健身潮流正夯!6 個英文詞彙教你輕鬆和外國朋友聊健身!

趕緊來看看以下 6 個英文詞彙,

work out

現在健身已經是種潮流,常常會聽到人家說去 work out。但到底應該是在說 work out 還是 workout?兩者有什麼差別?雖然兩者都解釋為「健身」或「運動」,但兩者的詞性不一樣,work out 是分開兩個字,屬動詞片語,傳達「動作」的意思;而 workout 是一個字,為「名詞」。

Let’s hit the gym and work out together tomorrow; it’s always better to go to the gym with someone.

My workouts are usually about two hours long. And I only go to the gym twice a week.

眾說紛紜!一週到底該運動幾天呢?(How Many Times a Week Should I Workout?)

work off

work off 是動詞片語,可解釋為「消除、去除、消耗」。要把多餘的脂肪消除掉,就可以說 work off the fat。或是我們也可以說 get rid of the excess fat,get rid of 的意思和 work off 相似。

I’ve finally shed some pounds; it wasn’t easy trying to work off the fat.

I listen to classical music to help me work off any stress that I have.

weight training

weight training 是「重量訓練」的意思,也就是我們常講的「重訓」。重訓時需要透過使用不同的健身器材 (workout equipment) ,來鍛鍊肌肉以提升肌力 (muscle strength)、爆發力 (muscular power)、肌耐力 (muscular endurance)。除此之外,重訓還可以雕塑身材線條。

Weight training is key to building muscles, but don’t forget about sleep and the food you eat. They are also important in the process of forming your muscles.

Girls should not worry about weight training making them look too muscular; it will give them a better figure in the end.


ripped 是形容詞,來自其動詞形 rip (撕裂),但是 ripped 和撕裂一點關係都沒有,在用作形容身材時,ripped 是指「肌肉線條分明的、精壯的」。

A: When did you start working out? I remembered that you were skinny fat in the past.
B: Three years ago.
A: You look so ripped now.
A: 你什麼時候開始健身的?還記得以前你很像泡芙人。
B: 3 年前開始的。
A: 你現在看起來很精壯。

如果你不愛自己的身體 (What It’s Like To Not Love Your Body)

spare tire

tire 的意思是「輪胎」,spare 可指「備用的」或是「多餘的」, 照字面上 spare tire 可解釋為「備用輪胎」。可是當用作形容身材時,想像一下哪個部位最有可能像輪胎般圓圓滾滾的,然後又是多餘的?沒錯,就是「腰間贅肉」啦,也就是我們中文常說的「游泳圈」。

I want to get rid of my spare tire; what kind of exercise should I do?

A: Look at my spare tire; how am I supposed to wear a bikini this summer?
B: Don’t worry about it; just hit the gym with me starting tomorrow.
A: 看看我的「游泳圈」,這個夏天我要怎麼穿比基尼?
B: 別擔心,明天起跟我一起去健身房吧。


abs 是 abdominal muscles 的簡稱,abdominal 意思是「腹部的」,因此 abs 可簡單稱為「腹肌」。夏天女生愛穿露肚裝、到沙灘更是要穿比基尼,所以女生都希望肚子可以平坦 (flat tummy) ,如果可以的話配上「馬甲線」 (firm abs) 就更好了;男生追求的當然就是「六塊肌」(six-pack) 以及「人魚線」(v-line abs) 。要知道腹肌明顯與否,跟我們的體脂 (body fat) 是有很大的關係喔!

A: What kind of equipment should I use to get abs?
B: First of all, I think you should lose weight and lower your body fat before trying to get a six-pack.
A: 想要練腹肌的話,應該要用什麼器材?
B: 首先我認為你應該要先減重,把體脂降低,再來練六塊肌。

以上 6 個和健身相關的詞彙是不是很簡單、很容易就可以記住了呢?學會了就會發現,其實要開口跟志同道合的外國朋友討論健身話題並不難喔!


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文/ Fibby
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pixabay
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語