
邊緣沒關係,跟著 Bennett 學用英文買票


剛到美國紐約讀書的 Bennett 還沒交到朋友。在生日這天,他決定去看場電影幫自己慶生,他走向電影院的售票處 (ticket booth)……

Ticket Agent: Hello. How can I help you?

Bennett: I want one ticket for the 12:30 showing of “The Lion King.”
Bennett:1 張 12:30 的《獅子王》。

Ticket Agent: I’m sorry, sir. “The Lion King” hasn’t come out yet.

Bennett: Oh, I thought today was the premiere of “The Lion King!” Then may I have one ticket for the 13:00 showing of “Toy Story 4”?
Bennett:噢,我還以為今天是《獅子王》的首映日!那我要 1 張 13:00 的《玩具總動員 4》。

Ticket Agent: Sorry, the tickets are all sold out.

Bennett: What about other showings?

Ticket Agent: Let me check for you…we do have seats available at 17:00.
售票員:讓我幫您看一下…17:00 的那場還有座位。

Bennett: Okay, I’d like to have one ticket for 17:00.
Bennett:好,那我要 1 張 17:00 的。

Ticket Agent: Would you prefer to sit in the front, middle, or back?

Bennett: In the front and by the aisle, please. Is there any discount available for students?

Ticket Agent: Sure, may I have your student ID, please?

Bennett: Here you are. (Bennett showed his student ID to the agent.)
Bennett:給你。 (Bennett 把學生證拿給售票員看。)

Ticket Agent: Okay, that will be $9.50, please. Here’s your ticket.
售票員:好的,這樣是 9.5 美元,這是您的電影票。

showing (n.) 場次

showing 為名詞,意思是「放映」,除此之外也有「(競賽中的) 表現」之意。

The first showing of the movie will be at 10:00 tonight.

come out (phr.) 上映

come out 在此指書籍、電影、專輯「出版;上映;發行」。

“Avengers: Endgame” will come out next Monday. I can’t wait anymore!

premiere (n.) 首映

premiere 是指音樂劇、電影等的「首映;首演」。相似字 debut /ˈdebju/ 則是某人的「首演;首次亮相」。

The premiere of “Swan Lake” was at the Bolshoi Theatre on March 4th, 1877.
天鵝湖的首演在 1877 年 3 月 4 日的波修瓦劇院舉行。

The piano prodigy made his stage debut at the age of 4.
這名鋼琴神童 4 歲時就在舞台上首次表演。

be sold out (phr.) 賣光

be sold out 的意思是「賣光;銷售一空」,主詞通常為商品。

The concert tickets were sold out within 5 minutes.
演唱會的門票在 5 分鐘內就賣光了。

available (adj.) 可用的

available 是指人、事、物處於可以利用的狀態,也就是「可獲得的;可使用的」。反義字為 unavailable。

The articles are available on the website.

discount (n.) 折扣

discount 的意思是「折扣;打折」,也可以理解為「優惠」的意思。

You can get a discount if you spend more than NT$2,000.
消費滿 2,000 元就會有折扣。

Bennett 看完電影後想了想,覺得其實自己看電影也沒那麼糟,隔天便前往跟大英博物館、羅浮宮並列的大都會博物館 (Metropolitan Museum of Art)。

Ticket clerk: Good morning. How can I help you?

Bennett: Morning. I’d like to buy one ticket. How much is it?

Ticket clerk: $25 for adults, $17 dollars for seniors, and $12 dollars for students. Children under 12 are free of charge.
售票員:成人票 25 美元、敬老票 17 美元、學生票 12 美元,12 歲以下的孩童免費。

Bennett: Got it. Here is my student ID.

Ticket clerk: Oh! You’re a New York University student! Students from New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut can pay as they wish.

Bennett: That’s fantastic! But I’ll still pay $12. By the way, do you provide guided tours or can I rent an audio guide?
Bennett:太讚了!但我還是付 12 美元。另外請問你們有提供導覽活動或語音導覽機嗎?

Ticket clerk: Yes, here is the schedule for the guided tours. If you want to rent an audio guide, it costs $7. It’s available in English, Chinese, French, German, French, and in many other languages.
售票員:有,這是我們導覽活動的行程表。如果你想租語音導覽機要 7 美元,它提供英文、中文、德文、法文等多國語言。

Bennett: Then I’d like to rent one.

Ticket clerk: No problem. Here’s your ticket, brochure, and audio guide.

senior (n.) 年長者

senior 可當形容詞,表示「級別較高的的;年齡較長的」,當名詞時解釋為「上司;年長者」。

Seniors are entitled to these five discounts, but they don’t know about them.

free of charge (adj./adv.) 免費的 (地)

charge 有「收費」的意思,因此 free of charge 就是「免費的;免費地」。

The service is free of charge.

guided tour (n.) 導覽

guide 當名詞意為「導遊;指南」,當動詞意為「引導」,而 tour 的意思是「參觀;遊歷」,所以 guided tour 就是「(有導覽員或解說員的) 導覽」。例如:go on a guided tour (參加導覽)。

The students went on a guided tour of National Museum of Nature Science.

audio guide (n.) 語音導覽

另一種常見的導覽則是 audio guide,audio 的意思是「聲音的」,所以 audio guide 就是「語音導覽」。

You can rent an audio guide if you miss the guided tour.

brochure (n.) 手冊

brochure /broˈʃʊr/ 是用一張紙折成的「手冊」,像是在美術館、博物館常見的「三折頁」。booklet 雖然也翻作手冊,但通常指有裝訂成冊的小書。

The brochure introduces the history of the city hall.



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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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