

Mandy 跟 Vicky 是上班好同事,某天早上 Mandy 看起來心情很低落,於是 Vicky 就關心起她…

Vicky: Hey Vicky, are you okay? You look a bit depressed. Is everything all right?
Vicky: Vicky,你還好嗎?你看起來很低落,怎麼了?

Mandy: It’s nothing. I’m just going through PMS.
Mandy: 沒事,只是經前症候群。

Vicky: Oh I see. It’s coming up for that time of the month again.
Vicky: 原來,你每個月的那幾天要來了。

Mandy: Yeah. It’s really difficult being a woman sometimes.
Mandy: 對啊,有時候當女人真的很難受。

Vicky: I feel you. Remember to prepare enough sanitary pads.
Vicky: 我也有同感,記得衛生棉要準備夠。

Mandy: Yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
Mandy: 對欸,謝謝你提醒我。

Vicky: No problem.
Vicky: 不會。

PMS (n.) 經前症候群

PMS 的全名為 Premenstrual Syndrome,中文是「經前症候群」,其症狀可能會有心情低落、易怒暴躁、身體不適等,可搭配動詞片語 go through。

Lisa is going through PMS and is a little bit emotional. We should go round with some chocolates and a movie to cheer her up.
Lisa 現在在經歷經前症候群所以有點情緒話,我們應該可以拿些巧克力給她或是陪她看個電影讓她開心點。

It’s that time of the month again. 那個又來了

「一個月的那個時間又來了」是什麼意思呢?就是指女生每個月經歷的那幾天,也就是經期,所以如果你想表達你的經期又來了,就可以說 It’s that time of the month again.。

It’s that time of the month again. I’m really not looking forward to the terrible cramps I normally get.

sanitary pad (n.) 衛生棉

經期最需要的就是衛生棉!「衛生棉」的英文應該怎麼說呢?就是 sanitary pad。sanitary 是名詞,表示「衛生」,而 pad 是名詞,表示「墊子」。補充:「衛生棉條」的英文則是 tampon /ˈtæmˌpɑn/。

I need to buy some sanitary pads on the way back home.

過幾天後,Mandy 的月經來了,而她看起來更不舒服…

Vicky: Are you on your period, Mandy? You don’t look well.
Vicky: Mandy,妳月經來了嗎?你看起來不太舒服。

Mandy: Yes, I have really bad cramps at the moment.
Mandy: 對,我現在經痛很嚴重。

Vicky: Do you want to take period leave?
Vicky: 你想要請生理假嗎?

Mandy: No, I think I should be able to soldier on. Especially since I have so much work to catch up on.
Mandy: 不用,我覺得我還可以撐著,而且我還有好多工作要做…

Vicky: You don’t need to put on a brave face. If you really don’t feel well, I can help out with your work.
Vicky: 你不需要逞強,如果你真的不舒服,我可以幫你做那些工作。

Mandy: Oh you are so sweet, but don’t worry, I’ll be able to manage. Do you usually get cramps when you are on your period?
Mandy: 你好貼心,別擔心,我還可以處理的。你平常那個來會經痛嗎?

Vicky: Lucky for me no. Although, I did miss my period this month…
Vicky: 我算幸運,我不會經痛,雖然我這個月沒來…

Mandy: Really? Oh my god! Are you….?
Mandy: 真的假的?我的天!你是不是…?

Vicky: Thankfully not! I took a test and it came back negative.
Vicky: 絕對不是!我有驗過了然後是陰性。

on one’s period (phr.) 月經來了

「月經來了」除了用上面提到的 It’s that time of the month again. 以外,也可以用 on one’s period 這個片語。period 是名詞,通常表示「時段,期間」,另外也可以指「月經期間」,注意介系詞搭配 on。

I’m on my period, so I’m not really in the mood to go to the party tonight.

cramps (n.) 經痛

月經來了沒關係,只要沒有經痛就好,但經痛不是說不來就可以不來啊!我們應該如何用英文表達「經痛」呢?可以用 cramps 這個字,cramp 是可數名詞,「抽筋,痙攣」的意思,表示「經痛」時則要用複數形。

These cramps are unbearable. I think I’m going to have to go the hospital.

take period leave (phr.) 請生理假

女生因為經痛非常不舒服的話,台灣政府保障每個月可以請一天生理假,首先要知道「請假」可用「take + 假別 + leave」這樣的句型表示,須注意 leave 在此為不可數名詞,例如:take sick leave (請病假),而 period 上面提過是「月經」的意思,因此 take period leave 就是請生理假的意思,那麼請一天生理假,就可以用 take a day of period leave 表示 。

I’m having really painful cramps, so I’m going to take a day of period leave.

put on a brave face (phr.) 逞強

brave 為形容詞,意思為「勇敢的」,「戴上勇敢的臉」,顧名思義就是逞強的意思。

Even though Dave had just lost his job, he put on a brave face in front of his children so as not to upset them.
儘管 Dave 剛丟了工作,但他在孩子們面前依然逞強裝沒事,為的就是不要讓孩子們不開心。

miss one’s period (phr.) 月經沒來

上面我們提到「月經來了」的英文說法,那「月經沒來」的英文應該怎麼說呢?我們可以用 miss 這個動詞來表示「錯過」經期,也就是那個沒來的意思囉。

I had a bit of a pregnancy scare when I missed my period this month, but I took a test and it came back negative. What a relief!



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexel
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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