

各位小 V 們不用擔心!

Claire 是英國留學生,身體通常都很健康,但是自從昨晚跟朋友出去玩後,睡一覺起來卻感覺喉嚨很痛、身體發燙,於是他決定去醫院預約掛號看醫生…

Nurse: Hi, how can I help you?
護士: 你好,有什麼我可以幫忙的嗎?

Claire: Hi, I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Benson for today.
Claire: 我今天想預約 Dr. Benson 的門診。

Nurse: I’m sorry, he’s off today. Would you like to make an appointment with Dr. Lin? She’s on call.
護士: 對不起他今天休診,你要不要改預約林醫師的門診,她今天有看診。

Claire: Okay.
Claire: 好。

Nurse: Have you ever been here before?
護士: 你之前有來過嗎?

Claire: No, this will be my first visit.
Claire: 沒有,我第一次來。

Nurse: Okay, can you fill out this form for me?
護士: 好的,可以麻煩你幫我填這張表嗎?

Claire: No problem. Here you go.
Claire: 沒問題,我填好了。

Nurse: What time would be best for you?
護士: 你想預約哪個時段?

Claire:  I think 7:00 pm or later because I have class this afternoon
Claire: 我想要今天晚上七點因為我下午有課。

Nurse: Sure, your appointment is confirmed for 7:00 pm today. Please be here on time.
護士: 沒問題,你的預約掛號已經確認好是今天晚上七點,請準時到診。

Claire: Thanks!
Claire: 謝謝!

make an appointment (phr.) 預約掛號

去醫院看醫生之前第一件事情就是預約掛號,而預約掛號的英文說法就是 make an appointment,後面通常會用介系詞 with 再接醫師名 (Dr. + 姓氏)。值得注意的是,make a reservation 雖然也有預約的意思,但是差別是 make an appointment 通常是跟「人」預約見面,而 make a reservation 則是預約「位子」或「房間」,所以今天若是要跟醫生預約掛號,就要用 make an appointment。

I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Wang for tomorrow because I have a severe headache.

on call (phr.) (醫療業者) 看診中

如果去看醫生時你有指定看診醫生的話,你可以問櫃檯護士: Is Dr. Wang on call today? 。on call 是一個專門用在醫療機構的用語,「看診中」的意思,如果護士回你: I’m sorry, he’s off.,則代表醫師休假中,off 在此有「離開,不在」的意思。

Dr. Chen will be on call this Friday night. You can make an appointment to see him.

my first visit here 我第一次來

去醫院掛號時,護士小姐一定會問你之前是否有來過,如果你從來沒去過那間醫院看診就可以用 It’s my first visit here. 表示,visit 在這邊是名詞,表示「拜訪」;如果你之前已經有在這家醫院看過了,那麼可以回答: I have been here before.。

Please fill out this form if this is your first visit here.

What time would be best for you? 你想預約什麼時候?

掛號看病未必能馬上就看診,如果要預約掛號的朋友,當護士問你:What time would be best for you?,意思是詢問你想預約哪個時段,回答的時候你可以用句型「時間 + is best for me.」即可。

Six pm is best for me to see the doctor.

於是到了晚上七點, Claire 終於進了診間…

Doctor: Hi, please have a seat. What brings you here?
醫生: 你好,請坐。今天怎麼了?

Claire: I don’t feel well today. I have a severe soar throat and feel a little dizzy.
Claire: 我今天身體不是很舒服,我喉嚨很痛、頭有點暈。

Doctor: How long have you felt like this?
醫生: 你已經這樣多久了?

Claire: Since last night.
Claire: 從昨天晚上開始。

Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms?
醫生: 你有其他症狀嗎?

Claire: I can’t eat anything… I just feel nauseous.
Claire: 我完全吃不下,我一直覺得很噁心。

Doctor: I see. It’s just a cold. I’ll give you some medicine, and you should get some rest at home for couple of days. Here is your prescription.
醫生: 好的,我了解了!我想是感冒,我會給你一些藥,這幾天你要多待在家休息,這裡是你的處方簽。

Claire: Thank you so much, Doc.
Claire: 醫生,謝謝你!

What brings you here? 今天怎麼了?

What brings you here? 這句話乍看之下是「什麼帶你來的?」,難道醫生是在問我怎麼來醫院嗎?千萬不要誤會了!這句話是在問你「今天是因為健康狀況而來看醫生」,除了看診時會用到這句話,如果今天有一個很久沒見的朋友突然來找你,你也可以說這句話,而此時意思就是「是什麼風把你吹來了?」。

What brings you here? I feel like we haven’t met in decades!

symptom (n.) 症狀

看醫生時一定要詳述症狀,醫生才能對症下藥,因此醫生也可能會這麼問:Do you have any other symptoms? (你有其他症狀嗎?),symptom 為名詞,表「(疾病的) 症狀」。

You should tell the doctor all the symptoms you have so that he can help you.

soar throat / dizzy/ nauseous 喉嚨痛/感到頭暈/感到噁心

上面講到症狀,那麼常見的感冒症狀有哪些呢?可能有喉嚨痛,have soar throat,可能因為發燒感到頭暈,feel dizzy,或是腸胃不適感到噁心想吐,feel nauseous。另外補充幾個常見的症狀:have a fever (發燒)、have diarrhea (腹瀉)、have a stuffy nose (鼻塞)、vomit (嘔吐)。

I’m not feeling well today. I have a fever and a stuffy nose.

prescription (n.) 處方簽

prescription 為名詞,表「處方簽」,領藥時通常會需要處方簽,常搭配介系詞 for 再接藥名。

You need a prescription for antibiotics.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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