挑戰英文聽力與口說的極限-Nigahiga教你饒舌like a PRO.


今天請來了元老級YouTuber – Nigahiga (Ryan Higa)來為您解析時下饒舌樂,讓我們一起rap like a PRO-FESSIONAL:

Tips: Choose your rapper name ⇒ signature catchphrase ⇒ signature look ⇒ un-enunciate  rapping style write.

Ryan Higa

And I wanted to let you know that life will get better if you choose to make it better, it’s okay to be sad and angry now and then, there are some things that maybe out of your control, like a bully that picks on you or a boy or girl that rejects you or even a sibling that outshines you, but the one thing that you and only you control is your perspective and your actions.


0:50  OJ not line the orange juice but like OJ Simson the convict, like Konvict music founded by AKON, AKON, acorn a corn on a cob, web, Webster’s dictionary.

O.J. Simpson
美國美式足球員,綽號The Juice (因為其名字首字母跟柳橙汁縮寫一樣)。1994年被指控謀殺其妻子及好友,最後被判無罪,但大眾普遍不相信他的清白。日後曾被發現非法持有毒品、洗錢…等等不法行為。2007年犯下武裝搶劫及綁架等重罪,目前在獄中服刑,所以Higa才會用the convict(罪人)稱之。

Konvict Muzik
由歌手AKON及Melvin Brown所成立之唱片公司。會取名為Konvict是因為AKON曾自稱自己入獄服刑過-A…KON(vict), a convict。而他幾乎在每首歌的開頭都會有鐵鍊、鐵牢門關上的聲音並說:convict。

(un) enunciate
to pronounce words clearly (清晰地發音)
字根(root-word)為nunci,同nunc、nounc皆有『說、宣布、 警告』的意思。
pronounce=forward+announce 發音
denounce=down/against+announce 指責
renounce=backward+announce 宣布放棄、退出

5:25 Yo so thank you all so much for watching. If you wanna see the bloopers, and behind-the-scenes click…

又稱outtake, gag reel或boner,指那些出錯被刪掉的影片片段。亞洲等地通常會用『NG』畫面稱之。

Source: How to be a Rapper, Draw My Life – Ryan Higa

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