
一定跟小 V 一樣喜歡滑滑網拍

Hanna 和媽媽常一起聊衣服、包包。於是周末下午,她們便出門逛街。

Hannah: I like the pattern of that low-cut floral print dress.
Hannah: 我喜歡那件低胸碎花洋裝的版型。

Mom: Yeah, but the lace part is really tacky. It will make you look twice your age.
媽媽: 是沒錯,但它的蕾絲很俗氣,妳穿起來會顯老。

Hannah: Alright, point taken. I’ll try on that overall dress instead.
Hannah: 好吧,我還想試試看吊帶裙。

Mom: I think brick red matches your skin tone.
媽媽: 我覺得磚紅色很襯妳的膚色。

Hannah: That‘s what I was thinking.
Hannah: 我也這麼想。

Mom: Go and try it in on; the fitting room is just over there.
媽媽: 那就去試穿看看吧。試衣間在那。

Hannah: Hey, you can try the beige one, and then we would be like sisters!
Hannah: 嘿,妳可以試試米色的啊,這樣我們看起來就像姐妹了!

Mom: No, no. I can’t pull off that style. It’s too cute.
媽媽:  不用了,我沒辦法駕馭這種風格。太可愛了。

low-cut (adj.) 低胸的

low-cut 是用來形容女生的衣服「領口低的;低胸的」,所以 low-cut top 就是「低胸上衣」、low-cut dress 就是「低胸洋裝」。補充:high-necked (高領的)、crew-neck (圓領的)、v-neck (v 領的)。

That girl in the red low-cut top is so hot!

floral print (n.) 碎花樣式

這個字是由 floral (花的) 跟 print (印) 組合而成的,指衣服屬於「碎花樣式」,女孩們最愛的碎花洋裝/裙/襯衫,就是 floral print dress/skirt/blouse。

Most men can’t understand the beauty of floral print clothing.

tacky (adj.) 俗氣的

tacky 是用來形容東西「俗氣的;品質低劣的」,除此之外,它也可以用來形容膠水、油漆等「未乾的;黏的」。

The golden necklace looks so tacky.

overall dress (n.) 吊帶裙

overall dress 是俏皮活潑路線的「吊帶裙」,overalls 則是「吊帶褲」,用複數形是因為有兩個褲管。

I love to wear overall dresses because they hide my belly.


Hannah: Many of my classmates have started wearing bell bottoms recently.
Hannah: 我很多同學最近都開始穿喇叭褲。

Mom: Those were very popular when I was young. I bet your classmates wear their moms’. I know I kept several pairs.
媽媽: 那在我年輕時很流行,我敢說你同學都是穿她們媽媽的喇叭褲,因為我以前也有好幾件。

Hannah: But what goes with bell bottoms?
Hannah: 但要怎麼搭配喇叭褲?

Mom: I usually wore an off-the-shoulder top and high-heel sandals. It made me look vibrant and elegant at the same time.
媽媽:  我以前都穿一字領上衣跟高跟涼鞋。這樣穿會讓我看起來活潑又優雅。

Hannah: You really have good taste in fashion! But I still prefer high-rise skinny jeans.
Hannah: 妳的時尚品味真的很好耶!但我還是比較喜歡高腰緊身牛仔褲。

Mom: One man’s meat is another man’s poison, but denim never goes out of fashion.
媽媽: 青菜蘿蔔,各有所好囉!但單寧永遠不會退流行。

Hannah: True. Oh, don’t you think this pair of ankle boots goes well with my dress! (points at a picture in a magazine.)
Hannah: 對呀,噢!妳不覺得這雙踝靴跟我的洋裝很搭嘛!(指著雜誌)

Mom: Yeah, but you’ve already got three pairs of boots just like those ones!
媽媽: 很搭啊,不過妳已經有三雙看起來跟這雙一模一樣的靴子了。

bell-bottoms (n.) 喇叭褲

相信許多人的媽媽都有一件喇叭褲,英文則用 bell (鐘;鈴) 來形容它的褲管形狀像鈴鐺一樣,因此稱作 bell-bottoms。

Bell-bottoms are back in fashion again.

off-the-shoulder (adj.) 一字領的

off-the-shoulder 字面上的意思就是「不在肩膀上的」,也就是氣質女孩喜歡的「一字領」,open-shoulder 則是「露肩的」。

My off-the-shoulder top rides up whenever I stretch.

high-rise skinny jeans (n.) 高腰緊身牛仔褲

high-rise 是「高腰」的意思,而 mid-rise 就是「中腰」、low-rise 則是「低腰」。牛仔褲則分成 skinny 跟 slim,前者是「緊身的」,後者是「修身的」。

She tucked the t-shirt into her high rise skinny jeans in an attempt to look taller.
她把 T 恤紮進高腰緊身牛仔褲,讓她的身材看起來更高挑。

denim (n.) 單寧

denim 是指「(藍色的) 牛仔布」,中文也常直接說「單寧」。

Denim jeans go well with everything!

只是小 V 發現自己的衣服都長很像,根本懷疑自己購物的時候被鬼遮眼了!


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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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