
別擔心!今天就讓小 V 帶著你一起玩吧!

在今天這個美好的週末夜晚,Steve 與他的好朋友們一起到酒吧喝酒聊是非,聊著聊著,氣氛似乎有點冷卻,於是 Steve 突發奇想,告訴大家…

Steve: Hey guys, I have an idea. How about playing a game?
Steve: 大家,我有個想法,要不要一起來玩遊戲?

Jason: Good idea! Do you guys know Beer Pong?
Jason: 好主意!你們知道 Beer Pong 嗎?

Steve: What is that? I have never heard of that before.
Steve: 那是什麼?我從來沒有聽過。

Jason: Well, it’s really popular at American parties. I can explain it to all of you.
Jason: 這在美國的派對很受歡迎,我可以跟大家說怎麼玩。

Steve: You bet.
Steve: 當然。

Jason: So, the very first thing we need to do is get things set up. We need a long table and at least twelve party cups half full of beer. Then, set those cups in a triangle on the both sides of the table. Lastly, we can form two teams with two people on each team.
Jason: 第一件事情就是要把所有東西準備好,我們需要一張長桌和至少十二個裝著半滿啤酒的杯子。接著,把這十二個杯子分別在桌子的兩端排好三角形。最後,我們就可以分組,兩人一組。

Steve: I see. Then, what are the rules?
Steve: 我懂了,那遊戲規則呢?

Jason: So here are the rules. Each team will have two ping-pong balls, and each team takes turns to shoot the ball into the opponent’s beer cups. And if one team succeeds, the opponent shall drink that cup of beer and the cup shall be removed from the table. The first team to eliminate all of their opponent’s cups is the winner.
Jason: 那遊戲規則要開始囉!每一隊會有兩個乒乓球,而各隊輪流把手上的球丟進另一隊的杯子裡,如果其中一隊成功丟進,另一隊就要把被丟進的那杯啤酒喝光然後把杯子拿走。最先消滅玩對手杯子的隊伍就獲勝。

Steve: Wow, sounds interesting. Let’s get started! Hey, Jason, Let’s team up together!
Steve: 哇,聽起來很有趣,我們開始玩吧!欸,Jason,我要跟你一組!

Jason: You wish!
Jason: 你想得美!

get things set up 把事情準備好

喝酒玩遊戲之前,一定要先把酒杯或是需要的東西準備好,而 set up 這個片語有「建立,安排」的意思,「get sth. + p.p. 」這個句型有「把某事處理到某種狀態」的意思,例如:get it done (把它處理好),因此 get things set up 就是「把事情準備好」的意思。

We need to get things set up before the meeting, or our boss will be really mad.

half full of 半滿的…

不管在玩遊戲或是一般喝酒,有時候我們不想喝一整杯,只要半杯就好,用英文該怎麼表達呢?這時候就可以用到 (be) full of 這個片語,表示「充滿…」,若要表示半滿,則在 full 前加上 half (一半的) 這個形容詞即可。在這個對話中,原本句型是,We need a long table and at least twelve party cups (that are) half full of beer.。

Please prepare ten cups half full of water.

here are the rules 規則開始

玩遊戲之前不一定大家都清楚遊戲規則,若你要開始講解遊戲規則時,開頭可以怎麼說呢?你可以用 here are the rules,這是倒裝句,「地方副詞 + be動詞/一般動詞 + 主詞」的句型。

Here goes nothing!

team up (phr.) 組隊

玩遊戲有時候要分組,相信大家對 team 這個名詞不陌生,它是「隊伍」的意思,而 team 除了可以當名詞,也可以當動詞,而動詞片語 team up 就表示「組隊」,下次不管是在球場或玩遊戲都可以試試看這個片語喔!

I’ve teamed up with Max to do this project.
我已經跟 Max 組一隊一起做這個專案。

經歷一輪 Beer Pong,Steve 一行人都還沒有喝掛,反而越玩越起勁,而現在他們準備往下一個遊戲邁進…

Steve: Oh my god, Beer Pong was so thrilling!
Steve: 天阿,Beer Pong 真的超好玩!

Jason: See! I told you it would be a lot of fun.
Jason: 看吧!我就說會很好玩。

Steve: Hold on. I have come up with another game also related to cups, it called “Flip Cup.” Has anyone heard of it before?
Steve: 等一下,我又想到另外一個遊戲了,叫做 Flip Cup。

Mark: I’ve played that before, and I totally love it! Let’s do this!
Mark: 我之前有玩過,我超喜歡的!我們來玩吧!

Jason: Wait, I’ve never played that before. Can someone tell me how to play?
Jason: 等一下,我從來沒玩過,可以有人告訴我應該怎麼玩嗎?

Mark: Let me teach you. So first, just like Beer Pong, it is a team-based game, but the limit on the number of people is six. Then, we will line up cups filled with beer along both sides of the rectangular table.
Mark: 讓我來教你吧!首先,就像 Beer Pong 一樣,這是一個分組的遊戲,但每隊不能超過六個人。然後我們會在桌子兩側排好裝好啤酒的杯子。

Steve: That’s right. These are the rules: Everyone shall yell “Go” to begin the game, and the first person on each team needs to drink as fast as they can. When they have finished their beer, they set their empty cup on the table, open side up, then try to flip the cup to make the open side down.
Steve: 沒錯,遊戲規則是這樣,當所有人喊「開始」,隊伍的第一個人就可以開始喝啤酒,喝得越快越好,而當他喝完之後,將空杯子放在桌上,杯口朝上,試著將杯子彈起使杯口朝下。

Mark: Just remember, only after the first person has successfully flipped the cup can the second person start drinking and flip their cup. And the first team to finish flipping is the winner. Each person on the losing team needs to drink one shot.
Mark: 要記得,只有當第一個人成功彈起杯子使杯口朝下,第二個人才能開始喝酒跟彈杯子。第一個完成的隊伍即獲勝,輸的那隊每人將被罰一杯 shot。

Jason: I can’t wait to play this game! Get ready to be defeated, Steve!
Jason: 我迫不及待要開始玩了,等著輸吧!Steve!

thrilling (adj.) 刺激的

跟一群朋友一起喝酒玩遊戲就是好玩刺激啊!這時候你除了可以用 exciting 這個形容詞之外,也可以用 thrilling。thrilling 是形容詞,表示「刺激的」,主詞通常是事物,而如果主詞是人,則要用過去分詞形 thrilled (感到興奮的)。

The party last night was so thrilling; I really love it!

the limit on the number of people 人數限制

不管是分組或是去參觀博物館,有時候都有人數的限制。limit 就是「限制」的意思,動名詞同形,常搭配介系詞 on,後面加上 the number of people  (人數),組合起來就是「人數限制」的意思。

There is a limit on the number of people allowed inside this museum.

line up (phr.) 排隊

你是不是也聽過下面這個說法?「台灣人超愛排隊」,而「排隊」的英文是什麼呢?line 可當名詞,表示「隊伍」,也可當動詞表示「沿著…形成一排」,常用動詞片語 line up 表示「排隊;排成一直線」,而這個片語不只可以用在人,也可以用在把東西排成一直線,就像在喝酒遊戲中將酒杯排成一直線就可以用到這個片語。

Please line up to get into the museum.

the open side of a cup 杯口

你是不是很好奇用來喝酒的杯口英文怎麼說呢?大家熟知的 open 就是「開放的,打開的」的意思,那杯口就是杯子「打開的那一面」,也就是 the open side of a cup。

Please turn the open side of your cup down when you finished drinking.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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