
玩 UNO 最有趣的部分,
來和小 V 學習英文版 UNO 吧!

玩完了大富翁後 (如何玩英文版大富翁?請見小 V 的和外國朋友玩桌遊!你會玩英文版的大富翁嗎?,Bob、Sofia 和 Henry 決定接著玩 Uno。這一次 Henry 還會輸得那麼慘嗎?

Henry: Do both of you know how to play Uno?
Henry:你們兩個都知道怎麼玩 Uno 嗎?

Bob: Uh.. not really. Could you explain it to me?

Bob:呃 … 其實我不知道。可以解釋給我聽嗎?

Sofia: Haha! Bob, you’re unbelievable! Uno is a
classic card game. The rules are simple, you have to play a card to match the color or number on the card. For example, if I play a green number 3, you’ll have to play a green card or another card with the number 3. And remember to draw one card from the deck if you can’t play any card.
Sofia:哈哈! Bob,你太誇張啦!Uno 是卡牌遊戲的經典耶。規則很簡單,你必須出一張顏色或是數字相同的牌。舉個例子,假設我出了綠色的 3 號牌,你就也要出一張綠牌或是 3 號牌。還有記得每次出完要從這副牌裡抽一張。

Bob: I see, but what if I don’t have any matching card?


Henry: Well, let’s play first, and we’ll explain it to you. Here, we each take 7 cards. (distributing cards) And I play first.
Henry:這個嘛…我們先開始玩,然後解釋給你聽。來,我們都先各拿 7 張。(分卡牌) 然後我開始。

Bob: Okay, Henry’s card is a red number 4. Let me see… here! (playing a red card)
Bob:好哦,Henry 的牌是紅色的 4 號。我看看…看招!(出一張紅牌)

Sofia: Nice, you’ve got it. Then…

Bob: What does it mean?

Sofia: Since I don’t have any matching number card, I’d use my Skip card- skip the player next to me, who is Henry. So, He doesn’t get to play this turn.

Sofia:因為我沒有任何相符的牌,我就出禁止牌,禁止下一位玩家出牌,也就是 Henry。他這回不得出牌。

Bob: Then it’s my turn again? Interesting!


classic (adj.) 經典

classic 可當名詞或形容詞,當名詞意指「經典;傑作」,複數形 classics 則是專指「經典文學名著」。classic 當做形容詞時意思為「經典的」。
小 V 猜想你或許會想到另一個和它很像的單字 : classical。classical 只可以當形容詞,意思是「古典的;典雅的」,帶有一種年代感的意味,和 classic 不一樣哦!

The English majors are required to read the classics.

Whenever I buy ice cream, I always choose a classic flavor like chocolate or vanilla.
我每次買冰淇淋都會挑經典口味 —— 巧克力。

I love listening to classical music when studying.

deck (n.) 一副 (牌)

在本對話中,deck 為量詞,意指「一副 (牌)」,比如:a deck of cards (一副牌)。除此之外,deck 也可以用來指「甲板」。

Henry placed the deck of cards on the table.
Henry 把那副牌放到桌上。

Tom lied on the deck, watching the stars shimmering in the sky.
Tom 躺在甲板上,看著空中的群星閃爍。

skip (v.) 略過

skip 意指「跳過;略過」。在 Uno 的規則中,skip card 就是使「下一個人被跳過,禁止出牌」,因此叫 skip card。

Teacher, this chapter is so boring! Can we just skip it?

複習完了,Bob 他們的 Uno 玩到哪了呢?

Sofia: Bob, now you just have one card left, so you need to yell “Uno” then play your last card.
Sofia:Bob,現在你只剩一張牌了,你必須喊 Uno 然後出最後一張牌。

Bob: UNO! (playing his last card)


Henry: No, Bob, you have to wait for your turn so you can play your final card.

Henry:不對啦 Bob,要等輪到你才可以出最後一張牌。

Bob: Oops, sorry.


Henry: Okay, it’s my turn.
Draw 2!

Sofia: Good job, Henry!


Bob: Henry you sly fox! Now I’ll have to take two more cards, I was supposed to win… (drawing two cards)

Bob:Henry 你狡猾的小子!現在我又要再抽兩張牌,原先都要贏了… (抽兩張牌)

Sofia: And now it’s me.

Bob: HEY! You two are
making fun of me!

draw (v.) 抽

draw 為動詞,在本文的意思為「抽」,如:draw a card (抽牌)、draw a lot (抽籤)。
補充 : 「抽屜」有抽出來的概念,英文正是 drawer。

The teacher drew from a hat to see who would answer the question.

Mary opened the drawer and took out a spoon.
Mary 打開抽屜,拿出一支湯匙。

reverse (v.) 反轉

reverse 為動詞,意思是「使反轉;倒轉;反向;推翻」,亦可指「倒車」,因此排檔桿上的 R 指的就是 reverse。

My mom believes that facial care products can reverse the signs of aging

She scared a cat when she reversed into the garage.

make fun of (phr.) 逗弄

動詞片語 make fun of 的意思為「逗弄;取笑」,後面通常接人當受詞。

Stop making fun of him! He’s just a poor boy from a poor family.

學會玩英文版的 Uno 了嗎?約個外國朋友一起玩看看吧!


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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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