
走進 shopping mall 想要大血拼一番
跟著小 V 一起學個幾句購物相關英文

眼看著聖誕節即將到來,在美國打工換宿的 Emily 迫不及待想跟朋友買新衣服,一起參加聖誕派對。到了服飾店,Emily 看到喜歡的衣服沒有自己的尺寸,卻不知道該如何詢問店員,來看看朋友 Amy 是怎麼幫她的吧!

Shop assistant: Good morning, may I help you?

Amy: Yes, do you have this yellow sweater in small? The medium one seems too loose on her.
Amy:是,請問這件黃色毛衣的尺寸有 S 的嗎?這件 M 的對她來說太寬鬆了。

Shop assistant: Sorry, I’m afraid that it’s out of stock. But we do have the red one in small.
店員:抱歉,我們恐怕已經沒有庫存了,但紅色有 S 的。

Amy: Oh! Could she try it on?

Shop assistant: Sure! The fitting rooms are over there.

(After Emily tried on the sweater…)
(Emily 試穿完毛衣後……)

Emily: How do I look in this sweater?

Amy: The red one suits you very well! You look gorgeous!

Emily: Thanks. I’ll take it!

Do you have…in + 尺寸/顏色?

購物時,大家最常遇到喜歡的衣服沒有自己的尺寸,這時候只要用這個句型:Do you have…in + 尺寸/顏色?。而尺寸的 S、M、L、XL,其實就是 small、medium、large、extra large 的縮寫。

Excuse me. Do you have this floral dress in large? The medium one is too tight on me!
不好意思,請問這件碎花洋裝有 L 的嗎?M 的對我來說太緊了!

out of stock (phr.) 無庫存

名詞 stock 意思是「庫存」,因此 out of stock 就是「售完了;沒有存貨」的意思。

Sorry, madam, the high heels in red are out of stock right now, but we can place an order for you.

try sth. on (phr.) 試穿某衣物

看到喜歡的衣服想「試穿」,就用 try on 這個片語詢問店員吧!

I want to try on the beige skirt, but I can’t find the fitting rooms.

I’ll take it. 我要這個

take 有「拿」的意思,可以聯想成要將自己喜歡的商品「拿」去結帳,所以 I’ll take it. 就是指「我要買…」。

A: Madam, you look ten years younger in this hoodie.
B: You don’t say! I’ll take it!

A: 女士,您穿這件帽 T 看起來年輕了 10 歲。
B: 真的嗎!那我就買這件了!

買完衣服後,Emily 和 Amy 又經過一間鞋店,看到斗大的看板上寫著 clearance sale (清倉大拍賣),兩人便毫不猶豫地走了進去。

Shopkeeper: All the shoes in the store are on sale since there is a clearance sale this week. They’re a real bargain!
店主: 本店鞋子全面清倉大特賣。真的超級划算!

Amy: Seriously? All the sneakers are 70% off!
Amy:真假?運動鞋全面 3 折!

Shopkeeper: Yes, and there’s a 90% discount on defectives!
店主:是的,而且瑕疵品是打 1 折唷!

Amy: Great! Do you have these sneakers in size 36?
Amy:太讚了!那這雙運動鞋有 36 號的嗎?

Shopkeeper: You’re so lucky! There’s only one pair left!

Amy: Can I try them on?

Shopkeeper: Yeah, of course!

(Emily took a pair of boots and walked toward the shopkeeper.)
(Emily 拿了一雙靴子,走向店主。)

Emily: I can’t find the price tag on these boots. How much are they?

Shopkeeper: Oh! You have a good taste in fashion! But sorry, they’re my boots. They’re not for sale.
店主: 噢!妳真有時尚品味。但抱歉啦,這雙是我的靴子,是非賣品。

on sale (phr.) 特價中

on sale 是指某個商品「特價中」,主詞必須是商品,因此如果想說百貨公司在特價,你不能說 The department store’s goods are on sale.,要說 The department store is having a sale.,注意動詞搭配 have。

Today only! All leather products are on sale. Pay less, get more!

補充,另一個片語 for sale 則是「出售中」的意思,不要搞混囉!

…% off 打…折

在國外看到 10% off 可別太開心以為是打一折!off 有「去掉;拿掉」之意,所以 10% off 代表把價格拿掉 10%,也就是打 9 折的意思。

A: Oh my god! I received an email that said iPhones are 70% off right now!
B: Come on! That’s a scam email!

A: 天哪!我收到一封電子郵件說 iPhone 現在打 3 折耶!
B: 拜託!那是詐騙郵件好嗎!

offer a(n) …% discount 打…折

discount 是名詞,意思是「打折;減價」,因為這個字本身就含有「扣除、減去」之意,所以就就不用再另外加上 off 囉!例如 a 30% discount 是 7 折的意思,注意動詞常搭配 offer。

We will offer you a 20% discount if you check in on Facebook.
如果你在臉書打卡,我們就會提供你 8 折的優惠。

has a good taste in sth. 在某方面很有品味

taste 除了當「味道」之外,它還有「品味;鑑賞力」之意,所以這句話是在稱讚「某人很有某方面的品味」。

Becky has really good taste in music because both of her parents are musicians.
因為 Becky 的父母都是音樂家,所以她的音樂品味很好。


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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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