

Kelly 假日去找她的好姊妹 Paula,希望她可以陪自己去百貨公司挑舞會要穿的禮服。

Kelly: Paula, Wilson asked me to be his prom date. I need your help…
Kelly:Paula,Wilson 邀請我當他的舞伴,我要請妳幫我…

Paula: Oh my God! Wilson? The most popular guy in the school? He. Is. Such. A. Dreamboat!
Paula:天哪!Wilson 嗎?那個全校的風雲人物?他根本就是大家的夢‧想‧情‧人!

Kelly: I really need your help. My outfit has to be flawless!

Paula: We’ve got no time to waste, let’s roll! You’ll need a dress, shoes, a necklace, earrings…

(After arriving at the department store…)

Paula: How about the wrap dress with splits? The burgundy one is so sexy.

Kelly: No! I’m too shy to show so much leg!

Paula: Okay… how about this navy blue A-line dress with a beaded top? Feel how delicate the lace is…
Paula:好吧… 還是那件上半身有珠珠點綴的海軍藍 A 字洋裝?。它的蕾絲也太精緻了吧…

Kelly: That one is fabulous! And the color goes well with my heels.

Paula: Great! Next stop: the accessory shop!

有 Paula 這種熱心的朋友,真的什麼事都可以放心交給她呢!

prom (n.) (畢業) 舞會

prom 是指學校辦給高中畢業生參加的「(畢業) 舞會」,這可不是隨隨便便的跳舞趴,參加舞會的人都必須正裝出席,男生穿燕尾服、西裝;女生穿晚禮服。許多美劇裡都可以看到這樣的活動。

They ended up getting together after dancing with each other at the prom.

date (n.) 舞伴

date 可當作「約會」的意思,動名詞同形,而另一個意思為「約會對象」。

Joe plucked up his courage to ask Joan to be his date.
Joe 鼓起勇氣邀請 Joan 當他的約會對象。

wrap dress (n.) 前蓋式洋裝

wrap 是「包;裹」的意思,所謂的 wrap dress 就是「前蓋式洋裝」,洋裝的上半身看起來像是兩片布料交疊在一起,形成開岔的樣子。補充:在國外購物網站上若看到 maxi dress 或 maxi skirt,是指「(蓋過腿的) 長洋裝;長裙」。

The wrap dress that the actress wore to the awards ceremony is now sold out.

split (n.) 開叉 (adj.) 開叉的 

split 除了「裂縫;裂開」的意思外,還可以指服裝有「開叉」,或當成形容詞表示「開叉的」。

The high-split maxi skirt she is wearing is very eye-catching.

A-line (adj.) A 字的

A-line 這個字應該很直觀,就是我們常說的「A 字的」,A 字裙就是 A-line skirt。

I’ve heard that A-line skirts can make you look slimmer.
聽說 A 字裙可以讓你看起來比較瘦。

期待已久的畢業舞會終於來啦!在會場外,Kelly 遠遠就看見 Wilson。

Wilson: Hi, Kelly. You look great in that color! Where would you like to pin the corsage?
Wilson:嗨 Kelly,妳穿這顏色很好看!妳想把胸花別在哪呢?

Kelly: Top left, please. You look very handsome in your tuxedo.

(Music started. Students started to dance.)

Wilson: Are you good at dancing?

Kelly: Actually, I have two left feet. My parents taught me the basics when I was younger but I’ve totally forgotten.

Wilson: Don’t worry, just follow my lead… ouch!
Wilson:別擔心,跟著我跳就好… 哎呀!

Kelly: Sorry, I stepped on your toes!

Wilson: That’s fine! The next song is the slow one, so we only need get into the rhythm and sway.

Kelly: Why don’t we try some spins?

Wilson: Sure, but maybe later though. My toes still hurt.

在 Wilson 強忍著腳痛繼續跳上去之前,我們再來複習一下上面的單字…

corsage (n.) 胸花;腕花

corsage 的意思是「裝飾的小花束」,別在衣服上就叫「胸花」,戴在手腕上則叫「腕花」,通常在重要場合配戴,如舞會、婚禮或葬禮。在畢業舞會上,男性會幫舞伴準備胸花,所以若女生別著胸花,就代表人家「名花有主」啦!

The lady wore the corsage on her left wrist.

tuxedo (n.) (男生的) 晚禮服

tuxedo 是指「(男生的) 晚禮服」,其中一種有尾巴的「燕尾服」則是 tailcoat,女生的晚禮服則可稱為 evening gown。補充:「領帶」是 necktie 或 tie,而「領結」則是 bow tie。

The tuxedo is far too tight for him. He must have gained a lot weight since he last wore it.

have two left feet (phr.) 手腳不協調

大家都有一隻左腳一隻右腳,那麼有兩隻左腳是什麼意思呢?have two left feet 的意思是指「手腳不協調」,特別是指不會跳舞的那種不協調。

I’d heard that Elaine had two left feet but I didn’t realize it was that bad until I saw her dancing in person.
我之前聽說 Elaine 手腳不協調,但我一直到親眼看到她跳舞才發現。

I try to avoid nightclubs. With my two left feet it’s embarrassing to be seen on the dance floor.

follow sb.’s lead (phr.) 跟著某人做

lead 當名詞有「引導;領導」之意,所以動詞片語 follow sb.’s lead 字面上是跟著某人的領導,也就是「跟著某人做 (一樣的事、動作)」的意思。

The young student dancers followed the teacher’s lead.

step on sb.’s toes (phr.) 踩到某人的腳趾

step on sb.’s toes 除了字面上的意思之外,也可衍伸為干預他人負責之事而「惹惱,得罪」他人。

The upper management didn’t seem too happy with my proposals. I think I may have stepped on some toes trying to push this project through.

雖然 Kelly 不會跳舞,但幸好 Wilson 很有耐心呢!希望他們倆順利把舞跳完,度過浪漫的夜晚囉!


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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
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