
現在就讓我們一起跟著 Nancy 一起去銀行諮詢吧!

Nancy 是剛步入職場的社會新鮮人,工作一年後,她卻發現自己的銀行戶頭沒有存到多少錢,所以她決定去銀行諮詢理財相關的業務…

Nancy: Hi, I have an appointment with one of your financial consultants, Mr. Chen.
Nancy: 妳好,我今天有跟陳先生預約理財諮詢。

Clerk: Okay, please wait here a minute.
櫃檯: 好的,請稍等。

(After a few minutes)

Counter: Hi, Miss Huang. Mr. Chen is ready to see you.
櫃檯: 黃小姐,裡面請。

Mr. Chen: Hi Nancy, how can I help you today?
陳先生: 嗨 Nancy,有什麼我可以幫忙的地方嗎?

Nancy: I’m looking for some advice on saving money. I don’t want to live from paycheck to paycheck anymore.
Nancy: 我想要跟你諮詢關於儲蓄因為我不想要再當月光族了。

Mr. Chen: Don’t worry. I will do my best to help you. So, first, I would like to know how much you want to save and over what period of time you hope to build up that amount.
陳先生: 別擔心,我會盡力幫你。首先,我想要先了解一下你有沒有儲蓄的目標,以及你想要在多久之內存到這筆錢。

Nancy: Well, I don’t have a specific goal yet. I guess I just want to save as much as I can for rainy day.
Nancy: 目前我沒有明確的目標,我只是想要盡可能存多一點錢當應急基金。

Mr. Chen: I see. Please hold on for a second. Let me get some information for you.
陳先生: 了解,請稍等一下,讓我為你準備資料。

live from paycheck to paycheck (phr.) 當月光族

你是月光族嗎? Do you live from paycheck to paycheck? ,其中 paycheck 的意思是「工資單;薪水條」,過著期盼下一張工資單來的日子,也就是所謂的月光族。

My brother lives from paycheck to paycheck. I worry about what he will do if he gets an unexpected bill.

build up (phr.) 存 (錢)

存錢除了用我們最常聽到的 save money 之外,還有什麼其他說法嗎?有!那就是 build up one’s savings。build up 的意思是「建立」,後面若加上 savings,就變成「累積存款」的意思喔!

I want to build up my savings over the next five years so I can buy a house.

save for rainy day (phr.) 存應急基金

「為下雨天而存錢」是什麼意思呢?在這邊的 rainy day 指的是「窮困潦苦的日子」,因此 save for rainy day 就是未雨綢繆、存應急基金的意思。

It’s important to save for rainy day because you never know what will happen in the future.


Mr. Chen: Sorry to keep you waiting. I’ve prepared some options for you to have a look at.
陳先生: 不好意思讓你久等了,我已經準備好一些建議選項給您。

Nancy: Excellent.
Nancy: 太棒了。

Mr. Chen: My first recommendation would be a fixed deposit. The bank usually offers a higher interest rate with this compared to a regular savings account.
陳先生: 我第一個建議是定存帳戶,跟一般帳戶比起來,銀行通常都會給定存帳戶的投資人更高一點的利率。

Nancy: Interesting. What other options do I have?
Nancy: 聽起來蠻有趣的,我還有什麼選擇呢?

Mr. Chen: My other recommendation would be to put some money in an index fund.
陳先生: 我另一個建議是指數型基金。

Nancy: I see. What are the main differences between these two?
Nancy: 那麼,兩者有何差別呢?

Mr. Chen: A fixed deposit is just that. It is an account where you park a fixed amount of your savings while accruing interest. An index fund is a portfolio of stocks that normally offer very stable returns. It’s great for those who want to make a relatively low-risk investment in the stock market.
陳先生: 定存就是那樣。它是一個可以讓你存入同樣金額同時又能賺利息的帳戶。指數型基金則是一個定期回本的證券組合。很適合想要投入低風險股票市場的人。

Nancy: That sounds great! Thank you.
Nancy: 太棒了!謝謝你。

fixed deposit (n.) 定存帳戶

銀行帳戶有分兩種,一個是定存帳戶,另一個是活存帳戶,你們知道它們的英文分別要怎麼說嗎?「定存帳戶」是 fixed deposit 或是 time deposit,fixed 在這邊意思是「固定的」,而 deposit 就是「存錢」的意思;那麼「活存帳戶」則稱為 current deposit 或是 demand deposit。如果今天你要去銀行存錢,可以用 make a deposit of + 金額 + into one’s account 這個說法,舉例如下:

A fixed deposit is a good way of saving money.

I would like to make a deposit of 1,000 USD into my current account.

interest rate (n.) 利率

把錢放在銀行存起來的好處就是利息啦!「利息」的英文是 interest,它除了可以表示「興趣」之外,也可以當「利息」的意思;另外,「利率」的英文則是 interest rate,rate 是名詞,「率,比率」之意。

What is the bank’s current interest rate?

index fund (n.) 指數型基金

指數型基金是一種消極管理投資型基金的方式,其英文中的 index 則表示「指數」,而 fund 動名詞同形,當動詞是表示「資助」,當名詞時則有「基金;資金」的意思。

Index funds often perform better than hedge funds.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexel
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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