
什麼?你還不知道「keto diet」跟「OMAD」
一起用英文學習如何跟肥肉說 bye bye!

Marina 在國外實習結束後回到美國,約了她的好姊妹 Fanny 一起吃晚餐,怎知道她一看到 Fanny 便下了一大跳!

Fanny: Marina, I haven’t seen you in ages!
Fanny:Marina 歡迎回來!我們好久沒見面了!

Marina: Hey girlfriend… are you alright? You look a bit haggard.

Fanny: I think you’re mistaking haggard for svelte—I’ve been on a weight-loss regimen for two months now. I’ve already shed 30 pounds!

Marina: Wow! What’s your secret? Wait… don’t tell me you’ve been taking diet pills!
Marina:什麼?怎麼辦到的?等等… 妳不會吃了減肥藥吧?

Fanny: Well… I am on the OMAD diet… but it’s just too hard to lose weight without diet pills!
Fanny:這個嘛… 我是有在進行 OMAD 飲食,但沒有吃減肥藥還真的很難減。

Marina: The what diet? I’ve only heard of the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting.

Fanny: OMAD stands for “one meal a day.” You have an hour a day where you can eat, and then you fast for the next 23 hours.
Fanny:OMAD 的意思是 one meal a day,也就是「一天一餐」,代表妳只能在一小時內吃一餐,剩下的 23 小時都要禁食。

Marina: I get that it’s an effective method for losing weight, but honestly, you look terrible. Your face is as white as a sheet!

haggard (adj.) 憔悴的

haggard 是形容人外表「憔悴的」,意思近似於 gaunt,意為「(因疾病、飢餓) 憔悴的;骨瘦如柴的」。

He looked haggard the next morning after drinking all night.

He didn’t sleep on his flight, and looked haggard by the time he arrived at the airport.

diet pill (n.) 減肥藥

「減肥藥」除了用 diet pill,weight loss pill 也是很常見的說法,動詞搭配 take。

Taking diet pills may damage your health.

ketogenic diet (n.) 生酮飲食

近幾年風行的「生酮飲食」就是 ketogenic /ˈkito gɛnɪk/ diet,簡稱 keto diet,原本是用來治療癲癇患者的飲食法。原理是攝取極少量碳水化合物,以蛋白質和脂肪作為身體主要能量,如此一來,脂肪就會代謝成「酮體」,提供身體能量。

Those who go on the keto diet have to consume high-fat foods, such as nuts, avocados, and salmon.

intermittent fasting (n.) 間歇性斷食

intermittent 意為「間歇的;斷斷續續的」,fast 當名詞和動詞意為「禁食」,因此 intermittent fasting 就是「間歇性斷食」,簡稱 IF。其中分為 8/16 斷食法 (一天只有 8 小時吃東西,16小時禁食)、6/18 斷食法等等,不攝取食物的時間變長,燃燒脂肪的時間也就變長了。

I’ve tried to do intermittent fasting, but I always break and end up eating chips.

Marina 訓了 Fanny 一番後,就跟她灌輸正確的減肥觀念。

Marina: If you’re losing that much weight that quickly, chances are you’re burning muscle rather than fat.  Furthermore, you will regain the weight more easily.

Fanny: Then what should I do?

Marina: First of all, you don’t have to starve yourself. Instead, you should eat regularly so as to rev up your metabolism.

Fanny: But don’t carbohydrates make me fat?

Marina: Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy, so you still have to consume a proper amount.

Fanny: I see. But then how do I get rid of my muffin top and bingo wings?

Marina: The best way is by doing exercise. You can come weight training with me. It not only helps you lose weight, but also helps you get toned.

Fanny: Sure! I’m down for that!

rev up (phr.) 促進;使活躍、積極起來

動詞 rev 意指「(讓機械) 快速運轉」,rev up 的意思就是「促進;加速」,意思相近的片語為 speed up。

The government has increased spending to try and rev up growth.

metabolism (n.) 代謝;新陳代謝

metabolism /məˈtæbəˌlɪzəm/ 的意思是「代謝;新陳代謝」,是指生物體內經由分解及合成,讓物質與能量相互交換的化學變化。

Aerobic exercise can speed up your metabolism.

carbohydrate (n.) 碳水化合物

carbohydrate /ˌkɑrboˈhaɪˌdret/ 簡稱為 carb,是我們熟悉的「碳水化合物」,也是身體主要的能量來源。碳水化合物可以分為以下三種:澱粉類 (starch)、糖類 (sugar)、纖維類 (fiber)。

The dietitian designed a low-carb meal plan for the diabetes patient.

muffin top (n.) 腰間肉 / bingo wings (n.) 蝴蝶袖

muffin top 是由 love handles 形成的,love handles 是指推積在腰兩側的脂肪。而 bingo wings 則是指蝴蝶袖,也可用 bat wings 表示。

get toned (phr.) 使肌肉緊實

形容詞 toned 的意思是「(肌肉) 緊實的;有線條的」,但不是健美先生那種超大塊的肌肉。所以 get toned 就是「讓肌肉緊實;練出緊實的肌肉」。

I just want to get toned, not ripped.



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審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Unsplash
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