
來來來,我們要與時俱進,跟著小 V 好好了解這些爆紅的時事關鍵字!


即 publicity stunt。


People say that the tragic story of the mayor is simply a publicity stunt to gain sympathy. I have no comment on that.

得到神啟 / 媽祖托夢

「得到神啟」即 receive divine revelation / inspiration。
「媽祖託夢」即 Mazu came to me in a dream。

divine 表「神聖的、天賜的」之意,而 revelation 指「天啟、神示」、inspiration 是「靈感」。這樣句型分解下來,是不是很好記呢?

A: Mom, I want a new laptop.
A: 媽!我要買新的筆電。
B: Why? Is your old one broken?
B: 為何?舊的壞了嗎?
A: No, Mazu came to me in my dream last night, and I received divine revelation / inspiration of Mazu. She suggested buying a new laptop. If I use a new one, I will study harder and go to a good college. Then I’ll end up with a bright future.
A: 非也,媽祖娘娘昨夜托夢,吾得神啟,若使用新筆電,吾將發憤讀書,考取好大學,最後前程必定似錦。
B: …please don’t make me regret having children.
B: ……請別讓我後悔生小孩。


Wish sb. prosperity! / May sb. be prosperous!

現任高雄市長韓國瑜接受質詢時,說了數次「高雄發大財」,故最近「發大財」三字不斷佔據各大網站平台。形容詞 prosperous 是「繁榮、富足」之意,名詞為 prosperity、動詞為 prosper。以上兩種說法也都適用於過年祝賀別人「恭喜發財」。

A: Happy Chinese New Year! May you be prosperous!
A: 新年快樂!恭喜發財!
B: Wish you prosperity, too! Don’t forget my red envelope!
B: 也祝你恭喜發財,別忘了紅包拿來喔!

跳針 / 鬼打牆

即 repeat oneself。


A: Do you know where my boyfriend is?
A: 你知道我男友在哪嗎?
B: He’s out with his best buddies.
B: 他和兄弟們出去玩了。
A: So, where is he now?
A: 所以他現在在哪?
B: He’s with his best friends.
B: 他和好朋友在一起。
A: You’re repeating yourself, tell me WHERE HE IS NOW!
A: 你在鬼打牆了,告訴我他到底在哪?
B: He told me not to say anything…oops!
B: 他叫我啥都別說……糟了!

英文口說:講出清晰架構 (IELTS Speaking Part 3 Trick: Outstanding Organization)


即 down-to-earth。


The super star is famous for her outstanding acting skills. What’s more, she is very accessible and down-to-earth.

補充:英文裡說的 grassroots 指「草根」,也就是「平民老百姓」。

抓住模仿精髓!Ryan Higa教你一秒變好萊塢影星 (How To Act Like Your Favorite Actors)

每天都有新詞彙或用語產生,而我們學語言可以和生活結合,會更有趣味!歡迎大家留言告訴小 V 你們想知道的時事關鍵字!


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文/ Liang-Chun Chen
圖/ Pexels, CC licensed
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語