西餐禮儀大不同!帶你一網打盡 7 個常用的刀叉英文片語


stick a fork in (me/it/sth.)

「把叉子叉在我身上」聽起來好像很怪,這個片語是從烹煮肉類衍伸出來的,我們在烤肉或煮肉時,會把叉子叉進肉裡確認熟了沒,所以如果說 You can stick a fork in me! 就是「我已經好了!」的意思,這個片語適用於許多場合,可以拿來形容事情完成了,或指事情無法再繼續下去。

A: How much time do you need to complete the Power Point?
B: You can stick a fork in me!

A: 你還需要多少時間完成簡報?
B: 我已經完成了!

A: Do you want one more chocolate cake?
B: No thanks! You can stick a fork in me.

A: 你想要再一塊巧克力蛋糕嗎?
B: 不了謝謝!我已經吃不下了。

fork out

fork out 單從字面上的意思來看就是將食物用叉子分出去,意為「不情願地買…;不情願地付錢」。

Despite lacking interest in the art exhibition, he still forked out for the tickets for him and his girlfriend.

I lost the new umbrella that I bought this morning, so I forked out another 200 NTD to buy another one.
我弄丟了我今天早上剛買的雨傘,所以我只好再花 200 元買一支。

【金融時報】寵物食品 高級「饗」受 (Pet food goes posh I FT Business)

play a good knife and fork

play a good knife and fork 字面上的意思是「把刀叉拿得很好」,也就是刀叉用得很順手,便衍伸為「狼吞虎嚥」、「吃得很急」。

The kids were playing a good knife and fork because they spent the whole day running outside.

go under the knife

在中文若要說動手術,我們會說「開刀」或「動刀」,在英文也有這樣的說法,那就是 go under the knife,其他同義片語還有 have surgeryundergo surgeryhave an operation,如果要加上開刀的部位,要用介係詞 on 來連接。

Nowadays, more and more people decided to go under the knife to to change their appearances.

My grandfather is going to have an operation on his eyes tomorrow.

【深度報導】中國整形「歪」風:我想變老外 (China’s Tortured Beauties: Make Me Look Western)

like a knife through butter

刀子非常鋒利,如果拿來切奶油的話一刀就可以切開了,也就形容事情「輕而易舉」。同義片語還有 child’s play,意指某事像小孩子的遊戲一樣簡單,還有 duck soup 也是指「易如反掌的事」,因為以前有一說認為鴨子很容易獵捕。

Boston Red Sox cut through the Los Angeles Dodgers like a hot knife through butter.

For a Straight A student like him, calculus and organic chemistry are child’s plays!

on a knife edge

edge 是「邊緣、刀鋒」,而 on a knife edge 處在刀鋒上,就是指某事的狀況「搖擺不定、懸而未定」。

The US politics will remain on a knife edge until the midterm election ends.

如果是 knife-edge 則會變成形容詞,可以指「搖擺不定的」,也可以指「尖銳的、鋒利的」。

Dabajian Mountain has many knife-edge mountain ridges for climbers to challenge themselves.

twist the knife (in the wound)

twist 這個動詞有「纏、扭」的意思,而 twist the knife (in the wound) 這個片語是指「揭開他人傷疤;在別人傷口上撒鹽」。

In order to further twist the knife, he kept mentioning her past that she was unwilling to face again.

看完以上 7 個片語有沒有發現原來餐具不只可以在餐桌上使用,還可以帶入日常的對話中呢!我們身邊的日常用品其實都衍伸出許多的俚語及片語,鎖定 VoiceTube Blog,繼續跟著小 V 學習有趣的片語吧!


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文/ Vivian Chen

圖/ Pixabay, CC licensed
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語