
來聽小 V 說說吧!

Sofia 有了大消息要和 Bob 分享!

Sofia: Guess what? I’m not single anymore!

Bob: Congratulations! Who’s the lucky guy?


Sofia: Tom from my table tennis class.

Sofia:我桌球課上的 Tom。

Bob: Tom Smith? But…

Bob:Tom Smith 嗎?可是 …

Sofia: But what?


Bob: Didn’t he just
break up with his ex-girlfriend last week?

Sofia: Really? I didn’t know that! Tom didn’t tell me either.

Sofia:真的假的?我都不知道!Tom 也沒告訴我。

Bob: Of course he didn’t.


Sofia: Do you think it’s possible that I’m his

Bob: I’m sorry to say but… it’s highly possible. I think that maybe he still hasn’t
gotten over his ex.

糟糕,Sofia 會不會只是 Tom 的備胎呢?繼續看下去前,我們先來複習單字吧!

break up (phr.) 分手

break up 的意思是「分手」,也可以用 split up,後面可接介系詞 with 再接分手對象,算是比較口語的說法,比較正式的說法則是 end a relationship (結束一段感情)。

Sally was finally free after she broke up with her terrible boyfriend.
和糟糕的前男友分手後,Sally 終於自由了。

Tommy found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him, so he decided to end the relationship.
Tommy 發現他女友有外遇,所以決定結束這段感情。

rebound (n.) 備胎

rebound /ˈriˌbaʊnd/ 的意思是「反彈;回彈」,亦可指「恢復」,對話中的 rebound 指的即是結束一段感情後恢復期間找來的「備胎」。

Sally understands that she’s just her boyfriend’s rebound, but she’s not brave enough to end the relationship.
Sally 了解她只是她男友的備胎,但就是無法鼓起勇氣結束感情。

get over sb. (phr.) 忘掉某人

get over… 的意思是「從…中恢復過來或走出來」,後頭可以接「疾病」(如 get over the flu,「從流感中康復」),或是接「人」,意思多半是指感情上的「忘掉或放下某人」。

It took Tommy months to get over his ex-girlfriend.
Tommy 花了數月才忘掉他的前女友。

Sally still suffers from childhood trauma. She has trouble getting over it.
Sally 依舊受童年創傷所苦,她無法走出傷痛。

Sofia 的看法如何?

Sofia: I’m starting to wonder if Tom is actually not that into me
Sofia:我開始納悶 Tom 究竟喜不喜歡我…

Bob: You’re wondering if you’re just a replacement for his ex-girlfriend, aren’t you?


Sofia: Exactly. What should I do?


Bob: My advice is to just go talk to him. Good communication is key to maintaining a healthy relationship.


Sofia: (Sigh) You’re right, I’ll go talk to him.

Sofia:(嘆氣) 你說得對,我會找他談談。

Bob: Good luck. And if anything goes wrong, you can always come to me for some help. I’ve got a lot of experience of the bad side of relationships.


Sofia: What kind of experience?


Bob: I’ve been
cheated on, and there was even the time I found out my wife had a secret lover. Her two-timing was hard to take—and I was devastated at that time—but I’ve moved on! I bounced back!

Sofia: Are you sure Bob? Because you appear to be weeping uncontrollably…

Bob: (Crying) I’m fine! Never been better! I’m soooo over her!
Bob:(大哭) 我沒事!從來沒這麼好過了!我已經忘掉她了!

Sofia: Bob, it’s alright if…

Bob: (Crying louder) WENDY! Why did you leave me!
Bob:(哭更大聲) 溫蒂!你為什麼要離開我!

看來 Bob 還是忘不了 Wendy 呢… 

be into sb. 迷戀某人

into 在這裡指的可不是真的實體的「穿入;進入」,而是指感情上的「入迷」。

Get over it already! He’s just not that into you!

類似說法還有 fall in love at first sight with sb.,用來指「愛上初次見面的人;一見傾心」。

Tommy fell in love at first sight with the girl he has just met in the bookstore.
Tommy 對剛剛在書店遇到的女孩一見傾心。

cheat on sb. (phr.) 劈某人腿

cheat 意指「欺騙;行騙」,cheat on somebody 指的即是「劈腿」。

Sally doesn’t know, but her boyfriend has been cheating on her for a while.
Sally 還不知道,但是她男友已經劈腿一陣子了。

secret lover (n.) 小三;小王

secret 在這邊為形容詞,表示「祕密的」,加上 lover (愛人) 就變成小三或小王,另外也可用 mistress 表示「情婦」。

Her secret lover was a young student in her husband’s class.

He bought his mistress an apartment so she wouldn’t tell his wife about their affair.

two-time (v.) 腳踏兩條船

在這邊是當動詞用,表示劈腿,為口語用法,後面可接介系詞 on 再接被劈腿的對象。

You won’t believe this. It turns out Sally’s boyfriend has been two-timing on her with her twin sister!
你不會相信的,結果 Sally 的男朋友一直在和她雙胞胎妹妹背著她劈腿。

move on (phr.) 繼續向前

move on 的字面意思為「繼續向前」,尤其用來指情緒上的「振作起來」,常用來安慰失戀的人。

A: I know it’s difficult, but you have to move on!
B: How could Carol cheat on me!? Why!! God tell me why!!
B:Carol 竟然劈腿!?為什麼!!老天爺啊告訴我為什麼!!

看來 Bob 是個很有故事的人。
小 V 祝大家和 Bob 一樣擁有不屈不撓的自信,永不對愛情失望!


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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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