
別擔心,照著以下步驟, 成功轉換新跑道!

年後將掀起一波轉職潮,不滿意現有的薪資或覺得前途一片黑暗而想跳槽嗎?許多人對外商公司充滿憧憬,認為外商公司風氣自由、薪水優渥,知名外商企業如 Google、 Yahoo、 Microsoft 等是許多人夢寐以求的,然而外商企業十分重視英文實力,因為員工是由不同國籍的人所組成,以英文溝通或書信往來將會成為你的日常,因此想轉職前往外商公司,第一步先學會如何用英文寫一封自我推薦信吧!

Opening Paragraph


Hey, I’m Sally. I want to apply for the marketing manager position. I am positive that I will succeed at this role.
嘿,我是 Sally ,想應徵行銷經理一職,這個職位再適合我不過了。

開頭要接招呼語,不管是應徵什麼類型的公司,基本的禮貌還是要有,不要僅是以 hey 打招呼,最基本的形式是 Dear + Mr./Ms. + last name (姓氏) + comma (逗號),若不知對方性別,則可用 Dear Hiring Manager 稱呼。接著是簡單的自我介紹,並指出要應徵的職位,記住不要一昧地說你很適合這個職缺,而是要解釋「為什麼」適合,例如可以使用句型 With several years experience of/in _____, I have become adept in/at _____. (因為在_____有多年經驗,因此我很擅長_____)。


Dear Mr. Johnson,

My name is Sally. I’m writing to express my interest in the marketing manager’s position listed on 104. With three years experience in marketing, I have become adept at not merely managing online ads through social media but also analyzing the market trend. 

Mr. Johnson 您好,

我的名字是 Sally,我在 104 求職網上看見貴公司的徵才資訊,對於行銷經理一職十分感興趣。我在行銷領域已有三年的經驗,我不僅擅長透過社交媒體來經營廣告,也擅長分析市場趨勢。

Second Paragraph


I was a marketing manager in AAA company and I believe I can use skills in BBB company.
我曾在 AAA 公司擔任行銷經理,我相信我也可以為貴公司盡心盡力。

第二段可將過往工作經歷與要應徵的職位做連結,切記不要寫得太籠統!開頭可以為 In my previous role as _____ (我在前一份工作中擔任_____)或 In my current position at ABC company, I _____(我目前在 ABC 公司所做的事情是_____),接著敘述你在先前工作的成就,常用例句為 I have experience with _____(我有_____的經驗)或 I have succeeded at _____(我成功地_____),做比說更有說服力,成就記得以「數據」呈現。


While working as an online marketer for ABC company, profits increased by 25% following the launch of an advertising campaign developed and executed by myself/my team.
先前在 ABC 公司擔任網路行銷,我/我們的團隊所執行的一項廣告活動替公司增加了 25% 的盈利。

In my current position at ABC company, I expanded our client base by 15% by leveraging our existing network.
我目前任職於 ABC 公司,曾經借助現有網絡為公司拓展 15% 的客群。

Third Paragraph


I really want to work in ABC company, please give me a chance.

第三段說明想加入公司的原因,可以敘述你感興趣的公司文化或是公司的營運方向,要仔細了解想應徵的公司背景,才能避免陳腔濫調。可以使用句型 I believe I would be an asset to ABC company given its culture of ____. (由於公司 ____ 的文化,我相信我會為公司帶來更好的效益。


I also believe I would be a good asset to ABC company given its culture of innovation.
由於其創新的文化,我相信我會為 ABC 公司帶來更好的效益。

In particular, I believe my skills in _____ would prove an excellent addition to your online marketing project set to launch this year.

Closing Paragraph


Thank you for your time and consideration.

在信的結尾記得不要草草收尾,不要再只用老掉牙的句子,為了顯露你的企圖心,可以再次強調你會為公司帶來的效益或貢獻,並希望能有面試的機會。常用句型為 I’d love to show you _____ (我很樂意告訴你_____),I’d relish the chance to discuss with you _____ (我希望有機會能與你討論_____),relish 意指「憧憬,期盼」,使用這個字可以加深出你想加入公司的渴望程度!


I’d love to show you how my success at AAA can translate into online marketing for BBB.
我很樂意告訴你,我在 AAA 公司所得到的成功將能帶入貴公司。

I am excited to learn more about the position, and would relish the chance to discuss with you in person the contribution I could make to the future success of your company.

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文/ Annie Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/  pixabay
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語