人數位助理」或是「掌上型電腦」。
The Newton was the first PDA to feature handwriting recognition.
牛頓是第一台有手寫功能的掌上型電腦。Smartphones have largely made PDAs redundant.
take off (phr.) 成功,走紅
take off 為動詞片語,有許多意思,在此則新聞裡指「成功,走紅」,另外 take off 還有「起飛」之意,除了指飛機起飛,也可以用來指經濟等抽象概念的「起飛」。
Investors in the company hope to see its stock take off after the IPO.
這家公司的投資者希望公開募股後股價可以起飛。Bojack’s alcoholism began around the same time as his career began to take off.
當 Bojack 的演藝事業剛開始起飛時,他沾上了酒癮。
longevity (n.) 壽命
longebity /lɑnˈdʒɛvǝtɪ/ 這個字的意思為「壽命」,也有「長命,長壽」之意,可以指人類的長壽或產品等的壽命。
Giant tortoises are known for their longevity, living on average to 80–100 years old.
大家都知道陸龜很長壽,平均壽命在 80 至 100 歲之間。You’ve lived to be 100 years old. Can you share the secrets of your longevity?
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文/ Mackenzie Wang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語
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