「馬上」除了 immediately 還可以說…?6 個棒球片語讓你的英文頂呱呱

讓你覺得驚訝時不再只會說 surprising

touch base

touch base 是摸到壘包?base 除了壘包之外,也有「基礎;基底」的意思,也就是瞭解基本的狀況,常用來表示跟某人聊聊,藉此了對方的近況,或跟對方談談以得知他對某事的想法。

A: Oh, my! We haven’t seen each other since the class reunion 60 years ago!
B: Yeah! I never expected that this car accident would actually give us a chance to touch base with!
A: 噢!天啊!我們從 60 年前的那次同學會後就再也沒見到面了耶!
B: 對呀!我從沒料到這場車禍居然讓我們有機會可以好好聊聊。

A: Sorry, but I don’t have time to touch base with you because I have to feed my cat. Maybe tomorrow?
B: But …Spring Festival comes tomorrow…and I need you to confirm something with me.
A: 抱歉啦,我現在沒時間跟你多談,因為我要回去餵貓了,或許明天囉?
B: 可是…明天就是春節了耶…我需要跟你確認一件事。

set up to the plate

這裡的 plate 是指「本壘」的意思,而在投手要投球時,打者便會踏上本壘板,準備打擊。所以 set up to the plate 就是「開始著手某事」,同義片語還有 get the ball rolling 或 embark on sth.。

The new city government set up to the plate to overhaul the cityscapes.

come out of left field

left field 是指球場的左外野,因為左外野離一壘最遠,所以如果打者已經將球打向左外野,卻還是在到達一壘之前出局的話,就真的是讓人料想不到的結果,因此便衍伸為「出乎意料之外」。

The announcement of her retiring from acting really came out of the field. After all, her career had just begun to take off.

【超誠實影評】原來復仇者聯盟 2 這麼瞎!?(Honest Trailers – Avengers: Age of Ultron)

(right) off the bat

這個片語直翻是「(當球) 離開球棒」,球離開球棒後就會飛出去,而打者便要馬上跑向一壘,這些事都是在一瞬間發生的,所以(right) off the bat 的意思就是「馬上;立刻」。

Even when it was his first time seeing the sheet music, the violin prodigy was able to play the hard piece of music elegantly right off the bat.

人生的意義?分享「延續成就感」的 3 種關鍵法 (What Is The Meaning Of Life: 3 Keys To Lasting Fulfillment)

go to bat for sb.

go to bat for sb. 可不是要拿著球棒去打架!在棒球比賽中,這個片語有「代打」的意思,所以這就衍伸為「支持某人;為某人出力;幫某人一把」。

During the large scale strike, the labor union and the legislators went to bat for those who were ripped off.

play ball with me

如果有人跟你說 play ball with me,他可不是要你陪他一起打棒球或踢皮球!他的意思其實是「互相幫忙;彼此合作」,像是在跟對方談條件時,你就可以說 If you play ball with me, I will play ball with you.

The police pretended to play ball with the drug dealers in order to arrest the drug lord.



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文/ Vivian Chen
圖/ Pexels, CC licensed
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語