Tamagotchi 是什麼?從電子雞到 RPG,用英文聊童年!

小 V 小的時候,
同學間最夯的是電子雞和 RPG,
來聽小 V 用英文聊聊童年吧!

來自美國的 Henry 很好奇 Bob 小時候都會玩些什麼電子遊戲。
身為土生土長的台灣小孩, Bob 玩過什麼呢?來聽看看吧,你很可能會有共鳴哦!

Henry: Hey Bob, I’m wondering… what game consoles did you play when you were little? Henry:嘿 Bob,我很好奇,你小時候都玩些什麼遊戲機?

Bob: Game consoles?


Henry: Yeah, you know, like Nintendo, Playstation, or SEGA? I used to play Nintendo when I was little.

Henry:對啊,任天堂和 PS、SEGA 之類的。我小時候都玩任天堂。

Bob: Your childhood sounds so much more fun than mine. My parents didn’t allow me to play games, much less buy a game console.


Henry: Seriously? But you must have played some electronic games, right?


Bob: When I was in elementary school, Tamagotchi was a
craze. We’d save our allowance to buy a Tamagotchi then compare each others’ Tamagotchi pets.

Henry: Didn’t your parents notice that you had spent your allowance on a Tamagotchi?


Bob: Luckily, they never found out. Tamagotchi were very small, you know.


小 V 國小時也曾和 Bob 做過一模一樣的事,那時候班上有個同學專門幫大家代購電子雞,一台好像台幣六十幾還是八十幾,他每次代購完來班上發放景象都很驚人,小 V 印象深刻!來複習 Bob 和 Henry 的對話吧!

game console (n.) 遊戲機

game 在這邊指「遊戲」,而 console 當名詞時,意思是「操縱台;控制台」,因此 game console 指的即是「遊戲機台;遊戲機」。

My favorite game console is the PlayStation, and my favorite game is The Sims.
我最愛的遊戲機是 PS,最愛的遊戲則是《模擬市民》。

console 還可以當動詞,意思是「安慰;安撫」。

My friends consoled me when my pet passed away.

Tamagotchi (n.) 電子雞

Tamagotchi 為日文,指的即是小巧可愛的「電子雞」,由 tamago (蛋) 和 watch (手錶) 結合而來。

The schools banned students from bringing Tamagotchi to school.

craze (n.) 風潮

craze 為可數名詞,意思是「風靡一時的事物;風潮」。意思相近的字有 rage、trend 等。

Organic products are all the craze this year.


除了電子雞,Bob 小時候還會玩些什麼呢?

Henry: Besides Tamagotchi, what else did you play when you were little?

Bob: I also played GBA, a handheld console that allows you to play all kinds of cool games. My favorite games were
Bob:我也會玩 GBA,是一種手持遊戲機,能夠拿來玩各種很酷的遊戲。我最愛的一種是 RPG。

Henry: Cool. Do you mean role-playing games?


Bob: Yes, I used to play an RPG called Story of Seasons. I still feel
nostalgic for it. It’s one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played.
Bob:對呀,我從前會玩一種叫做《牧場物語》的 RPG 遊戲。想來還是決定懷念,那是我玩過最棒的 RPG 之一。

Henry: What is it about?

Bob: In the game you play the role of a farmer who lives in a small village. You have to take care of your livestocks and your land. If all goes well, you’d marry a girl in the village.


Henry: So is it a
romance simulation game?

Bob: Well, you can say that, but still, you can be a lonely farmer in the game and nobody would
interfere with your life.

Henry: No!! I’m lonely enough in real life.


nostalgic (adj.) 懷舊的 

nostalgic 意為「懷舊的」,為形容詞,由名詞 nostalgia (懷念;懷舊) 衍伸而來,這個字源於希臘語,由 nostos (回家) 加上 algos (傷痛) 所組成,原先意思其實為「想家的傷痛」。

I always feel nostalgic about my childhood.

A wave of nostalgia surged inside of me when I opened the album.

simulation (n.) 模擬

simulation 意指「模擬」,來自動詞 simulate。

According to the computer simulation, the tires of this truck should be thicker to ensure safety.

interfere (v.) 干涉

interfere 為動詞,意思是「干涉;干預」,用法為 interfere between/with somebody (干涉某人),和 interfere in something (干涉某事)。

You better not interfere with Sofia and her friend–to be honest, it’s none of your business.
你最好別干涉 Sofia 和她朋友,因為說實話,那不干你的事。

I don’t like anyone interfering in my life decisions.

小 V 是不是喚起了你的懷舊之情呢?
不知道現在的小孩子知不知道電子雞?小 V 感覺都有代溝了呢!


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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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