

Alison 在語言學校認識了 Julia,兩人在課堂上練習對話時聊到「音樂」,意外開啟彼此間的話匣子,一起來看她們聊了什麼吧!

Alison: What genres of music do you listen to?

Julia: When I’m studying, I prefer to listen to relaxing instrumental music. I used to play the piano, so I also like classical music, such as piano sonatas or concertos. How about you?

Alison: I play the clarinet in an orchestra, so I also listen to classical music! Who is your favorite composer?

Julia: I admire Beethoven the most! He is one of the greatest musicians of all time. I can’t fathom how he continued to compose and conduct even after his hearing worsened to the point where he was almost deaf. By the way, do you know this year marks the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth?
Julia:我最崇拜貝多芬!他是史上最偉大的音樂家之一,我無法想像當他發現自己耳聾的情況惡化時,他如何繼續作曲、指揮。對了,妳知道今年是貝多芬 250 週年冥誕嗎?

Alison: Of course I do! This season our orchestra is going to play the maestro‘s Symphony No. 9 to pay tribute to him.

Julia: Really! When and where will the concert take place?

Alison: It’s at 2:00 pm this Saturday at the National Concert Hall. I can get you a complimentary ticket.
Alison:音樂會是這個禮拜六下午 2 點,在國家音樂廳舉行。我可以給妳公關票。

genre (n.) 風格;類型

genre /ˈʒɑnrə/ 的意思是「風格;類型」,用來指電影、文學、藝術、音樂的類別。這個字起源於法文。

Which film genre do you prefer, detective movies or thrillers?

classical (adj.) 古典的

形容詞 classical 是「古典的」,因此 classical music 就是「古典樂」。要注意不要跟 classic 混淆,classic 的意思是「經典的;一流的」。

Whenever my grandpa tunes into the classical radio station it always sends me to sleep.

orchestra (n.) 管弦樂團

orchestra 是由弦樂器 (string instrument)、木管樂器 (woodwind instrument)、銅管樂器 (brass instrument) 和打擊樂器 (percussion) 所組成。台灣學校較常見的「管樂團」則是 wind band,不包含弦樂器。

He plays the horn in his university’s orchestra.

pay tribute to (phr.) 向…致敬

pay tribute to 的意思是「向…致敬」,tribute 原是指在正式場合用以表示敬意的「頌詞;禮物」。

The organizer paid tribute to the diligent volunteers at the opening ceremony.

maestro (n.) 傑出的音樂家;大師

maestro /ˈmaɪstro/ 源自義大利文,本意為「大師;老師」,是種榮譽的尊稱,後來常用來指「傑出的音樂家、作曲家、演奏家」等。注意其複數形為 maestri /ˈmaɪˌstri/。

The maestro shared his experiences of performing to the students of the college of music.

complimentary ticket (n.) 公關票

形容詞 complimentary 有「讚美的;恭維的」之意,此外它還可以指由廠商「免費贈送的」書、門票,所以 complimentary ticket 就是「公關票;貴賓券」。

A: The tickets for the concert were all snapped up within 3 minutes. Did you buy yours from a scalper?
B: No! My friend got me a complimentary ticket

A:演唱會的門票不到 3 分鐘就被搶購一空了。妳是跟黃牛買的嗎?

星期六的音樂會結束後,Alison 和 Julia 決定到唱片行逛逛。

Alison: I’ve recently started listening to pop music as well, especially country music. Country music always makes me feel calm and relaxed.

Julia: I love the lyrics of old songs. I’ve been hooked on Don McLean’s “Starry Starry Night.” The lyrics are about the life of Vincent van Gogh. It sounds quite melancholic and sorrowful.

Alison: I love old songs as well! Do you know The Beatles? My parents are big fans. They’ve collected all of their albums.

Julia: Yeah, they are quite famous! I love “Yesterday;” it’s the most-covered song ever.

Alison: “Yesterday” is a timeless classic! The refrain really resonates with me.

Julia: It seems that old songs have a magical power that makes me want to listen to them over and over again.

Alison: I feel you. Some old songs never get old.

lyrics (n.) 歌詞

lyrics 的意思是「歌詞」,通常以複數形出現,而是電影、戲劇的「台詞」則會用 line。

Jenny was so nervous that she forgot the lyrics while on stage.
Jenny 因為太緊張而在台上忘詞。

album (n.) 專輯

album 在對話中是指音樂的「專輯」,也可以指「相冊;集郵冊」。

Mariah Carey released her first album in 1990.
瑪麗亞·凱莉在 1990 年出了第一張專輯。

refrain (n.) 副歌

refrain 當名詞可以指歌曲的「副歌」,也有「老調;老生常談」的意思。當動詞時,refrain 則有「忍住;節制」之意。

The refrain of “Shape Of You” is pretty catchy!
Shape Of You 的副歌很洗腦!

resonate with (phr.) 與…產生聯想、與…產生共鳴

resonate 原本是指聲音「迴盪;共鳴」,後來也衍伸為經驗、回憶等讓人「產生聯想、共鳴」,常跟介系詞 with 搭配。

The financial predicament she encountered resonated with me.



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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
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