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【CNN10】澳洲空投蔬菜救袋鼠、伊朗誤射客機、休士頓太空人作弊案 (MLB Investigation Finds Houston Astros Cheating | January 15, 2020)
第二個新聞的焦點仍放在澳洲大火上,不過這次有了好消息:為餵飽從野火中倖免的沙袋鼠,新南威爾斯州 (New South Wales) 的政府從直升機空投番薯、蘿蔔等蔬菜,拯救沙袋鼠因大火造成糧食缺乏的命運。然而持續的大火除了嚴重影響空氣品質,也讓大家人心惶惶。
第三個新聞談到美國職業棒球大聯盟 (MLB) 調查發現 2017 年年度總冠軍的休士頓太空人隊涉嫌作弊取勝,讓當年洛杉磯道奇隊的粉絲震怒不已。
最後一個新聞介紹一名每天自拍持續近二十年的男子,目前已累積逾 7,200 張照片,十分驚人。
Table of Contents
involvement (n.) 參與;牽連
其動詞為 involve,指「使;牽涉」,故通常為被動語態,be involved in sth. (牽連其中)。
Most people believe the government has been involved in the face mask shortage.
I don’t want any involvement in this prank. Count me out.
well up (phr.) 膨脹;湧出
well up 為動詞片語,意思為「膨脹;湧出」。
Anger welled up in the capital following Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO’s anti-virus planning.
聽到台灣被排除在世界衛生組織 (WHO) 的防疫計畫時,人民心中湧起一股憤怒。I welled up when the bride and groom said “I do.”
demonstrator (n.) 示威者;展示者
動詞為 demonstrate,「表達;顯示;展示;示威」的意思,名詞是 demonstration,很多公會向客戶進行產品 demo,也就是展示新產品推出前的部分內容與功能。
In a police state, authorities often arbitrarily arrest and punish demonstrators without following the proper legal procedures.
在警察治國的國家,示威者可能會被警察以非法程序逮捕與懲罰。Apple’s events are used to unveil its latest offerings to the world, and normally feature a live demonstration of the new product or service.
dictator (n.) 獨裁者;暴君
dictator (獨裁者) 來自動詞 dictate,「命令;影響;口述」之意,字根 dict- 是「說」的意思,而 -ate 是動詞結尾,故 dictate 表示「聽了去做」。「獨裁政權」為 dictatorship。
The emperor governed like a dictator, causing poverty and misery in the country, so much so that he was eventually overthrown by the people.
這皇帝是位暴君,造成國家民不聊生,因此人民罷免了他。The general manager dictated a letter to his secretary and asked her to email it to his subordinates.
rally (n.) 集會;(運動等) 拉鋸戰
選舉的「造勢活動 (集會)」即 campaign rally。另一個字 gathering 也是集會的意思,但純指一群人的「聚會」,不像 rally 表「為聲援某種主張群聚的集會」。
The party’s presidential candidate is holding a campaign rally tonight on Ketagalan Boulevard.
今晚該名總統候選人將在凱達格蘭大道舉行造勢大會。Environmentalists staged a rally against the newly built nuclear plant.
accountable (adj.) 應負責任的;應作解釋的
hold sb. accountable for sth. 即「讓某人負責做某事」;而動詞片語 account to sb. for sth. 就是「對某人作出說明、解釋」的意思。
If anything goes wrong, I’m going to hold you accountable!
如果出了任何差錯,我會讓你負責任!Can you account for your absence from the morning meeting yesterday?
controversial (adj.) 有爭議的;引起爭議的
名詞為 controversy,如要表示「某事物有爭議性」,除了可以用 controversial 形容,也可以用 controversy surrounding/over sth. 表示。
Capital punishment is still a highly controversial topic in Taiwan.
在台灣,死刑還是個有高度爭議性的議題。Despite the controversy surrounding the director, his films are still very popular with moviegoers.
put out (phr.) 撲滅;熄滅;關燈;發出 (資訊)
put out 是很常用的動詞片語,尤其常作「撲滅 (火);熄滅 (香菸)」的意思。片語 put sth. out of one’s mind 就是「把某事忘掉」之意。
Because of the severe drought, it has been difficult to put out the recent fires.
因為有嚴重乾旱,所以很難撲滅火勢。Put any lingering negative thoughts out of your mind and try to be more optimistic.
monumental (adj.) 巨大的;重要的;有紀念性的
monumental (有紀念性的) 名詞為 monument,即「紀念碑;紀念塔;紀念館」,「名勝古蹟」就是 ancient/historic monument。
Built in 1913, Hsinchu railway station is a monument to Japanese colonial architecture.
新竹火車站其實是個有紀念意義的建築,其建於 1913 年的日治時期。Newton’s contribution to science was monumental, and changed the world forever.
seasoned (adj.) 經驗豐富的;老練的
名詞 season 指「季節」,而作為動詞是「加調味料」之意,如名詞 seasoning 就是指「調味料」。而 seasoned 可以想成是「充分調味過的」,也就是「經驗豐富」之意。
The seasoned police officer caught the burglar red-handed as he tried to run off with his haul.
這位經驗豐富的警察將竊賊逮個正著,就在他準備帶著貴重物品逃跑前。This soup is too bland. I’ll add some seasoning.
penalize (v.) 懲罰;使處於不利地位
penalize 是由 penal + -ize 而來,字根 -ize 表「動詞」;名詞為 penalty,指犯罪的「刑罰;罰金」,或是體育賽事犯規的「處罰」;形容詞 penal 指「刑罰的」。
Pedophiles should be penalized heavily for sexually harassing children.
如果戀童癖者對兒童性騷擾,他們都該重罰。If you spit on the streets of Singapore, you will be penalized with a fine of up to $1,000.
scheme (n.) 陰謀,詭計;計畫
scheme 指的是需要「欺騙他人的計謀」,同義詞有 plot (計謀)、conspiracy (陰謀)。scheme 也可以當動詞,作「策畫;設計」之意。而拼法很像的 schematic 則是「圖解;圖示」的意思。
Her ex-boyfriend has been scheming for years to stop her from getting married.
數年來,她的前男友一直在密謀阻止她結婚。The group was arrested for conspiring to assassinate the president.
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文/ Liang-Chun Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexels
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