Check-in? Carry-on? 掌握機場英文實用單字,從容登機旅行去!


Bob 在倫敦的自由行咻一下就結束了,他現在人在倫敦的希斯洛機場 (Heathrow Airport),等著搭下午一點的班機前往波蘭華沙轉機回台灣。和小 V 一起來看看他和地勤的對話吧!

(At the check-in counter)

Ground Attendant: Hello, sir. Where are you flying to today?

Bob: I’m flying to Taipei, Taiwan.

Ground Attendant: May I see your passport, please?

Bob: Here you go.

Ground Attendant: Alright. (typing on her computer) Do you have any check-in luggage?
地勤人員:好的。(在電腦上打字) 你有任何托運行李嗎?

Bob: Yes, I have one.

Ground Attendant: Please put it onto the scale.

(Bob lifting his luggage)
(Bob 抬起他的行李)

Ground Attendant: Are there any batteries or electronic devices inside?

Bob: No. It’s full of tea. I love British tea.

Ground Attendant: Very well. Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?

Bob: Window seat, please.

Ground Attendant: Okay. Here are your boarding passes, sir. One for London to Warsaw, and the other for Warsaw to Taipei. Please hold onto them. (giving Bob his boarding passes) Your flight departs at 1 pm at gate 4C, and the boarding starts at 11:45. Have a nice trip!
地勤人員:好的。先生,這裡是你的登機證。一張是倫敦飛往華沙,另一張是華沙到台北。請妥善保管。(給 Bob 登機證) 你的班機將在下午一點於 4C 登機門起飛。十一點四十五分可以開始登機。祝你旅途愉快!

Bob: Thank you!

Bob 的行李裝的都是茶葉,看來不會有超重問題哦!和小 V 一起來複習他和地勤的對話吧!

passport (n.) 護照

passport 指的就是出國必備的「護照」。在 15 世紀時,人們透過航海旅行,要進入異國最先進入的就是港口,出示的證件就稱為 passport,字面意思即是「通過港口」(pass 和 port),後來就沿用成現今出入境使用的護照囉!

Not long after Robert landed in Barcelona, his passport and his wallet were stolen.
Robert 才抵達巴塞隆納不久,他的護照和錢包就已經被偷了。

check-in luggage (n.) 托運行李

check-in luggage 意指「托運行李」,「登機行李」則是 carry-on luggage。check 在這裡也可以被拿來指動詞「托運」。

Henry took out a cap from his check-in luggage.
Henry 從他的托運行李拿出一頂鴨舌帽。

I’d like to check these two suitcases.

scale(s) (n.) 磅秤

scales 意指「磅秤」,值得注意的一點是同樣指「磅秤」,在英國多半寫為複數 scales,在美國則是寫為單數 scale。Bob 人在英國,所以對話裡聽到的是複數 scales。

There is a scale in the kitchen.

Do you prefer window seat or aisle seat? 你想坐靠窗還是靠走道?

這句話意思是「你想坐靠窗還是靠走道?」window seat 指的是「靠窗座位」,aisle seat 則是「靠走道座位」,aisle 指的即是「走廊;過道」,注意這個字的 s 不發音。

I prefer window seats because I love looking at the scenery.

boarding (n.) / board (v.) 登機

動詞 board 的意思是「登機」,常見於和其他字組合,如:boarding pass (登機證)、boarding call (登機廣播)。

Bob boarded a plane to Poland.
Bob 登上了前往波蘭的飛機。

depart (v.) 出發

depart 意指「出發;啟程;起飛」,在機場常見的 departure 則是其名詞形,指的是「出境」,而「入境」則是 arrival。

Get ready! We’re about to depart!

gate (n.) 柵門

gate 一般指「柵門;活動門」的意思,用在機場則為「登機門」。

All passengers for flight BR856 please proceed to gate 16.
請所有 BR526 班機的乘客前往 16 號登機門。

Bob 已經抵達登機門了,距離登記時間還有半小時,這時候 …

(At the boarding gate)

Airport announcement: Attention please, all passengers for flight BR142 to Warsaw, this flight has been delayed by 2 hours due to heavy fog. Please wait at the departure hall for further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.
機場廣播:請注意,班機 BR142 飛往華沙的全體乘客,本班機由於濃霧將延誤 2 小時。請在出境大廳等待進一步通知。感謝您的配合。

(after 1 hour)
(1 小時後)

Airport announcement: Attention please, all passengers for flight BR142 to Warsaw, we regret to announce that this flight has been cancelled due to bad weather. Please contact our service counter. We will rearrange your flight immediately. Thank you.
機場廣播:請注意,班機 BR142 飛往華沙的全體乘客,很遺憾,本班機由於氣候不佳已被取消。請洽詢我們的服務櫃檯。我們將儘速為您重新安排班機。謝謝。

(At the service counter)

Bob: Hi, my flight BR 142 has just been cancelled. Could you arrange a new flight for me?
Bob:嗨,我的班機 BR142 剛剛被取消了。你可以幫我重新安排一下嗎?

Ground Attendant: Certainly, sir. Please wait a moment. (typing on his computer) It seems that you were going to transfer flights in Warsaw… Alright. Sir, I just found a seat on another flight to Warsaw, and you’ll have enough plenty of time to transfer when you arrive. Here’s your new boarding pass. Your new flight departs at 3 pm at gate 6D. Again, we apologize for the cancellation of your original flight.
地勤人員:沒問題,先生。請稍待片刻。(在電腦上打字) 看來您是要去華沙轉機 … 好的。先生,我剛剛在另一班前往華沙的班機找到一個空位,待您到達當地將會有足夠的時間轉機。這裡是您新的登機證。您新的班機將於 3 點於登機門 6D 起飛。我們再次為您原班機取消致歉。

Bob: Wow, how lucky I am! Fortunately I have plenty of time to transfer. Thank you for your help.

passenger (n.) 乘客

passenger 意指「乘客」。搭配不同的交通工具,就能用來指稱不同類型的乘客,如:airline passenger (機上乘客)、train passenger (火車乘客)。

Passengers are not allowed to bring their pets onto the bus.

delay (n./v.) 延誤

delay 意指「延誤;耽擱」,而耽誤了多久時間,常用句型「be delayed by + 時間」表示,被什麼事情耽擱,也可以用 be delayed by sth. 表示。

The train was delayed by 20 minutes.
火車延誤 20 分鐘。

I was delayed by my hamster this morning. He was too cute to leave behind.

cancel (v.) 取消

cancel 的意思是「取消」,變形時注意拼法有兩個 l 。

The concert was cancelled because the singer just had an accident.

學會登機的英語對話了嗎?小 V 希望你搭飛機不會像 Bob 一樣遇到班機取消,祝順利搭機、旅行愉快!


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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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