
別擔心!現在就讓我們跟著 Cindy 一起向外國人介紹台灣的茶文化吧!

最近 Cindy 的英國朋友 Kate 來到台灣旅遊,Cindy 決定帶她去台灣最有名的阿里山走走…

Cindy: I’m so glad you finally made it to Taiwan!
Cindy: 我好開心你來台灣玩!

Kate: Me too. I’ve always wanted to try Taiwan’s world-famous oolong tea. I’ve heard it has been called “the champagne of oolong tea.”
Kate: 我也是,我一直很想喝台灣有名的烏龍茶。聽說它一直被稱作「香檳烏龍茶」。

Cindy: It has indeed. Did you know that Alishan’s success at producing this type of tea was kinda by accident?
Cindy: 沒錯。你知道阿里山之所以會產這種茶也是意外促成的嗎?

Kate: No, how so?
Kate: 不知道耶,怎麼說?

Cindy: In the 1980s, with the help of government experts, locals were encouraged to start growing tea to boost the economy. It turned out that Alishan’s high altitude and cool climate produced near-perfect oolong.
Cindy: 1980年代的時候,經由政府專家的協助,當地人被鼓勵種茶刺激經濟。後來發現阿里山的高海拔和涼爽環境能產出接近完美的烏龍茶。

Kate: Awesome! I can’t wait to taste it.
Kate: 太棒了!我等不及了。

Cindy: I’ve made a reservation at a tea house high up in the mountains—1,000 meters up! It will take us a while to get there, so let’s get going.
Cindy: 我已經預約好高山上的茶館,一千公尺高的山上!到那會需要一點時間,所以我們出發吧。

(At the tea house)

Clerk: Welcome. Before we start brewing some tea, I would like to give you a bit of an introduction to Taiwanese tea culture.
店員: 歡迎光臨。在我們開始泡茶之前,我想要先跟你們介紹一下台灣的茶文化。

Kate: Yes, please.
Kate: 麻煩了。

Clerk: Tea culture in Taiwan began with aborigines brewing wild tea leaves. Later on, immigrants from Fujian brought with them wuyi and oolong teas. In the 1930s, the Japanese encouraged people to start growing black teas for export—many of which are still available and highly-prized today.
店員: 台灣的茶文化始於原住民在野外種茶葉。後來福建省遷入的移民帶來武夷岩茶和烏龍茶。1930 年代,日本人鼓勵鼓勵民眾種植紅茶出口,直至今日許多茶種還是相當有價值。

(to be continued)

oolong tea (n.) 烏龍茶

如果你是喝茶的狂熱者,那一定不會不知道烏龍茶!烏龍茶可說是台灣的驕傲,如果有機會向外國人介紹的話,烏龍茶的英文就是 oolong tea,是直接音譯過來的。其他茶種如:green tea (綠茶)、black tea (紅茶)、Earl Grey (伯爵茶)、English breakfast tea (英式早餐茶)、Masala tea (印度香料茶)、

Oolong tea from Alishan is known for its floral flavors and long, sweet aftertaste.

tea house (n.) 茶館

喜歡喝茶的你除了到手搖店買茶類飲料之外,若想要深入體會泡茶的過程就可以去茶館,茶館的英文很簡單,稱作 tea house。

My dad is a bit of a tea connoisseur. He likes to spend his Sundays sampling different teas at the tea house near where we live.

brew (v.) 泡 (茶)

brew 這個字在對話中是當動詞,意思很多,泡茶、釀啤酒、煮咖啡的動詞都可以用這個字。另外這個字也常在英式用語中當作「啤酒」的口語稱呼。

I don’t really like coffee. I usually brew myself a cup of tea in the morning.


Clerk: Before we begin, take a deep breath and relax your minds.
店員: 在我們開始錢,先深呼吸放鬆一下。

(Kate and Cindy take a deep breath)
(Kate 和 Cindy 深吸一口氣)

Clerk: First, we’ll measure out our tea leaves using a tea spoon. We then add the leaves to the teapot along with some hot water to wash them.
店員: 首先,我們要用茶則量一下茶葉量。接著把茶葉加入茶壺中,連同熱水,然後沖洗一下。

Kate: Okay.
Kate: 好的。

Clerk: Then, we pour out the water, before refilling the pot and letting the leaves steep. The tea is at its most aromatic after the first steeping, which takes around 3 minutes.
店員: 接著,把熱水倒出來,接著再倒入熱水然後讓茶葉沉浸一下。第一泡的茶通常味道最香,通常需要泡三分鐘。

(Three minutes later)

Cindy: Wow, it’s true. You can really taste the floral flavors.
Cindy: 哇,真的耶。真的可以嚐到花香味。

Clerk: The second steeping takes around 30 seconds. The tea should now have a slightly different taste.
店員: 第二泡要等三十秒,現在這泡應該喝起來會不太一樣。

Kate: Mmm! It’s got a sweet aftertaste. I think I like the second steeping better.
Kate: 恩!會回甘。我比較喜歡第二泡。

Clerk: If you enjoyed that, you can buy a tea set and some tea from our shop so you can try it at home.
店員: 如果你喜歡,可以買個泡茶器具組和我們店內的一些茶回家試試看。

Cindy: Thank you!
Cindy: 謝謝!

tea spoon (n.) 茶則

泡茶的步驟有很多,其中很特別的是我們會將茶葉先放到茶則量茶葉量,而不是直接把茶葉放進茶壺喔!而「茶則」的英文就是  tea spoon,注意這邊要分開成兩個字,若合併成一個字 teaspoon 則變成喝茶或咖啡時用來攪拌的小茶匙。

Before making tea, you should measure out the tea leaves using a tea spoon.

teapot (n.) 壺

泡茶最不可或缺的器具就是茶壺啦!「茶壺」的英文是 teapot,其中 pot 是名詞,表示「壺;罐」的意思。

The type of material used to make a teapot can influence the flavor of the tea.

steep (v.) 浸泡

茶葉的沖泡分成很多次,我們中文稱作茶葉的第一、二、三泡,那在英文中第一「泡」應該怎麼說呢?我們可以用 steep 這個字,steep 在這邊是當動詞,表示「浸泡」的意思。

How long you steep coffee or tea for has a big influence on its flavor.

aromatic/floral/sweet (adj.) 香的/有花香味的/甜的

喝完茶之後,我們可以用哪些英文形容詞形容茶的味道呢?今天小 V 就來教你三個形容詞分別是 aromatic/favorable/sweet,意思分別是香的/濃的/甜的,若要表達會回甘,可以用 have a sweet aftertaste,aftertatse 為名詞,意思是「餘味」。

This tea has a sweet aftertaste, with hints of strawberries. The other is very aromatic with floral flavors.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexel
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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