
來跟小 V 學習如何用英文放膽問路吧!

在台北讀書的 Bob 利用課餘時間努力打工存錢,終於成功在暑假前往英國倫敦,開始為期一個禮拜的自由行。他計劃第一天要去大英博物館 (The British Museum) 當個文藝青年,然而昨晚在青旅興奮到忘了給手機充電 …
平常在台北就常常搭錯公車的路癡  Bob ,來到異地沒有手機導航該如何是好?所幸他平常就有在跟小 V 學英文,該是拿出真功夫的時候了!

(On a street in London)

Bob: (approaching a young man) Excuse me, may I ask for your help?
Bob:(走向一位年輕男子) 不好意思,可以請你幫我嗎?

Man: Sure! How can I help you?

Bob: I’d like to know how to get to The British Museum.

Man: You can take bus 68. It’s just 8 stops away.
男子:你可以搭 68 號公車。8站就到了。

Bob: Great! Could you tell me where the bus station is?

Man: Go straight ahead down London Road for 4 minutes, and you’ll see the bus stop on your left side. Once you get off the bus at Russel Square Station, turn right at Russel Square and walk along the square. Then you’ll see the museum.
男子:倫敦路直走 4 分鐘,你會在左手邊看到公車站。一旦你在羅素廣場站下車,在廣場右轉,然後沿著廣場走,你就會看到博物館了。

Bob: Thank you so much! You’ve saved my day.

Man: No problem, mate!

Bob 做得好!來跟小 V 一起複習 Bob 和路人的對話吧!

I’d like to know how to get to… 我想請問怎麼去…

這句話後頭接地名或是一個地點,意思就是「我想請問怎麼去…」。I’d 是 I would 的縮寫,would like 的意思是「想要」,比起用 want 來得禮貌。

A: Excuse me, I’d like to know how to get to the train station.
B: Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know either. I have no sense of direction.

go straight (ahead) (phr.) 直直往前走

straight 在這邊是副詞,意思是「直直地」,ahead 則點出方向,意思是「向前」,go straight ahead 即是指「直直向前直走」。

Go straight and you’ll find the post office.

on one’s left/right side (phr.) 在左/右邊

left 是「左邊」,right 是「右邊」,on one’s left/right side 意指「在某人的左邊/右邊」,注意介系詞搭配 on。

We are on platform A, and platform B is on our right side.
我們在 A 月台,B 月台在我們的右邊。

walk along (phr.) 順著…走

along 的意思是「沿著,順著」,walk along… 即是指「沿著…走」,也可以寫成 go along。

Bob walked along the riverbank and noticed some swans were quarreling with one other.
Bob 沿著河堤走,看到一些天鵝在跟彼此吵架。

mate (n.) 夥伴

mate 一般意指「(動物的) 配偶」,或當動詞指「(動物) 交配」,不過在英國這個字可指「兄弟、老兄、夥伴」,是男性朋友之間對彼此的暱稱。

Sorry, mate! I’m afraid you’ve lost the game this time!

逛完博物館後,Bob 決定前往郵局寄明信片給在台灣的朋友, 於是再一次鼓起勇氣向路人問路。

(Outside The British Museum)

Bob: (approaching a lady standing outside a coffee shop) Excuse me, miss. Could you tell me where the nearest post office is?
Bob:(靠近一位站在咖啡廳外的小姐) 小姐,不好意思。妳可以告訴我最近的郵局在哪裡嗎?

Lady: Post office? There is one 3 blocks away from here. You’ll have to walk about 15 minutes.
小姐 : 郵局嗎?離這裡三個街區遠有一個。差不多走 15 分鐘會到。

Bob: Fantastic! Which way should I go then?

Lady: Do you see that bookshop on the corner? (pointing at a bookshop called “NERD”) Turn right at that corner then walk for 3 blocks. Soon you’ll notice the post office next to a bakery.
小姐 : 你看到角落那間書店了嗎?(指向一間叫做「書呆子」的書店) 在那個轉角右轉,走三個街區。然後你會看到一間郵局在麵包店隔壁。

Bob: Thank you! And one more question… where is the nearest underground station from the post office?

Lady: That’ll be Goodge Street Station. After you walk out of the post office, turn left and walk until you reach a church. It should be easy to recognize. The station is right across from the church.
小姐 : 那該是古吉街站。你從郵局走出來後,往左直走直到抵達一間教堂。那應該不難認。地鐵站就在教堂的對面。

Bob: Thank you so much! I’ve met so many friendly people today.

Lady: I’m glad to hear that. Goodbye!
小姐 : 很高興聽你那麼說。再見!

看來 Bob 問路越來越熟練了哦!和小 V 一起複習他和路人的對話吧!

Could you tell me where the nearest…is? 你可以告訴我最近的…在哪裡嗎?

這句話直翻意思是「你可以告訴我最近的…在哪裡嗎?」這算是比較禮貌的說法,比較直接的說法是 Where is the nearest…? (最近的…在哪裡?)。

block (n.) 街區

block 在這邊意指「街區」,即一個個被街道分隔的區域。

Barcelona is renowned for its carefully designed square blocks.

on/at the corner 在轉角

corner 意指「角;轉角」,on/at the corner 即是指「在轉角處」。兩者差別在於 on the corner 通常指的是建築物在轉角處,而 at the corner 強調的是某個點,通常用在像是 Turn right at the corner. 這樣的句子中。

Tommy’s favorite candy shop is right on the corner.
Tommy 最愛的糖果店就在轉角處。

補充:around the corner,意思並不是「在轉角附近」,而是指地理位置近或是時間的逼近。

Let’s go to 7-11 to buy some drinks! There’s one around the corner.
我們去 7-11 買一些飲料吧!附近就有一家。

The deadline is around the corner, but my teammates still don’t care about it at all.

next to (phr.) 在…隔壁

next to 意指「在…隔壁」,同義字為 beside。

Our school is right next to a public library.

across (prep.) 穿過

across 意指「穿過;橫過」。若要表達 A 在 B 的對面,要用 A is across from B,注意介系詞要用 from。

The dog walked across the street.

The supermarket is across from the department store.

學會簡單問路了嗎?只要鼓起勇氣開口,你也能像 Bob 一樣順利!


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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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