

Bruce 跟 Kevin 是大學死黨,有天 Kevin 在去學校的路上巧遇鬱鬱寡歡的 Bruce,於是上前關心…

Kevin: Hey Bruce, what’s wrong? You look so stressed out.
Kevin: 嗨 Bruce,發生什麼事了?你看起來壓力很大。

Bruce: Oh, hey Kevin. Nothing… I’m just a little annoyed with my girlfriend.
Bruce: 嘿 Kevin,沒事啦…我只是被我女朋友搞得有點煩。

Kevin: What happened?
Kevin: 怎麼了?

Bruce: We’ve been in a relationship for a year. In the beginning, everything was just fine and sweet. But, after half year, she suddenly became very controlling.
Bruce: 我們已經在一起一年了,一開始都很好也很甜蜜。但是,在一起半年後,她突然變得控制欲很強。

Kevin: How come?
Kevin: 怎麼會這樣?

Bruce: She started to ask me to call her three times a day, and if I didn’t reply her message in ten minutes, she would freak out and start saying that I didn’t care about her and that I must be cheating.
Bruce: 她開始會要求我每天打電話給他三次,然後如果我沒有在十分鐘內回她訊息,她就會抓狂然後說我都不在乎她一定在偷吃之類的話。

Kevin: What!? She sounds like a control freak. I couldn’t handle that. If I were you, I would break up with her.
Kevin: 什麼!?她聽起來就像個控制狂,如果我是你,我肯定會分手因為我真的無法承受。

Bruce: I just feel so worn out
Bruce: 我真的已經筋疲力盡了…

(to be continued)

controlling (adj.) 控制欲強的

你身邊有那種常常會很「關心」你的人嗎?關心到無時無刻都要知道你在做什麼、在哪裡?英文中有一個形容詞可以形容他們,那就是 controlling,意思是「控制欲強的」,而這樣的人中文稱之為「控制狂」,英文即為 control freak。

It’s my life and I’ll live it how I want! Can you stop being so controlling? I can’t take it any longer!

freak out (phr.) 抓狂;嚇死

freak 當名詞時是「怪咖」的意思,另外也可當動詞,常見動詞片語 freak out 意思是「抓狂」,也有「嚇死」的意思,用法請看以下兩個例句:

Mom freaked out when she saw the mess we had made in the house.

The snake in the zoo freaked Lucy out.
動物園裡的蛇把 Lucy 嚇得半死。

worn out (adj.) 感到筋疲力盡的

表示「筋疲力盡」除了用常見的形容詞 exhausted 以外,還可以怎麼說呢?你可以用 worn out 表示。worn 是動詞 wear 的過去分詞,而 wear out 原本是「用光;磨光」的意思,因此用過去分詞形時可以衍生為「感到筋疲力盡」之意。

I’m totally worn out after hiking all day.

接下來 Bruce 繼續跟 Kevin 說他跟女友最近發生的事情…

Bruce: I tried to tell her that it is because I’m in the middle of applying for my master’s, so I’m busier than I normally would be. But she just doesn’t get it and starts getting really angry, saying that if I really loved her I would spend every waking minute with her.
Bruce: 我試著跟他說那是因為最近我在準備碩士申請,所以我比平常更忙,但她不能理解,然後開始很生氣,說如果我愛她我就會時時刻刻都陪她。

Kevin: She seems pretty insecure.
Kevin: 她似乎很沒有安全感。

Bruce: Yes, and besides, she always dredges up things I supposedly did wrong in the past every time we have a fight…
Bruce: 對,除此之外,每次吵架她都會翻舊帳,說我以前哪裡做得不好。

Kevin: That’s emotional blackmail. She’s trying to guilt you into feeling sympathy for her so she can get what she wants.
Kevin: 我覺得這是情緒勒索,她想讓你覺得罪惡感、同情她,然後得到她想要的。

Bruce: Ugh… really? What should I do then?
Bruce: 痾…真的假的?那我應該怎麼做?

Kevin: I would break up with her, otherwise she’s going to try and push you over the edge. From what you’ve told me so far, there’s only trouble ahead in that relationship.
Kevin: 我會和她分手,否則她只會一直這樣,直到把你逼到絕境。從你告訴我的事情看來,這段感情未來只會有更多阻礙。

Bruce: You’re right. I’ll give it a try. But who knows how she’s going to take it…
Bruce: 你說得對,我會試試看。但誰知道她會不會接受…

Bruce 似乎正面棘手的感情狀況,先讓我們來複習上面字詞吧!

dredge up (bad) things (phr.) 翻舊帳

你有遇過吵架喜歡翻舊帳的人嗎?「翻舊帳」的英文可以用 dredge up (bad) things 這個片語喔。dredge 為動詞,有「清淤;搜尋;打撈」的意思,翻舊帳的行為就像把過去的事情打撈起來一樣。

She always dredges up bad things from the past whenever we have a fight.

emotional blackmail (n.) 情緒勒索

emotional 是形容詞,表示「情緒的;情緒激動的」,而 blackmail 則是「敲詐,勒索」的意思,而兩者合一就是「情緒勒索」之意。

It’s important for us to learn how to deal with emotional blackmail, otherwise people may take advantage of you.

push sb./sth. over the edge (phr.) 把…逼到絕境

有時候我們被一段關係逼到無路可走的時候,這種情境應該如何用英文表達呢?push 是動詞「推」,edge 是名詞「邊緣」,而 push sb./sth. over the edge 很好理解地就是「把…逼到絕境」的意思,可以用來表達這種無法喘息的狀態喔!

Don’t push our relationship over the edge.




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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexel
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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