【聖誕節英文】除了 Merry Christmas 你還可以這樣說!

除了 Merry Christmas 這種幼幼班等級的英文,

Christmas comes but once a year.


A: This beach is gorgeous! But I don’t want to ruin my expensive dress and heels…
B: Come on! Christmas comes but once a year.

A: 這個海灘也太美了吧!但我不想毀了我這身昂貴的洋裝跟高跟鞋……
B: 拜託!機會難得耶!

A: Mom, I want to buy this nice wool coat, this super sexy bikini, these Adidas shoes and…
B: What? I just bought you a lot of clothes last week. Christmas comes but once a year.

A: 媽,我想要買這件羊毛大衣、這件超性感的比基尼、這雙愛迪達的鞋子,還有……
B: 我有聽錯嗎?我上禮拜才買一堆衣服給妳耶!妳當妳每天都在過年嗎?

cold turkey

cold turkey 並不是在說冷火雞,而是指「一下子就完全戒掉癮頭或習慣」。有一說是說毒品成癮者在剛戒毒時,身體會發冷、起雞皮疙瘩,讓人聯想到冷的火雞,這就是 cold turkey 的由來,在使用這個片語時說 go/quit cold turkey on sth.。

When he was diagnosed with lung cancer, he immediately went cold turkey on smoking.
But it was already too late.

【TEDx】當我們孤單在一起 (TEDxUIUC – Sherry Turkle – Alone Together)

Christmas came early (this year).


A: Jenny, you’re going to be an aunt. We’re having  a baby!
B: Congratulations! Christmas came early this year.

A: 珍妮,妳馬上就要當阿姨了,因為我們有寶寶囉!
B: 恭喜你們!看來我們可以提前放鞭炮慶祝囉!

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

中文有句成語叫「馬齒徒長」,形容人虛擲光陰,這個成語也告訴我們可以從馬的牙齒判斷牠的年紀。如果你收到別人送你的一匹馬,卻馬上打開牠的嘴巴想知道牠的年紀來預估其價值,就是非常斤斤計較的行為。所以 Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 就是叫人對禮物不要太挑剔。

A: I don’t want to join gift exchange parties anymore! My gift sucks!
B: Hey, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. You should appreciate what you got.
A: But it is a carrot!

A: 我再也不參加交換禮物的派對了!我收到的禮物爛透了!
B: 嘿!別這樣挑東挑西的啦,妳該懷著感激收下它。
A: 但它是根紅蘿蔔!

(be there) with bells on

在還沒有汽車的時代,要前往參加特別的場合時,人們會在出發前用鈴鐺裝飾馬車,叮鈴作響的聲音聽起來讓心情更加輕快,也表示自己對該活動迫不及待的心情。所以 be there with bells on 就是指「熱切地想參加 (活動)」。

A: Will you come to see my ballet performance? It’s my stage debut.
B: Of course! I’ll be there with bells on!

A: 你會來看我的芭蕾舞表演嗎?這是我第一次登台演出。

The more the merrier.

merrier 是 merry 的比較級,意思是「快樂的、愉快的」對外國人來說,聖誕派多就是人越多越熱鬧,所以「越多越開心」就是指「人越多越有趣、越好玩」的意思。

A: My four sisters, three brothers and my parents also want to join your birthday party… Would you mind if I bring them too?
B: That would be great! After all, the more the merrier!

A: 我的 4 個妹妹、 3 個弟弟還有我爸媽也想參加妳的生日派對……妳會介意我帶上他們嗎?
B: 這樣很好啊!畢竟人越多越有趣嘛!

HISHE – 蝙蝠俠大戰超人 (How Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Should Have Ended)

所以今年聖誕節別再只說 Merry Christmas 了!外國朋友邀請你參加聖誕派對時,跟他說句 I’ll be there with bells on! 聽起來會更有聖誕氣氛唷!??


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文/ Vivian Chen
圖/ Pexels, CC licensed
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