「接電話」的英文怎麼說? 【中式英文特輯】150 個你會講錯的英文日常用語–日常生活篇 (1)

「接電話」的英文是 accept a call?
小 V 今天要來大家看看幾個日常生活中



?spread perfume

?wear perfume

不管男生、女生,都會噴點香水讓自己更有魅力吧!當我們說「噴香水」這個動作時,可能會聯想到動詞「塗抹」spread。但如果將香水想像成一件看不見的華服,而我們要將這件衣服「穿」在身上,就不難想像用動詞 wear 才是貼切、正確的喔!

I always wear the perfume that my mom bought me.

Paula: Are you wearing perfume?
Paula: 你有擦香水?
Tam: No, this is aftershave.
Tam: 沒有,這是刮鬍水的味道。
Paula: Is there really a difference between the two?
Paula: 兩個的差別是?
Tam: Well … aftershave is scented spray that you put on your collarbone, whereas perfume …
Tam: 這個嘛…刮鬍水只是噴在鎖骨附近的芳香噴霧,但香水…
Paula: Is exactly the same thing?
Paula: 不就同樣的東西?

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?Betty has white skin.

?Betty has fair skin.

英文的 white、 black 除了可以指顏色,也可以指白人、黑人。在國外,人們對膚色、人種這個議題特別敏感,所以要特別注意!因此要稱讚一個人的皮膚「白皙」,不要直白地說 white,用 fair skin 才正確!另外補充 fair 這個字也可以形容頭髮是「淺黃的,金色的」喔!

The girl over there with fair skin, dark bushy eyebrows and dark eyelashes is Jenny.
那個有白皙皮膚、濃密眉毛和睫毛的女生就是 Jenny。

I have dark hair but my brother’s is fair.

Cathy: The weather is looking great this weekend. Do you and Betty want to go to the beach?
Cathy: 這週末天氣超棒。你和 Betty 想去海邊嗎?
Grace: I would love to, but Betty … I’m not so sure.
Grace: 我想,但 Betty… 我不確定。
Cathy: Why is that?
Cahhy: 為何?
Grace: Because she has such fair skin. She gets sunburnt really easily.
Grace: 因為她皮膚很白,很容易曬傷。
Cathy: I remember now. She ended up as red as a lobster that time we went hiking.
Cathy: 我想起來了。上次我們去爬山她曬得跟龍蝦一樣紅。

(去髮廊) 剪頭髮

?cut one’s hair

?have one’s hair cut / get a haircut

中文常常說的「我剪頭髮了」,如果照樣翻譯成 I cut my hair.,其實是指你本人拿著剪刀自己剪喔!所以要表示去髮廊剪頭髮,是別人幫忙剪的,要用 have one’s hair cut 或是 get a haircut。have something done 這個句型是指請別人幫忙替你做某件事情,而 get a haircut 的 haircut 是名詞,記得要合在一起使用喔!

Steve: Want to get lunch?
Steve: 誰要去買午餐?
Paul: I can’t; I’m actually on my way to get my hair cut.
Paul: 我不行,我正要去剪頭髮。
Steve: Oh really? Where do you normally go? I haven’t been able to get a good haircut since I moved here.
Steve: 是喔?你通常都去哪裡剪?我搬來這之後都沒有剪過好看的頭髮。
Paul: This guy in the south of the city.
Paul: 這人在南區。
Steve: Have you got the address? I might drop by there this afternoon.
Steve: 你有地址嗎?我今天下午可能會過去一趟。
Paul: Don’t bother. You need to book at least a month in advance.
Paul: 也不用了,因為你必須至少一個月前預約。


?Where is my glasses?

?Where are my glasses?

眼鏡的鏡片永遠都是兩片對吧?因此就跟有兩條褲管的褲子 pants 一樣,我們會把他們當作複數、搭配複數動詞。而當我們要說「一副」眼鏡,會用 a pair of 這個量詞,那麼「兩副眼鏡」就是 two pairs of glasses 囉!

I think my glasses are on the shelf. Did you see them?

Can you show me another pair of glasses? I don’t like the color of this pair.

Anne: (frustrated) Where are my glasses? I’m always misplacing things!
Anne: (感到沮喪) 我的眼鏡呢?我總是東西都不知道放到哪!
Chris: You know, I had an idea that would solve this problem–“smart glasses”
Chris: 你知道的,我有個想法可以解決這個問題,那就是智慧型眼鏡。
Anne: How would those work?
Anne: 怎麼有用法?
Chris: It would be like Alexa. You would shout: “Glasses, where are you?” and they’d reply “I’m over here!”
Chris: 可能像是 Alexa 那樣,你就大喊一聲:「眼鏡,你在哪?」然後它就會回:「我在這!」
Anne: Right… but that’s not much use if you can’t see, which would be the case if you were looking for your glasses.
Anne: 恩…但如果你看不到的話也沒什麼用,就像你在找眼鏡的時候。
Chris: Good point.
Chris: 有道理。

【科技】智慧型眼鏡捲土重來?(Amazon-Backed Smart Glasses For $1,000: First Look)


?Give you.

?Here you go. / Here you are. / There you go. / There you are.

中文常說的「這給你」,注意不要直接翻成 give you!道地的說法是 Here you go/are. 或 There you go/are. 不管是借東西給別人,或是結完帳店員把東西給你,都可以這麼說喔!

Cindy: Thanks for helping me out on this D.I.Y. project. Can you pass me the wrench?
Cindy: 謝謝你幫我一起組裝這個東西。可以麻煩你把板手遞給我嗎?
Karen: Sure, no problem. Here you go.
Karen: 好啊沒問題。給你。
Cindy: Okay, now hand me the screwdriver.
Cindy: 好的,現在請把螺絲起子給我。
Karen: Here you are.
Karen: 給你。
Cindy: Alright … There’s a small bag of screws down there.
Cindy: 好的…下面那有一小袋螺絲。
Karen: (hands Cindy the screws) There you are.
Karen: (把螺絲給 Cindy) 給你。
Cindy: Okay, I’m going to pass you down something. (hands it down) There you go.
Cindy: 好,我要遞給你一個東西。(遞出) 給你。


?Close the light.

?Turn off the light.

關燈這個動作在翻成英文時,很容易直覺反應使用 close 這個動詞,但在英文文法裡,這只能用在關門、關窗等。若是需要透過「按鍵」來完成,則要用 turn off (關閉),反之則為 turn on (開啟)。其他像是冷氣、電風扇也都要搭配 turn off / turn on。

Please remember to turn off the light when you leave.

I turn on the air conditioner for only three hours a day.

Phil: Chris, can you stop leaving the lights on at night?
Phil: Chris,你可以不要一直在晚上的時候把燈開著嗎?
Chris: What’s the problem? Electricity is cheap!
Chris: 有什麼問題嗎?電費很便宜!
Phil: Yes, but what about our environment?
Phil: 沒錯,但環境呢?
Chris: Getting me to turn off the lights isn’t going to stop global warming.
Chris: 要我關燈並不會停止全球暖化。
Phil: But it can help, and it doesn’t require much effort.
Phil: 但是會有幫助,而且也不用花什麼力氣。
Chris: Fine …
Chris: 好吧…


?accept a call

?answer / pick up a call

接電話、講電話這件事,真的是不能再更日常了!今天我們要用英文說「接電話」,記得是使用動詞 answer 或是片語 pick up,而非 accept (接受)。另外補充一下,片語 get through (to sb.) 則是「打通電話」的意思。

You should answer your mom’s calls, or she’ll keep calling until you go back home.

Alan: (checking phone) Missed call from an unknown number …
Alan: (看手機) 有通為顯示來電者的未接來電…
Mario: Did they leave a message?
Mario: 有留言嗎?
Alan: No, they never do. They just keep trying to call again and again.
Alan: 沒有,從來都不會。他們只會一直打一直打。
Mario:  I don’t know why they just don’t send a text or an email.  Especially if you didn’t answer the call the first time.
Mario: 我不知道為什麼他們不傳訊息或 email。特別是如果你第一次的時候沒接電話的話。
Alan: Exactly. Do they expect me to just drop everything and pick up their call?
Alan: 沒錯。他們希望我們就什麼都不管然後接電話嗎?

I’ve been trying to get through to my boyfriend all day; I really need to talk to him.



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文/ Angel Hsu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels, CC licensed
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語