
跟 James 一家人出遊


來加拿大旅遊的 James 一家人,來到知名景點——尼加拉大瀑布,被眼前景象震懾住的他們,迫不及待想跟瀑布合影留念,卻發現沒帶自拍棒…

Mr. James: Sorry to bother you. Would you mind taking a photo of us? Just press this button.
James 先生:不好意思打擾您了,您可以幫我們拍照嗎?只要按這裡就可以了。

Stranger: Sure, no problem! Would you prefer a vertical or horizontal photo?

Mr. James: Horizontal is better. Can you get Niagara Falls in the background?
James 先生:橫的比較好,你可以把整個尼加拉大瀑布拍進去嗎?

Stranger: That might be a bit difficult, but I’ll try anyway.

Mr. James: Thank you very much!
James 先生:非常感謝您!

Stranger: Everybody stand closer together. Can the people standing in the first row squat down? Okay. Three, two, one, say cheese!
陌生人:大家彼此站近一點,第一排的人蹲下。好,三、二、一,說 Cheese!

James family: Cheese!
James 一家人:Cheese!

Stranger: Alright! Come and have a look at the picture!

(All of them surrounded the stranger and looked at the photo.)

James family: Wow! That’s amazing!
James 一家人:天啊!太神奇了!

這名陌生人到底拍得如何?居然讓 James 一家人這麼吃驚!別急,我們先來複習單字吧!

Would you mind taking a photo/picture of us? 你可以幫我們拍照嗎?

Would you mind…? 是較客氣的說法,mind 後面的動詞要用動名詞 V-ing,特別注意介係詞如果用 of,所接的受詞,也就是詢問這句話的人,就會是相片中的主角,如果用 for 則是請對方幫忙拍照,但照片中不一定會出現詢問者,可能只是請對方拍某個東西。

Excuse me. Would you mind taking a photo of me with Taipei 101?
不好意思,你可以幫我跟台北 101 拍照嗎?

Would you mind taking a picture of me during the business trip? I’ve always wanted to see Notre-Dame de Paris.

vertical / horizontal (adj.) 垂直的 / 水平的

vertical 的意思是「垂直的」,horizontal 則是「水平的」,用在拍照上,就是問想要拍直的或拍橫的囉!vertically 和 horizontally 是副詞形,請別人拍照時也可以先發制人,直接問 Could you take a vertical/horizontal photo of me? (可以幫我拍直/橫的嗎?)。

He climbed the vertical cliffs without ropes.

The teacher asked the students to draw a horizontal line with their rulers.

get sth. in the background (phr.) 讓…在照片中

get sth. in the background 就是「讓…在照片中」,請對方拍照時,如果拍照時想要有什麼東西出現在照片中,就可以用這個片語!

Can you get Stonehenge in the background of this photo?


Mrs. James: This angle makes me look like a giant!
James 女士:這個角度讓我看起來超高!

Grandma: Is it magic? I don’t look a day over 40!
奶奶:這是魔法嗎?我看起來不到 40 歲!

Mr. James: Could you please take another photo of me? I want to change my Facebook profile picture.
James 先生:您可以再幫我拍一張嗎?我想要換 Facebook 的大頭照。

Stranger: My pleasure! How would you like your photo?

Mr. James: I’d like the photo to start above my thighs. (James struck an old-fashion pose.)
James 先生:我想要照片拍到大腿以上就好。(James 擺了一個老氣的姿勢。)

Stranger: Umm…sir, maybe we can try different poses. How about raising your head and gazing into the horizon? Just pretend that you are contemplating something deep.

(Mr. James followed the instructions.)
(James 先生遵循他的指示。)

Stranger: Ready? Three, two, one. Come and have a look at it!

James’s daughter: That’s a nice shot! It looks like a movie still!
James 的女兒:這張拍得真好,看起來就像電影劇照!

Stranger: I’m flattered! That’s because all of you are photogenic!

angle (n.) 角度;視角

angle 在對話中指「(拍照的) 角度;視角」,也可以指 90 度角、60 度角的「角度」。

Could you take one more photo from this angle?

not look a day over + 歲數 看起來不超過…歲


A: This is Linda’s granddaughter.
B: What? Linda doesn’t look a day over 40!

A:這位是 Linda 的孫女。
B:什麼?Linda 看起來根本不到 40 歲耶!

strike a(n) …. pose (phr.) 擺姿勢

strike a pose 是在拍照時「擺姿勢」,中間可以加上形容詞形容某種姿勢。補充 gesture 這個字則較常用來形容「手勢」。

The model followed the photographer’s instructions and struck an elegant pose.

I’m flattered! 過獎了!

flatter 為動詞,有「奉承;討好」之意,be/feel flattered 的意思是因為被誇獎或奉承而感到開心、榮幸。

A: You are a rising star in show business.
B: I’m flattered! 


photogenic (adj.) 上相的

如果要形容某人「上相的;上鏡的」,就可以用 photogenic 來形容。

Your daughter is very photogenic! She is a born model!



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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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