看電影學英文!6 組和《阿拉丁》相關的英文俚語來啦!

相信大家腦海中都是 A Whole New World 的旋律吧!
那今天小 V 就來介紹和阿拉丁相關的英文俚語,

at one’s wits’ end


We always call our younger brother “Little Loki,” since he’s such a trouble-maker, like the god of mischief. We’re all at our wits’ end with him.

Aladdin’s lamp


A: What is it that you truly desire?
A: 你內心深處最想要什麼?
B: I want to be rich, smart, and have the ability to master all languages in the world.
B: 我想要變有錢、變聰明,還要有精通所有語言的能力。
A: I wish I was Aladdin’s lamp, so I could grant you three wishes.
A: 我希望我是阿拉丁的神燈,這樣就能滿足你三個願望了。

20 個你不知道的強檔動畫片小秘密 (20 Hidden Mistakes In Kids Movies That You Never Noticed [KYM])

Aladdin’s cave


The zoo is an Aladdin’s cave of animals for enthusiastic animal lovers.

diamond in the rough

即「未經雕琢的鑽石」,比喻「面惡心善、舉止粗魯但內心善良的人」,電影中賈方 (Jafar) 不斷提到要把 diamond in the rough 送進神奇洞穴 (cave of wonders),以取得傳說中的神燈。百老匯音樂劇的版本也有以 Diamond in the Rough 為歌名的歌曲哦!

He looks sloppy and boorish, but it turns out that he’s a diamond in the rough.

為什麼迪士尼公主看起來都有寶寶臉?(Why Do Disney Princesses All Look Like Babies?)

double down on sth.

即「加倍努力或決心 (以完成一項任務)」之意,原本這個說法來自博奕遊戲,指下注加碼,後引申表「加倍努力」。威爾史密斯在訪談中提過《阿拉丁》的拍攝團隊裡 “Everyone doubled down on getting it right” (每個人都加倍努力做到最好)。

In order to make her dream of being an actress come true, she doubled down on getting auditions.

a crick in one’s neck

crick 是「扭傷」的意思,而「脖子的扭傷」可以引申為「落枕」的意思。卡通版阿拉丁把精靈召喚出來時,精靈就說了句 “10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck” (關一萬年真的會落枕)。

A: I really have to call in sick today.
A: 我今天真的要打電話請病假。
B: What’s wrong? Are you alright?
B: 怎麼了?你還好嗎?
A: I got a crick in the neck from sleeping in an awkward position last night.
B: 我昨天因為睡得不舒服所以落枕了。

這次新上映的《阿拉丁》真人版完全勾起了童年回憶,小 V 看完後真的覺得很過癮!大家不妨去電影院時多多複習以上的俚語唷!


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文/ Liang-Chun Chen
圖/ Freepik, Pexels, CC licensed
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語